The 12/12 Full Moon Gateway Activation! – Profound Heart Light Expansion !

By – Melanie Beckler

1212 Full Moon Gateway Activation

Tap In to Profound Heart Light Expansion Now!

1212 represents the call to awaken higher consciousness so you can activate your crystalline energy, expand your consciousness, and tap into profound soul insights and self-healing.

And with the PROFOUND energy of the Full Moon on December 12th (12/12) … We’re now experiencing one of the most activating gateways of the year!

12-12 brings the last Full Moon of the Year, and the last Full Moon of the decade too!

It also opens a Gateway of Divine Light and energy leading towards the Solstice on 12-21!

There’s an incredible opportunity now for rising up, awakening to a new level and expanding your heart light so you can tune into and embody the highest Truth of Your Light.

And for the next week while we’re under this energetic influence…

With awareness…

You can use this energy to release and clear out everything that is holding you back.

And reset into greater alignment and harmony with the LOVE of your Awakened Heart Center and with the Highest Divine Truth of You!

A metaphysical opening of accelerated ascension energy is happening…

Triggering a major collective shift point and empowering you to Expand Your Heart Light and embody your Highest Truth Now.

In this brand new session recorded specifically for the 12-12 Full Moon, the Archangels, Angels and incredible Ascended Master beings connect to help you make the most of these powerful energies.

As you listen to this .mp3 channeled angel session you will effortlessly awaken your heart center to a new level so you can claim the downloads of Higher Light available now.

This is your chance to make the most of this profound energy of transformation right here and now.

To integrate the blessings of 2019, release the challenges…

And through your awakened heart center, allow new level of embodied divine love to reach you.

Connect with Archangel Michael, Archangel Raphael, Archangel Gabriel, Archangel Uriel and with your personal team of angels and guides to:

  • Instantly feel an energetic shift that will leave you glowing!
  • Cleanse and balance your heart center and energy body.
  • Release tension and distortion from your energetic field.
  • Magnify love in your experience.
  • Activate your Third Eye.
  • Shift and Embody your Highest Self now.
  • Access the Truth of Highness
  • Fully anchor your Divine I Am Light.
  • Activate Your Will Center.
  • Resonate with the truth of your Divine Soul Song
  • Receive Downloads of your Highest Destiny.

The timing right now is perfect for this…

And all you need to do is relax, press play and listen to this audio angel session.

After listening you will feel refreshed, and recharged…

Because you will be glowing with pure Divine Light from within.

Are you ready to reconnect with and embody the Highest Divine Truth of You by Awakening your Heart Light and Expanding the Power of this Access Point to Infinite Possibility?

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