How To Remain Positive In The Face Of Negativity!

As a sensitive individual, you are acutely aware of the presence of energy. You may even have the impression that you are absorbing the emotions of others. So how does a sensitive person have a positive attitude when there are so many negative people and news reports all around them?

Here are four methods to keep your head above water when everyone else is floundering:

Consider your good fortune a blessing. Instead of feeling as if you should join someone in their misery, remember that you are making a far greater contribution by lifting them up with your energy of happiness and inner peace rather than by joining them in their pain.

Make use of news stories as an opportunity to pray for others. If the world were totally peaceful, there would be no need for peacemakers such as yourselves to be present on this planet. We’re here to pray over the news articles, not to add to the fear energy that’s already present in the air. It’s all about finding a healthy balance and accepting that you’ll need to take a break from reading the news from time to time.

Participate in the discussion. The fact that you are furious about something is most likely a sign that it is a part of your life purpose. Your assistance could make all the difference in resolving the situation. Donate your time, money, or materials to organizations that agree with your ideas by volunteering for them. You can also boycott things that you do not believe in and write letters to the editor. Knowing that you are contributing to the improvement of the issue will make you feel better.

Maintain your health and well-being. The most sensitive people in the world need to take the best possible care of their bodies more than anyone else. It all starts with paying attention to your body’s reactions to what you eat, who you’re with, and what you’re doing. It is essential that sensitive people live in caring situations and consume foods that are soft on their bodies. Other essentials include physical activity to help release pent-up emotions, a strong support network, a spiritual path, and outlets for artistic expression.

The angel card reading from last week addressed the need to be aggressive. The thought of speaking up, however, can be unsettling for those who are sensitive to confrontation in general. For someone who is sensitive to negativity, the energy of confrontation can be excruciating to experience. I wrote my book, Assertiveness for Earth Angels, as a guideline for sensitive people who want to learn how to be confident in their own skin and speak up when the time comes. After all, if life forces you to defend yourself, you might as well do so in the most gentle and loving manner possible.

Because we are Assertive Earth Angels, we must learn how to keep our hearts open and our actions compassionate, no matter what is going on in our surroundings.

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