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Kundalini Activation: What Is Going On With My Body?!? 

This is something we see very frequently: a person has a tremendous spiritual or transcendent experience, and then they begin to experience some really bizarre things that seem to be connected to the experience. They may experience extreme heat or energy running through their bodies for a short period of time. They may begin to hear tones, which are frequently quite high-pitched. A person’s body may begin to vibrate, or they may feel pressure in the area of their forehead where they are. When this stuff starts happening, it’s typical for individuals to fear they’re going mad or even die. But don’t worry, this is really quite normal for a person who has decided to elevate their consciousness, and it’s referred to as Kundalini activation.

In today’s world, the name Kundalini is associated with a variety of Hindu religious traditions as well as a number of Western mystery schools. Thus, there are many different ideas concerning Kundalini, as well as many people who will tell you what the “correct” and “wrong” method is to go about achieving your Kundalini. I’m going to try to stay away from all of that as much as possible, and instead focus on sharing what I can corroborate from my own personal experiences.

The first thing to comprehend is the way in which the chakras function. Seven major chakras are located throughout the spine, and each one has a different function. The chakras are located at the very base of your spine (root chakra), a little below your belly button (sacral chakra), a little above your belly button (solar plexus chakra), one in the center of your chest (heart chakra), one in your throat (throat chakra), one in your forehead (ajna chakra, or 3rd eye), and one at the very top of your head (crown chakra). Each chakra refers to a distinct aspect of one’s life; for example, the throat chakra is associated with communication and other aspects of one’s life. There are a number of websites that do an outstanding job of describing which chakra connects to which organ, so I won’t go into depth about it here.

It’s possible that you have hundreds or even thousands of chakras in addition to the seven major ones located throughout your body. For most people, the primary chakras are the easiest to connect with at first, however the ones in the palms of your hands and the ones in the soles of your feet shouldn’t be too difficult to sense either. In order to be able to sense your palm chakras right now, align your hands so that they are facing each other and holding them a few inches apart from each other.

The chakras no longer work independently of one another; instead, they are all interconnected. It is possible that even in a completely unconscious individual, they are at least a little bit awake; otherwise, the person would be dead. It is believed that the chakras themselves are connected to one another by energy channels known as nadis, and that these energy channels, together with the chakras themselves, make up what is known as the subtle body, energetic body, or light body.

It is evident that everyone has an energy body, but it is also clear that not everyone is conscious of it, so what is the reason for this disparity? For the majority of individuals, the amount of energy coursing through their bodies is a trickle. It’s enough to keep them from dying, but not enough to allow them to properly live their lives. Their chakras have gotten clogged with emotional baggage, phobias, and ideas about their own abilities and limitations. These interfere with the passage of energy between chakras and, as a result, throughout the entire being, and manifest themselves as physical sickness.

As I previously stated, the throat chakra is associated with communication, and as such, it may get blocked by things such as not expressing yourself, allowing others to walk all over you, and the like. If a person has been reluctant to completely express themselves in the past because of fears or childhood trauma, it is necessary to heal these issues in order to have a healthy and fully functioning throat chakra. The healing procedure for the other chakras is similar, albeit slightly different, because each chakra interacts with a distinct component of the body.

So, what exactly is Kundalini, and how does it work? There are several varying viewpoints on this, and some believe Kundalini is a Goddess, but I’m going to focus on Kundalini as a process rather than a person. Ultimately, it is a process of energy cleaning that results in the development of a fully functional chakra system. Traditionally, it’s meant to begin at the root chakra and go upwards through each chakra, but from my own personal experience and that of a few others I’ve spoken with, it began at the crown chakra and proceeded downwards from there. I’ve heard of it happening both ways, which is interesting.

The Kundalini process can be very severe at times. It’s been compared to having a freight train run up your spine, and I can personally attest to the accuracy of that statement. It might be really terrifying for someone who isn’t fully aware of what is going on around him or her. The most important thing to remember is to not fight the process. Trust that the process will deliver you what you are looking for when the time comes. Resistance makes things ten times more difficult, and it may lead to a painful and frightening healing process if left unchecked.

There were several changes that I experienced while going through Kundalini activation. My physical senses got considerably more sensitive, my prior tunnel vision was no longer there, and for a short period of time, heavy noises that didn’t bother me before became a little unpleasant. At one point, it appeared as though the whole outer world had been revived from the dead. What had been routine and dull had suddenly become amazing, and life had become full of adventure and childlike wonder once more. The subtle sentiments that were difficult to connect with at first began to seep into every facet of my life as I became more aware of them. My ability to empathize with people has greatly improved, and I could probably go on and on about all of the other changes that have occurred in my life.

It’s likely that most of what I’ve said here isn’t news to most people reading this. This isn’t precisely a secret that just a few spiritual groups are aware of any more. For others, though, it is my hope that this may assist them in understanding what is going on and alleviate some of the dread they may be experiencing.

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2 thoughts on “Kundalini Activation: What Is Going On With My Body?!? ”

  1. Thank you, your articles are very helpful I’m grateful and appreciative of your insight.
    Indeed we’re living in unprecedented times in human history. How fortunate we’re to witness this Evolutionary change in Consciousness. A heart centered unity consciousness that will bring peace, abundance, well being, and prosperity to all. A new elevated spiritual way of living in our body and cooperate with nature and all living being for the benefit of all.
    We can all help it by visualizing aspects of it. Sending light, love, and harmony to all who reads this.

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