How To Tap Into Ascending Energy’s Power!

A profound remembrance is ignited inside you as you become more and more aware of the richness of your existence.

All that you are and the source that is you are connected in a stronger way. Then there’s the addition of this concentration. And as your connection to your Universal Self, the totality of your existence, deepens, you become more aware of the possibilities that exist for you.

Meanwhile, previously suppressed desires bubble to the surface. There are also gentle insights about what brings you joy that are brought to the surface, and a readiness to accept these direct invitations to a more happy existence emerges from this.

After a while, the possibility of stepping into a more complete expression of yourself becomes apparent to you. You begin to realize how much you’ve been stifling yourself and how much you can now appreciate because you’re no longer stifling yourself.

The reason why you’re becoming ever more open to the world is that you’re becoming increasingly full of yourself. You’re ready to let yourself be swept away by the wonders of the world. Your expectations keep rising. Your expectations are growing, and you expect to be met with love and fulfillment more and more frequently. On your trip, be surrounded by mirrors that reflect your beauty and befriended by others who share your enthusiasm and devotion.

Every person you meet has the capacity to meet you at this level of profundity and beauty.In other words, if you allow yourself to be open to this truth and knowledge, and then flow into and through these connections, you will be able to experience the remembrance of completeness and unity, and you will be able to live the Law of One in your remembering. The fullness of who you are.

And this totality expands with each individual. One of the first things you’ll notice is how open and receptive you’ve become to life’s invitations and instructions, which appear so harmless at first, but ultimately lead to the most extraordinary and life-changing experiences and energies.

You begin to realize that you may just show up for the day and let it seize you more and more with each passing day. The day has the power to fascinate you with its splendor and everything it has to offer. You don’t have to worry about it; you can just go with the flow. Assume that your presence will be welcomed and appreciated. There are a number of ways you can allow your own inner direction to come through, including setting aside time each day and moment to meet and converse with you, so that you might awaken a deeper awareness of your own grace, playful presence, joy, and capacity for growth into ever-greater heights.

As a result, you learn to see change in a new light. You come to realize that you have a lot of wiggle room and are extremely adaptable. That feeling that comes with being in this state of being is one of comfort and familiarity, but it’s also one of wonder and awe at how it opens you up to new possibilities as you let go and let life dance with you, welcoming you into new levels of experience and guidance with an open heart. When you follow the guidance of your higher self, you become a part of something much bigger than yourself, which is thrilling and energizing.

Everything is accessible to you when you have an open heart. With this kind of receptivity, you allow your nonphysical essence to permeate into the physical realm, where it has the power to expand your experience of existence. Flowing from your higher levels, the fullness of your being is bringing the earth to your level of focus.

The more you do this, the more energy you’ll be able to bridge and flow without having to exert any effort on your part. You won’t be sending energy somewhere or feeling any pressure to do so; you’ll simply be more and more of yourself. This expansion of your presence and energy field generates more and more possibilities for the Universal You to be here, now. Being here now expands this Universal You, which was already there before. Isn’t it amazing how all this can bring you up? And all of Creation is raised as a result of your continued physical presence on the cutting edge of life.

And it’s fresh! It’s brand new! The novelty has worn off. There is always something new to discover! You’ve also let go of your desire for things to remain the same, and this newness is being facilitated by your openness. How it works is as follows: As a result of your openness, you’re empowering yourself to expand into higher well-being. Your openness to All That Is allows All That Is to soar in delight and expansion because of your openness to All That Is’ remembrances.

Yes, I think it’s wonderful.

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