In Only Three Simple Steps, You Can Awaken Your Kundalini.

Many individuals are interested in learning how to activate the Kundalini. Moreover, although there are ways to awaken Kundalini, the vast majority of them are kept hidden by masters until the pupil is ready to accept them.

A very strong approach to Kundalini Awakening based on a Kriya Yoga technique is presented here. Not only will this method help you to awaken your Kundalini energy, which will propel you towards spiritual enlightenment, but it will also help you to enhance your health and eliminate all tension and misery from your life.

When it comes to entering a pleasant state of meditation, this Kriya Technique for Kundalini Awakening is perhaps one of the most straightforward methods available. It would be considered a “purifying method” because it would cleanse your body’s energy channels, allowing more energy, or Shakti, to pass through.

I will break down the technique into three sections:

Step One: Pay Attention to Your Breathing

The first step in this technique for kundalini awakening is to concentrate your breath from the base of your spine all the way up your spine and out of the top of your head. This is the most difficult element of the technique. This is how you should inhale. As you inhale, shift your attention from the base of your back, up your spine, and out of the top of your head, as if you were “breathing up” energy from the ground.

There is no need to conjure up any scenarios. It is not about imagination, but rather concentration. Concentrate on bringing your breath up your spine and out of the top of your head.

Furthermore, the concentration should be eased. You do not impose your will on anybody or anything. You are merely encouraging the energy to travel in this way in a gentle manner. So concentrate your concentration upward, but allow the kundalini energy to move on its own, without exerting any force.

It may seem unusual to concentrate your breath in a place where your breath does not normally go, but it is really efficient. Prana, or life force, is represented by the breath. And merely by concentrating the breath in a specific spot, the energy is drawn to that location.

The energy will begin to rise after some time spent doing this technique, so keep at it! The feelings will be modest at first, but they will grow increasingly pleasant as time goes on. It’s almost as if you’re having an orgasm, with a surge of joy coursing up your spine.

The second step is to move your breath down your front.

This technique for kundalini awakening includes moving the breath down your front as you exhale, which is the second component of the technique.

The breath should be moved from the top of your head to the third eye (placed between your brows), then to your throat, and finally to your heart chakra, which is located in the center of your chest, while you exhale.

Take a deep breath in and hold it in the center of your chest. Then, inhale from the base of your spine once again, repeating the technique from the beginning.

Step Three: Awaken the Power of the Universe

The third step in this strategy for kundalini awakening is to stimulate the flow of energy in the body. Because an enlightened instructor would not give you this method unless they first initiated you into this technique themselves.

This necessitates the instructor doing shaktipat on you, which involves physically awakening your kundalini by contact, chanting, or simply by focusing their energy on you.

So, in order to awaken this energy inside yourself, there is a simple approach that is also highly effective. And that is to silently repeat the name of an enlightened teacher, Guru, or saint to whom you feel a spiritual connection, regardless of whether you have met them.

If you belong to a certain faith, you can use the name of a saint associated with that religion as a greeting. Alternatively, find a smart instructor that you respect and appreciate.

Repeat the name as you inhale and as you exhale to get the full effect of the exercise. The reason for this is that you absorb the Shakti (energy) of whatever it is that you are concentrating on.

As a result, merely by repeating the name of an enlightened Guru or saint, you are able to absorb their energy and experience their happiness. Because it is so powerful, this practice has been around for thousands of years and is still in use today.

If this step makes you feel uneasy, you can substitute the word “peace” for it.

In reality, you are reawakening something inside yourself rather than something external to you. Enlightened instructors, on the other hand, are the outer embodiment of what is within you. What you desire to awaken has already been awakened by a saint or Guru.

As a result, by concentrating on their name, you activate that energy inside yourself. It has nothing to do with their demeanor or physical appearance, but rather with the energy that naturally emanates from them.

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