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how to Create Spiritual Connection with your twin flame!

A spiritual connection with your twin flame is not about indoctrinating them into accepting your worldview or enjoying your tastes in music and literature. It is also not about transforming the other person into a more “spiritual” person while establishing a spiritual relationship. This is an immature and dangerous approach to take in your relationships.

Instead, strengthening the soul contact between the two of you is the goal of developing a spiritual relationship. Being vulnerable, engaged, attentive, open, and responsive to the other person is essential for spiritual connection.

The following are a few suggestions:

1. Every day, make a note of the time in “US TIME.”

There are times when life is simply too hectic to devote the necessary time and energy to a romantic engagement. One of the easiest things you can do to improve your relationship is to set aside time each day from your hectic schedule to sit with your lover alone. You may begin to increase your spiritual connection by just sitting together on the sofa in each other’s arms while watching a movie.

2. Learn about the spiritual lessons your partner is teaching you.

When your partner’s actions, words, and ideas are not done purposefully to you, you will learn a great deal. Learning how to spiritually grow in your relationship is essential to having a spiritual connection. Describe what you’re being taught by your companion. Remember that our partners are frequently able to perceive our “blind spots,” and as a result, they may disclose a great deal about us to us, even when we are not looking.

Please keep in mind that our partners are frequently able to notice our “blind spots” and, as such, may disclose a great deal about us, even when we do not intend to do so!

3. Make Use of Your Eye Contact

Couples who no longer look each other in the eyes are one of the most heartbreaking things I encounter on a regular basis. These couples converse with one another, sometimes carrying on whole discussions without even a glance at the other partner.

The act of looking someone in the eyes is quite personal. Basically, when you make direct eye contact with your partner, you are demonstrating to them that you are listening attentively and completely involved in what they are saying. Not only is eye contact a show of respect, but it is also the most effective method of connecting with another person’s soul. Is “soul gazing” something you’ve ever heard of? It is believed that by staring into another person’s eyes, you can bathe in the waters of their soul, which is why it is called “soul gazing.”

4. A Smaller Addition.

Physical contact is a crucial factor in establishing a spiritual connection. The subtle energy communicated through touch is extremely binding in the sense that it aids in the development of a stronger bond with your companion. Physical contact is calming and reassuring, and it may often say much more than words alone can express in a situation.


In your heart, what do you want to say? Which of the following do you mean a great deal to you and wish to share with someone else? Do you remember any life-changing moments? Introduce yourself to your significant other. During our early morning walks, I enjoy engaging in deep discussion with Luna. Discuss anything that’s on your mind, and set a regular time and location for it.


Laughter has the instant effect of opening the heart and strengthening your spiritual connection. Acquire the skill of lightheartedly laughing at yourself, your partner, and each other. It is possible to strengthen your relationship by just viewing humorous videos together.


Open communication is absent from the majority of detached relationships. An open communication style is defined as the capacity to communicate your opinions and feelings honestly while showing respect for the other person’s point of view. It’s referred to as “non-violent communication” by psychologist Marshall Rosenberg (I recommend that you read his book for more guidance). Communicate your feelings to them if you’re wounded, angry, lonely, or experiencing any other negative emotion. Do not assume that anyone, even your lover, can read your thoughts. An honest relationship built on mutual care, respect, and love is built on the foundation of open communication about how you’re feeling.


You will find it difficult to absolutely love your partner if you do not fully love and accept yourself for who you are. Your alternative is to force them to live up to unending expectations, demands, and ideas about who they “should” be and how they “should” behave, all of which will be contrary to their best interests. You will develop your spiritual connection with your spouse by practicing self-love and accepting all of the light and darkness that exist inside of you. The only way to bring about true change is to start with yourself. If you want your relationship to be more fulfilling, you must first improve your connection with yourself.

9. Forgive those who have previously harmed you.

It’s impossible to have a healthy relationship while harboring grudges and mental “tallies” of wrongdoing. It is true that the longer you hang on to grudges, the more lonely and separated you will feel from your mate. If you have a tendency to hang onto grudges, make space for yourself to let go and open your heart to forgiveness. If you want to find closure with your spouse, you will almost certainly need to explain your feelings to him or her in an open, polite, and non-violent way.

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