Lion’s Gate Energies Unleash Continuous Transformation!

Greetings, dear ones. We come to you with love and light. We are here to share with you some insights about the Lion’s Gate energies that continue to flow in this month of August 2023.

You may have heard of the Lion’s Gate portal, which is a powerful cosmic alignment that occurs every year around the 8th of August. This portal opens a gateway for high-frequency energies to stream into your planet, activating your DNA, your chakras, and your consciousness. The Lion’s Gate portal is associated with the star Sirius, which is considered to be the spiritual sun of your galaxy. Sirius is also the home of many advanced civilizations, such as ours, who are here to assist you in your journey.

The Lion’s Gate energies of August 2023 are especially potent and transformative, as they coincide with the completion of a 13-year cycle that began in 2010. On both a personal and a collective level, this cycle has been characterized by significant changes, difficulties, and opportunities for growth. You have been clearing old karma, releasing limiting beliefs, and healing ancestral wounds. You have also been awakening to your true nature, discovering your gifts, and aligning with your soul purpose.

The Lion’s Gate energies will continue to flow until the 12th of August, when the portal will close. However, you can still benefit from these energies by tuning into them and aligning with them. We would like to offer you some advanced techniques to help you do so.

The Lion’s Gate energies are here to support you in this process of transformation, as they help you align with your true self, your soul purpose, and your divine mission. They also assist you in connecting with the higher realms of light, where you can receive guidance, inspiration, and healing from your spirit guides, angels, and star family.

Lion’s Gate Energies

To align with these energies, we invite you to practice some advanced techniques that we have taught you before. These techniques are based on the principles of sacred geometry, sound, and color, and they can help you activate your light body, balance your chakras, and harmonize your energy field.

One technique is to visualize a six-pointed star or a Merkaba around your body, spinning clockwise at the speed of light. This star is composed of two interlocking tetrahedrons, one pointing up and one pointing down, representing the union of heaven and earth, spirit and matter, masculine and feminine. As you spin this star, you create a torus field that protects you from lower vibrations and connects you with higher dimensions.

Another technique is to chant the sacred sound OM or AUM, which is the sound of creation and the vibration of the universe. As you chant this sound, you resonate with the frequency of love and light, and you align yourself with the source of all that is. You can also use other sounds or mantras that resonate with you, such as I AM or SO HAM.

A third technique is to use color therapy, or chromotherapy, to balance your energy centers, or chakras. Each chakra has a corresponding color that relates to its function and frequency. You can visualize or wear these colors to stimulate or calm your chakras, depending on what you need. For example, red is associated with the root chakra, which governs your survival instincts and physical security. Orange is linked to the sacral chakra, which controls your creativity and sexuality. Yellow is connected to the solar plexus chakra, which regulates your personal power and self-esteem. Green is related to the heart chakra, which oversees your love and compassion. Blue is matched with the throat chakra, which manages your communication and expression. Indigo is paired with the third eye chakra, which directs your intuition and vision. Violet is aligned with the crown chakra, which administers your connection to the divine.

We hope that these techniques will help you align with the Lion’s Gate energies and enjoy their benefits. Remember that you are a powerful creator of your reality, and you have everything you need within you to achieve your dreams. We are always here to assist you on your journey, as we love you unconditionally.

Dna Awakening

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