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Transform Your Life with the Secret of DNA Activation!

At the beginning of each individual’s life, their minds are like unfinished canvases, only waiting to be filled with the colors of their experiences. Human experience, represented by the spectrum of colors, leads to the steady growth of the cognitive capacities necessary for a “normal existence” throughout time. At the same time that a person’s intelligence, creativity, and memory are flourishing, their character, values, and beliefs are being molded by a conglomeration of environmental and experiential factors. This initial state of happiness is gradually obliterated by the constant barrage of information provided by sources such as society, the media, and even one’s own family. The early stages of what is now called “ego” may be traced back to this developing sense of identity. When ego gets in the way of genuine expression, the result is a kind of amnesia—a forgetting of what it’s like to simply enjoy being alive and to have complete control over one’s own destiny.

Activating certain glands and organs in the body is the key to remembering who you really are—an infinite being. They are like vast data warehouses that contain every bit of human knowledge. A person’s existence may be transformed from one of fear and restriction to one of ultimate freedom and possibility by replacing the knowledge created by traumas with information about unlimited possibilities.

DNA reprogramming is the means by which the shift takes place, a method by which the sounds of the EGO are deliberately replaced with the luminous language of the soul and its messages are installed straight into the body. It enables one to experience the power of one’s own expression, as opposed to the distorted, divided ego-version.

DNA activation alters the biological memory of individual cells at a fundamental, molecular level. The medulla oblongata in the brain is the site of the reprogramming that then transmits new instructions to the rest of the body. The human body is able to undergo remarkable internal and external alterations when the DNA is updated with new beliefs and memories.

The Medulla Oblongata—Center of Transformation!

The medulla oblongata is an important part of the human brainstem that controls breathing, blood pressure, and heart rate automatically. It links the spinal cord to the remainder of the brain and is situated near the base of the brainstem. The medulla, measuring around 3 cm in length, is split into the open medulla and the closed medulla. The central canal and the brain’s fourth ventricle may be found in the open medulla, whereas the central canal is found in the closed medulla.

This region of the body is one of the most fascinating since it is the hub for reprogramming. The individual’s chosen blueprint is then downloaded into the brain and spread throughout the body through the nerve system. If the stuff a person is made of is altered, then that’s it; they’re permanently better off. It’s the most potent method for changing people’s lives.

The goal is for the body to receive and process information from the pineal gland.
Signs of dysfunction Grinding your teeth, problems with your mouth, teeth, or gums, a psychological breakdown, neurosis, psychosis, or an anxiety condition are all symptoms of a neurological system that is malfunctioning. The medulla, like the rest of the human body, conveys information through short, precise signals. The state of the medulla determines the meaning of these signals, which in turn shape individual experiences.

I know that living out my full potential is not determined by right or wrong, good or terrible, normal or weird,” is a common statement made by people whose medulla oblongata is both healthy and active. I try to keep my life in a state of equilibrium and harmony, regardless of what the majority thinks. The phrases “I shouldn’t,” “I ought to,” and “I must” no longer hold me back from pursuing my passions.

A person’s life would go something like this when their Medulla Oblongata is unhealthy or underactive: “I feel trapped in a circumstance or relationship because it is required of me. When others around me do anything out of the ordinary, particularly in front of others, it makes me uncomfortable, and I may even feel ashamed. To the extent that it matters to me, I care what other people think and will alter my behavior to fit in, even if I don’t agree with their views.

The Medulla Oblongata and Kundalini Awakening

The Kundalini energy, which is thought to lie dormant at the base of the spine, is said to be awakened in the medulla oblongata in many different spiritual traditions. This energy, once reawakened, ascends the spine to enliven the chakras and bring about a radical shift in one’s state of mind.

How to Activate the Medulla

You have to find the organ before you can do anything else. Where the spinal cord terminates and the skull starts is known as the medulla, a portion of the brainstem. Then tune into your intuition, locate the center of the energy, and give in. Following this concentration of energy is like letting the feeling guide you, and you may get a little tingling sensation. This method serves as the foundation for stimulating any gland or organ. The Lumen Octave Principles may be used to enhance and perfect it.


The Medulla Oblongata is a little region of the brain that plays a huge role in controlling several unconscious processes in the human body. It’s also thought of as a spiritual epicenter, a place where significant shifts in outlook and awareness might take place. The Medulla Oblongata has profound spiritual significance, and by learning how to activate it via exercise, we may accelerate our own spiritual development.

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3 thoughts on “Transform Your Life with the Secret of DNA Activation!”

  1. Would the medulla oblongata be the place where my seizures are beginning? What can I do to stop these occurring? And is there anyway I can get my short
    term memory back? I’ve always wondered if the epilepsy medication is what’s causing my memory to fail.

  2. “….Then tune into your intuition, locate the center of the energy…”,

    What the hell does this mean ? How do we do that ?

    “…Following this concentration of energy is like letting the feeling guide you,…”.

    What feeling ?

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