We Are In The Midst Of A Revolutionary Transition!

A revolutionary shift is occurring in our time, one that promises a brand new, more advanced civilization. Awakening refers to this transition, which takes time and effort. If you can wrap your head around this simple fact, you’ll be in a much better position to welcome the transition to the 5th dimension.

We are at a crossroads in human history, standing between two worlds at once. Many people are unsure of what to believe as they try to make sense of the old 3D reality and the new 5D world coexisting alongside one another. It’s important to recognize that the cornerstones of a smooth transition are the mental practices of meditation and concentration. One must guard against the trap of thinking that they have arrived or that they know everything. These ideas are holdovers from the old cabal’s deliberate attempts to sow discord.

Keeping an open and inquisitive mind is of the utmost importance in light of this radical change. We are not yet at our final destination, but rather at a crossroads where both of the following must be true.

  1. The rise of collective consciousness
  2. The collapse of the cabal’s money system

Beyond Earth, in the hands of Father or Mother God, is where the final breakthrough will be decided. It’s crucial to resist falling for the claims made in other people’s reports or forecasts. Nobody on Earth knows for sure when this innovation will materialize. Don’t forget that “hollow barrels sound the loudest.”

The Precarious State of Our Civilization

Our current age is truly remarkable, as it marks the final stages of a major cosmic cycle. A chance to take part in the great event of planetary transformation that this transition represents, the New Age, has arrived. But it’s discouraging to see how little people care about our civilization’s biggest turning points. Our society, industry, culture, and more have all taken significant hits at the hands of globalists and the political establishment. Their criminal actions are becoming public knowledge, earning them widespread condemnation.

We’ve arrived at a crossroads where we must make a decisive decision. Corporate media promotes poison injections as an example of how the forces behind the New World Order aim to put humanity in danger. This crisis calls for immediate action to repair the harm done to Earth’s population. The implementation of the new QFS money system and the substitution of land law for maritime law are crucial to bringing about this correction.

Reclaiming Our Sanity and Responsibility

It’s common knowledge that people around the world have given corrupt governments unprecedented levels of trust and obedience. The effects of this capitulation are far-reaching and threaten to upend the very foundations on which humanity rests. If we give up our knowledge and accountability, we give up our independence and, eventually, our lives. Awakened humanity, however, makes it clear that the cabal’s evil plan will not be realized. For the sake of our children and future generations, we are prepared to fight for what we believe in.

The removal of oppressors, liars, thieves, and slave masters ushers in a period of profound change. When cooperation replaces competition as the prevailing value, we enter a golden age of plenty. It will shatter the commonly held notion that human life ends when the body does. When the soul leaves the body, it reveals the reality of life after death, which can lead to a profound expansion of awareness.

Christ Jesus foretold an imminent breakthrough, and that time is drawing near. A new day has dawned as a result of these accelerated shifts.

Disclosure Illuminates the Path

Disclosure and revelation are transformative forces that shed light and facilitate recovery. The ancient Khazar Empire is one of many examples in history of a society that successfully manipulated its wealth. They perfected the art of money creation and went from being nomadic raiders to ruling over a prosperous empire. The aristocracy of Khazaria converted to Judaism so that they could profit from lending at interest without offending the followers of other faiths. Understanding the current landscape requires this historical background.

These developments are nothing short of historic, as they herald the end of a murky era characterized by oppressive levels of secrecy and centralized authority. Rothschild banking dynasty strategies have influenced globalist financiers for centuries due to their emphasis on secrecy and total control. These strategies entail using politicians as pawns and keeping their actions secret from the public eye.

The printing press was a watershed moment that changed the balance of power from the church to the wealthy elite. The introduction of fiat currency facilitated the emergence of elite power and ultimately concentrated real wealth in the hands of international bankers. As a result of this shift, the masses’ freedom was gradually curtailed and eventually lost.

Unraveling the Grand Deception

People who have infiltrated the highest levels of banking, government, the military, religion, and secret societies are the masterminds behind this massive hoax. As a result of these Luciferian and Satanic influences, a vast web of deceit and corruption has spread throughout all levels of society. When lies are on such a massive scale, they are difficult to tell apart from the truth.

Corrupt practices such as bribery, blackmail, murder, drug trafficking, money laundering, weapon sales, mind control, human trafficking, and even the horrific ritualistic sacrifice of young children are all results of this global deception, which takes on different forms at different levels. This elaborate deception scheme is a web that stretches from the very top to the very bottom of the world.

The abolition of central banks is the most urgent and vital step toward freeing humanity from the shackles of financial terrorism and debt slavery. This one step is the only way to break free of the grip of the criminals who print money out of thin air and keep people, governments, and businesses in debt indefinitely with exorbitant interest rates.

Reclaiming Control

As we delve deeper into the issue at hand, it becomes clear that those few who understand this system are either deeply entangled in its profits or beholden to its favors, guaranteeing that there is no significant opposition. History shows that those who control a country’s currency are in a strong position to pass laws. To ensure our freedom and free humanity from the control of globalist financiers, we must destroy this dishonest financial system.

In conclusion, liberating ourselves from the grips of central banking and monetary manipulation is imperative for the future of humanity. A collective awakening and the destruction of the cabal’s influence are the first steps toward a higher-dimensional world free of corruption and suppression. Now is the time to seize the initiative and create our own future. Our actions will pave the way for a better, more prosperous future for all of us, and the truth will set us free.

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1 thought on “We Are In The Midst Of A Revolutionary Transition!”

  1. Merci pour ce message qui éclaire ma conscience de l’amplitude de cette manipulation. Qui va dénoncer publiquement toute l’exploitation de l’humanité au grand public? Doit-on retirer notre argent des banques et de la bourse. Notre argent aura telle encore de la valeur? Pouvez-vous m’éclairer? Vais-je recevoir une réponse? Merci!

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