Seeing 12:12 and the Merkaba Field

By Tanaaz

I tend to see number patterns fairly frequently like 11:11, 4:44 and so on. But lately, I have also started seeing 12:12, which is definitely a new one for me so it caught my attention.

Number patterns carry their own unique meaning and while there are some classic interpretations, I also think that number patterns can be unique to the person and their own journey.

So, when I started seeing 12:12 I tried to tap into my own intuition to see what this may mean for me. Perhaps it was a sign of something new coming into my life? While this resonated with me, I also wanted to investigate further.

The first bit of information I found came from the website Willow Soul

“According to Merkabah mysticism, 12:12 is a code portal that, when you enter in resonance with it, activates your Merkabic field. When this happens, you are in alignment with the human heart connecting to the Unity Consciousness.”

Now, this really caught my attention, so I did some further research.

Merkaba (also spelled Merkabah) is our “light spirit body” and is an energetic field that surrounds us when we are tapped in to a higher state of consciousness. This energetic field forms the shape of a star tetrahedron and it is believed that this formation of energy allows our light body to travel to higher dimensions.



The star tetrahedron is made from two pyramids, one pointing up and one pointing down. The pyramid pointing up helps to connect you to the heavens, whereas the pyramid pointing down helps you to stay grounded in the physical. These pyramid shapes also vibrate and move in opposite directions.

When this spinning Merkaba force field is observed around a person, it is believed that they have activated the ability to travel across different dimensions. This is why the shape of the Merkaba has been referred to as a chariot or mode of transport for our light body.

1212 is believed to be the code that can help to activate this energy, so if you are seeing 1212 it could very well be a sign that your light body is developing and you are raising your level of consciousness to a point where you can perceive outside of the physical reality.

Even though 1212 has come into my consciousness I can’t say that I feel any different! Maybe not yet anyway. But seeing this number pattern has unlocked a lot of new insights.

Even though it appears we live in a 3D world, when we awaken, we actually begin to see that life is simply a reflection of the thought energy of every conscious being on the planet.

Collectively, all of our thoughts shape the world and reality that we live in. But, we each have a responsibility over our own thoughts, for it is our own thoughts that will shape our experience of what reality is.

If our thoughts are shaping our experience of reality, it also means that we can use our thoughts to access other realities and unlock other states of being.

It’s almost similar to dreaming. Every night when we are in a deep state of sleep, part of us “travels” and visits certain people and places and experiences certain things. While we are dreaming, everything feels real.

In the same way that we travel in our dreams, our light bodies can also travel to higher states of consciousness in order to see the world differently and to experience a different type of reality.

The fact that our thoughts create reality is nothing new, however there seems to be a lot of ego mixed up in this idea, which is why this idea has lost some of its power.

It is not about wishing for a car and then seeing it manifest. Instead, it is about aligning our thoughts with our inner self, our higher self, our true self.

When we can align our thoughts with our own personal truth, that is when we can raise our level of consciousness and feel on track with the destiny of our soul.

This state of being can be accessed by those who have awakened, but it can be tricky to stay in this state all the time. This is why the Merkaba is made of up two pyramids pointing in opposite directions. Part of our duty here on earth is to say grounded and connected, but of course, we don’t want to get stuck here.

Because 1212 is believed to be the code that activates the Merkaba, on 12/12 every year, it is believed that a portal opens to help accelerate the formation of this energy field.

Once this energy field exists around you, it is able to lift your light body to higher levels of consciousness, so you can align with unity and oneness, and see that we are all connected.

I am sure there is a lot more to the Merkaba, and I am looking forward to exploring and feeling into it a little more. If you have found this article, there is a good chance your Merkaba is forming too.

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