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Dna Activation Symptoms People Are Currently Feeling!

These symptoms are being experienced by a large number of people right now. These individuals are becoming more conscious of what is truly going on with them.

What is truly happening is the activation of all levels of your awareness, as well as a general increase in the vibration of your body. DNA activation manifests itself in the form of these symptoms.

1. Insomnia, waking up in the middle of the night, and other sleep disorders Don’t even bother trying to sleep again. The more you do it, the more fatigued you will become from doing it. During these brief intervals, contemplate and concentrate on your own growth.

2. Anxiety and discomfort

3. A burning feeling and tingling in the feet and hands.

4. Having a fatigued and bewildered feeling in the early morning.

5. Unusual activity (buzzing, tingling, pressure) near the crown of your head, at the area of the seventh chakra. Never be alarmed; you are merely becoming more receptive to divine energy, allowing it to pass through you more freely and effectively.

6. Strange tingling sensations on the top of the head and down the spine.

7. Unpredictable mood swings and despair that you can’t put your finger on. There is no room for fear in this environment. If you are experiencing this, it means that your heart chakra is cleaning.

8. Experiencing anxious breakdowns or bursts of pleasure for no apparent cause. Another sign that your heart chakra is being activated is that you are being compelled to cut off all of the bad ties that you have. Get rid of anything and everyone in your life that is not vibrating at the same frequency as you.

9. The continual growth of events that cause you to go off the rails, or the encountering of persons that cause you to have bad feelings. These are the lessons that you will need to focus on in the future. Accept them with appreciation and then release them from your life forever.

10. Changes in body weight (losing or gaining weight). All of the anxieties that you have to confront are returning. Depending on your situation, this might lead to obsessive eating or it can have the opposite effect, causing you to lose interest in food. Your dislike for food will transform into a love for it; conversely, the foods that you previously liked might turn into things you despise.

11. You are experiencing a shift in your vision (they look heavy and tired, your sight is blurry).

12. You have the ability to detect microscopic, iridescent particles floating in the air, as well as auras and even rainbows in the most unexpected locations.

13. When you close your eyes, you no longer perceive darkness; instead, you see illumination.

14. When you close your eyes, you may also see geometrical shapes, colors, and magnificent visions in your mind.

15. Every color you see grows brighter and more distinct as time passes.

16. As your degree of perception increases, you begin to view objects with your inner sight, which is a new sensation. Those are items that exist in alternate realities.

17. Using your peripheral vision, you will be able to detect white lines at dawn and sunset.

18. An improvement or a decline in the quality of your hearing

19. An increase in heart rate. 20. You may begin to enjoy certain dishes while despise others that were formerly a favorite of yours.

20. A sharpened sense of perception

21. Skin rashes and allergies.

22. Periods of excessive activity that occur repeatedly.

23. Exhaustion and indifference.

24. Changes in your meditation routines (difficulty concentrating).

25. An increase in your overall energy level.

26. Headaches and soreness in the neck and back.

27. Digestion issues.

28. Muscle spasms.

29. An increase in heart rate and overall cardiac activity, as well as chest discomfort, without any medical explanation.

30. Alterations in your libido and sexual potency.

31. Having a strong desire to be silent and not speak, as well as jaw discomfort.

32. The reduction of muscular tonus.

33. Changes in your physical appearance.

34. Having vivid dreams that hold messages for you.

35. Things, circumstances, and people appear in your life and alter your view on life and everything in your immediate environment.

36. You desire to be alone and secluded from other people.

37. A decrease in the desire to interact with people.

38. Outbursts of originality.

39. The sensation that time is passing more quickly than it was previously.

40. A lack of patience.

41. Having the impression that you are no longer the same person you used to be.

42. You have a deep sense of connection to the Earth and the natural environment around you.

43. In your presence, household appliances and light bulbs continue to malfunction.

44. All of the puzzle pieces in your life begin to fall into place precisely.

45. Manifestation or enhancement of paranormal powers (also known as psilocybin).

46. A sense of being one with all that exists. LOVE that knows no bounds and is completely unconditional.

47. You become into someone who is unselfish and noble.

48. Your ideas and desires appear considerably more quickly than before.

49. Increased activity in the left hemisphere of your brain.

50. Vertigo and dizziness

51. Hair and nail development that is more rapid.

52. An unquenchable yearning to meet your other half.

53. Depressive episodes on a regular basis (feeling lonely and abandoned).

But please don’t be concerned, because at this time, all of these symptoms are quite normal. No need to be terrified because you are not alone in this experience. There are millions of people who are affected by these signs and symptoms. And the number of people joining us is increasing with each passing minute.

You should address your Higher Self once you have experienced a significant number of the symptoms stated above. Listen to your soul as well as your body and they will assist you in discovering the answers to all of your inquiries.

Be entirely conscious of and appreciative for the process of DNA activation because you are evolving into your true self, and it is a wonder that you are doing so.

DNA activation signifies a return to one’s roots.

Disclaimer: The symptoms indicated here may occur as a consequence of a medical condition or as a result of other factors. If you believe your health may be at danger, please seek professional assistance immediately.

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