You Are moving Into 5th dimension, More Than You Believe!

While you are well aware that the current earth chaos is a component of the structural devastation you have long desired, it appears that it will last for several decades at this rate.You’ve been thinking about it for far too long.

Instead of being paralyzed by dread of the turmoil, realize that you have both fresh creation talents and skills from previous lifetimes that allow you to construct a completely new environment for yourself.

This is true for the millions, and soon billions, of you who are at the vanguard of this transformational change.

However, you have heard that same prognosis time and time again, leading you to question the legitimacy of such proclamations in the first place.

Everything that is terrible in your life and the world may change in a matter of days, let alone decades, and you have no idea how this is possible.

Despite the fact that you are most interested in your own life and the lives of those close to you, you are also becoming more open to the lives of people you will never meet. You are becoming more open to the notion of “we are one” in ways that you may not have anticipated.

Because you are growing increasingly angry about political, economic, environmental, intellectual, and health crises that are occurring throughout the world. Of course, not to the point where you fly to another area of the globe in order to save a certain community, but to the point where you feel a tinge of discomfort whenever you hear about the suffering of others.

This was foreshadowed. However, it is possible that you were unaware of the significance of that forecast until recently. Of course, there is always the social aspect of good and wrong that exists in any situation. However, your recent feelings of grief, no matter how minor, are less about dualism and more about the concept of “we are one,” according to you.

You are transforming into a new human at a faster rate than you are aware of. And the aches you’re experiencing right now are only the beginning. Likewise, those of you whose sufferings are becoming increasingly severe will not allow discrepancies to persist.

Does this imply that everyone would combine their financial resources to assist one another? Perhaps. However, it is more probable that you will be at the head of the movement, teaching people how to live in delight.

When it came to 3D, caretaking was the approved approach to achieving happiness: “I will give you some of my riches so that your life will be better.” “I will show you how to build your own riches, however you define them,” says the new version of the notion.

It is important to note that the 3D notion is based on the erroneous assumption that the people you assist are less intelligent and talented than yourself. The notion you are maturing into is that everyone is unique and has the ability to build a life that is joyous and fulfilling for themselves.

Have you forgotten that the affluent never seem to be satisfied? That notion was created in order to ensure that the people at the top of the 3D pyramid would continue to be in command. However, the desire to be like those at the top resulted in a desire to follow in their footsteps. It was important to ensure that the majority of people were enamored with something they could not have.

As a result, rather than delighting in the earth life you created, you were frequently filled with envy for what you lacked and did not truly desire to create.Each day of your earthly existence was to be devoted to the exploration and enjoyment of specific characteristics and activities.

That is not to say you came to earth with the intention of being completely miserable; rather, one of your keys in every existence was to find joy in the life you built in order to find delight in any aspect preparing you for this lifetime, and that was one of your keys in this lifetime as well.

Unfortunately, that joy preparation was limited because fear overshadowed almost all of your 3D incarnations and pushed it to the side.This means that, at the same time as you are experiencing transitional energy bursts and the fulfillment of 3D karma, you are also learning to enjoy delight in elements of your life that you have ignored in prior lifetimes.

As a result, it is probable that this incarnation has been more terrible than any other that you have previously lived. Not because you were wounded, injured, or living in poverty, or because you were experiencing bodily, mental, or spiritual agony.

However, because you chose to disregard most of the grief from prior lifetimes in order to find whatever happiness you could, It took you lifetime after lifetime to confront your anguish, only to confront it once more in this lifetime to discover the source of it.

You are just now, and only now, allowing yourself to learn what it is that actually brings you delight. Not the joy you emitted to distract yourself from your grief, but genuine pleasure that comes from within you.

Once you allow that delight to permeate your entire being, you will notice that your desire to care about the rest of the world gives way to an interest in exhibiting your happiness. You may also find satisfaction in assisting others in discovering their own joy.

In the event that you are a member of the joy teacher group, you will firmly urge your joy pupils to uncover their own personal joy.

For example, a student may desire to live a solitary existence in the desert as a form of experiment. Perhaps they have aspirations to become exceedingly affluent individuals.

Perhaps they aspire to have a pleasant home life with their families. It makes no difference because your 5D delights are no longer considered successful by your 3D society.

As a result, your present state of world instability will come to an end far sooner than you can now imagine. According to your current 3D vision, everyone will live a life of joy in the way that you and society define happiness.

The world’s instability will diminish swiftly and finally disappear from your life and the lives of those who are brave enough to explore beyond conventional expectations of what should make everyone happy.

Again, you cannot foresee such events occurring in the near future at this time. On the other hand, we are not convinced. Allow the events to serve as the proof, rather than your expectations, your delight, or your understanding of what is good and wrong in society.

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3 thoughts on “You Are moving Into 5th dimension, More Than You Believe!”

  1. This has been my life I finally seen how to be happy within myself even when everything fell apart .I want to start a community of loving people and a farmers market to fund it people who can work a garden do some canning all natural products .some herb medicine . Get back to the real life .

  2. …finding joy in your life, regardless of circumstances. That is SO powerful. I have done this all my life , but very few actually follow this – being mostly ‘never satisfied’ .

    Great teaching…

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