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Ascension Activities Are Picking Up Speed and You Should, Too!

If you are feeling a surge of energy, light, and love in your body, mind, and soul, you are not alone. The ascension activities have been accelerated in the past few weeks, and many people are experiencing the effects of this cosmic shift. In this blog post, I will explain what is happening, why it is happening, and how you can align yourself with the higher frequencies of the new earth.

But what are the ascension activities, and why have they been accelerated? In this blog post, we will explore some of the factors that are contributing to this phenomenon and how you can prepare yourself for the changes that are coming.

What are the ascension activities?

Ascension is the process of raising your vibration and consciousness to a higher level of awareness and existence. It is a natural and evolutionary step for humanity, as we are moving from a 3D reality of separation, fear, and limitation, to a 5D reality of unity, love, and abundance. Ascension is not something that happens overnight, but rather a gradual and ongoing journey of awakening and transformation.

The ascension activities are the various ways that the divine plan for the Earth and humanity is being implemented. They include:

  1. The influx of high-frequency light and energy from the galactic center and other sources is activating our DNA, awakening our dormant potentials, and triggering our spiritual growth.
  2. The intervention of benevolent extraterrestrial beings, such as the Pleiadians, who are assisting us in our ascension process by providing guidance, healing, protection, and inspiration.
  3. The emergence of new paradigms, technologies, systems, and movements that are based on love, cooperation, harmony, and sustainability and that are challenging the old structures of fear, separation, domination, and exploitation.
  4. The increase of synchronicities, miracles, manifestations, and intuitive insights is showing us that we are co-creators of our reality and that we have the power to shape our destiny.
  5. The expansion of our consciousness beyond the physical realm and into the multidimensional aspects of our being, where we can access higher wisdom, knowledge, and abilities.

Why have they been accelerated?

The Lion’s Gate Portal happens every year around this time, but this year it is especially significant because it coincides with other astrological events that are creating a shift in the collective consciousness. Some of these events include:

  • Venus retrograde in Leo: Venus is the planet of love, beauty, and harmony. It goes retrograde from July 23 to September 3, 2023, inviting us to reevaluate our relationships, values, and self-worth. Venus retrograde in Leo asks us to reclaim our sovereignty, authenticity, and creativity in our expressions of love.
  • Venus Cazimi: On August 13, 2023, Venus will be in exact conjunction with the sun, creating a rare phenomenon known as Venus Cazimi. This means that Venus will be at its brightest and most powerful point, shining like a diamond in the sky. Venus Cazimi can bring clarity, insight, and illumination to our desires and passions.
  • New Moon in Leo: On August 16, 2023, there will be a new moon in Leo, marking a new lunar cycle and a fresh start. New moons are ideal for setting intentions and planting seeds for the future. A new moon in Leo can inspire us to be bold, confident, and creative in pursuing our goals.

These astrological events are creating a window of opportunity for us to tap into our inner lion and roar our truth to the world. They are also preparing us for the next phase of our ascension journey, as we enter into a new era of light and love.

The Ascension Activities

How can you prepare yourself for the changes?

The changes that are occurring as a result of the ascension activities are inevitable and unavoidable. However, how you experience them depends largely on your attitude, perspective, and choices. Here are some tips to help you prepare yourself for the changes:

  • Stay grounded in the present moment and focus on what is positive and meaningful in your life. Avoid letting worry, fear, or negativity distract you.
  • Keep your vibration high by meditating, praying, expressing gratitude, being kind, having fun, and doing what makes you happy. Avoid lower-vibrational activities such as consuming alcohol, drugs, junk food, or violent media.
  • Follow your intuition and trust your inner guidance. Listen to your heart and follow your passion. Be authentic and express yourself freely.
  • Connect with like-minded people who share your vision and values. Support each other and collaborate on projects that benefit humanity and the planet.
  • Learn as much as you can about the ascension process and what is happening on the planet. Seek out reliable sources of information and discernment. Be open-minded, but not gullible.
  • Be flexible and adaptable to change. Embrace the unknown and expect the unexpected. Be ready to let go of what no longer serves you and welcome what is new and better.


The ascension activities have been accelerated for a reason. They are part of a divine plan that is leading us to a glorious future. We are all invited to participate in this process and to co-create our new reality. We hope this blog post has helped you understand more about the ascension activities that have been accelerated during this time. Keep in mind that the universe is loving and supporting you on this journey and that you are not alone. We are all in this together, and we are all ascending to a higher reality.


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