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Techniques to Positively Change Your Vibration!

We all have a vibration, which is the energy that we emit and attract. Our vibration can be influenced by our thoughts, emotions, actions, and environment. When we have a high vibration, we feel happy, healthy, confident, and aligned with our purpose. When we have a low vibration, we feel sad, sick, insecure, and disconnected from our true self.

The good news is that we can change our vibration by using some simple techniques that can help us heal, activate, and transform our energy. In this article, we will explore some of these techniques and how they can benefit us in different aspects of our life.

DNA Healing

One of the most powerful ways to change our vibration is to heal our DNA. Our DNA is the blueprint of our physical and spiritual existence. It contains information about our ancestry, health, talents, and potential. However, our DNA can also carry traumas, diseases, and limiting beliefs that can affect our vibration negatively.

DNA healing is a process of clearing and repairing our DNA from any distortions or damages that may have occurred in this or past lifetimes. By doing so, we can restore our original divine blueprint and activate our dormant abilities and gifts. Some of the benefits of DNA healing are:

  • Improved physical and mental health
  • Enhanced intuition and psychic abilities
  • Increased creativity and manifestation power
  • Greater connection to our higher self and soul purpose

DNA Music Repair & Healing Frequencies

One of the easiest ways to heal our DNA is to listen to music or sounds that have specific frequencies that can resonate with our DNA and stimulate its repair. These frequencies are also known as solfeggio frequencies or healing tones. They are based on ancient mathematical principles and sacred geometry that correspond to different aspects of creation.

Some of the most common solfeggio frequencies are:
  • 396 Hz: This frequency helps us release fear, guilt, and negative emotions that can block our energy flow.
  • 417 Hz: This frequency helps us undo situations and facilitate change. It also helps us cleanse traumatic experiences and clear karmic patterns.
  • 528 Hz: This frequency helps us repair our DNA and restore its original state. It also helps us increase love, joy, and peace in our life.
  • 639 Hz: This frequency helps us harmonize relationships and enhance communication. It also helps us connect with others on a deeper level and foster empathy and compassion.
  • 741 Hz: This frequency helps us awaken intuition and expand consciousness. It also helps us cleanse toxins and infections from our body and environment.
  • 852 Hz: This frequency helps us return to spiritual order and align with our true self. It also helps us access higher realms of wisdom and knowledge.

To use these frequencies for DNA healing, we can simply listen to them as background music or meditate with them. We can also use them to tune our instruments or sing along with them.

DNA Activation Techniques Through Meditation

Another way to heal and activate our DNA is to use meditation techniques that can help us access higher states of consciousness and connect with our higher self. Our higher self is the aspect of us that knows our soul purpose and guides us on our spiritual journey. By connecting with our higher self, we can receive guidance, inspiration, and healing for our DNA.

One of the simplest meditation techniques for DNA activation is to visualize a golden light entering through the top of our head (crown chakra) and filling up our entire body. As we do so, we can affirm:

“I am activating my DNA to its highest potential. I am aligning with my divine blueprint. I am embodying my true self.”

We can repeat this affirmation as many times as we feel comfortable while breathing deeply and relaxing. We can also ask our higher self to assist us in this process and send us any messages or insights that may be helpful.

Affirmation and Positive Thinking

One of the most powerful ways to positively change your vibration is to use affirmation and positive thinking. Affirmation is the practice of repeating positive statements to yourself that affirm your desired reality. For example, you can say to yourself “I am worthy of love and happiness” or “I am attracting abundance and success”. Positive thinking is the practice of focusing on the positive aspects of your life and situation, rather than dwelling on the negative ones. For example, you can think of all the things you are grateful for or all the opportunities you have.

Affirmation and positive thinking work by reprogramming your subconscious mind, which is the part of your mind that controls your beliefs, habits and emotions. By changing your subconscious mind, you change your vibration and attract more of what you want into your life. Affirmation and positive thinking also boost your mood, self-esteem and motivation.

To use affirmation and positive thinking effectively, you need to do them consistently and with conviction. You can say or write down your affirmations every morning and night, or whenever you need a boost of positivity. You can also use affirmations as mantras or chants that you repeat throughout the day. You can also practice positive thinking by journaling, meditating or talking to yourself in a positive way.

Manifesting Genuine Relationships

Another way to positively change your vibration is to manifest genuine relationships with people who support you, inspire you and uplift you. Relationships are a major source of energy exchange in our lives. When we interact with people who vibrate at a similar or higher level than us, we feel more energized, happy and connected. When we interact with people who vibrate at a lower level than us, we feel more drained, unhappy and isolated.

Therefore, it is important to surround yourself with people who match or raise your vibration. These are people who share your values, goals and vision. They are people who respect you, appreciate you and encourage you. They are people who make you laugh, smile and grow.

To manifest genuine relationships, you need to be genuine yourself. You need to be authentic, honest and vulnerable with others. You need to express your true feelings, thoughts and desires. You need to be open to giving and receiving love, support and feedback. You also need to be selective about who you spend your time and energy with. You need to let go of toxic people who bring you down, hurt you or take advantage of you. You need to set healthy boundaries and respect yourself.


Positively changing your vibration is not something that happens overnight. It is a process that requires commitment, practice and patience. However, it is also a rewarding process that can transform your life for the better. By using techniques such as affirmation, positive thinking and manifesting genuine relationships, you can raise your vibration and attract more positivity into your life. You can also enjoy more health, happiness and success in all areas of your life.

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