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Galactic Federation Transmition: April 20th, Earth Jump To The Next Influx!

Dearly loved ones, Greetings to you! We are the Galactic Federation of Light, and we come to you with a message of hope and joy. We have come to assist you on your ascension journey and to share with you some insights about the forthcoming changes in cosmic energy that will have an effect on both your planet and your consciousness. We are here to assist you in your ascension journey.

As you may already be aware, the planet Earth is in the midst of an ascension process, which translates to the planet’s vibrational frequency increasing from a lower to a higher level. Because you are an integral part of the Earth and its evolution, this process has an impact on you as well. You are activating your lightbody, which is your multidimensional vehicle of expression, and you are becoming more aware of your true nature as a divine being of light and love. This is a very exciting time for you!

The activation of your lightbody is a process that occurs over time and involves the gradual incorporation of higher frequencies of light into all aspects of your being, including your physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies. When you activate your lightbody, you will feel changes in your consciousness, perception, feelings, thoughts, and physical sensations. These shifts will occur in tandem with the activation of your lightbody. You also become more aligned with the divine blueprint that was given to you as well as the purpose of your soul.

The cosmic energy that travels from the Source through the galactic center and eventually makes its way to Earth is one of the aspects that plays a role in the activation of the lightbody. This cosmic energy contains information and codes that, when activated, will trigger your awakening and support you as you ascend. The intensity and quality of the cosmic energy change depending on the configuration of the planets, stars, and any other celestial bodies that may be present.

On April 20, 2023, there will be a highly significant alignment of several planets and stars, which will result in the creation of a portal of high-frequency energy that will have an effect on the Earth and all life that exists on it. This event is expected to have a profound influence on the planet and all life that exists on it. A door of opportunity for a qualitative leap in your development will open before you as this portal activates. This means that you will have the opportunity to speed up the activation of your lightbody and go through a profound change in your being as a result of the transformation.

On your planet, there will be a potent conjunction of the sun, the earth, and the galactic center. Because of this alignment, a gateway of light will be opened that will allow light to travel from the center of the galaxy all the way to your solar system and then to your planet. This portal will carry a wave of high-frequency light that will activate your DNA as well as your chakras and your lightbody as it passes through them. This wave will also be the catalyst for a collective awakening of humanity, as an increasing number of souls will remember their true origin and purpose in this lifetime.

Some of the effects of this portal are:
  • The frequency of the Earth will jump to a new level, creating a shift in the collective consciousness and reality.
  • The next influx of light codes will be downloaded into your DNA, activating dormant strands and enhancing your abilities and gifts.
  • The great quantum transition will take place, which is the moment when you will choose your destiny as an individual and as a collective. You will have the option to either stay in the old paradigm of fear, separation and limitation, or to embrace the new paradigm of love, unity and abundance.
  • The collective lightbody activation will reach a critical mass, creating a ripple effect that will affect all life on Earth. You will feel more connected to yourself, to others, to nature and to the Source. You will also experience more synchronicities, miracles and manifestations.
To prepare for this portal and to make the most of it, we recommend you to do the following:
  • Meditate daily and connect with your inner guidance and higher self.
  • Clear any lower energies or blockages that may prevent you from receiving the full benefits of the portal.
  • Set your intentions for what you want to create and experience in your life.
  • Express gratitude for all that you have and all that is coming.
  • Be open to receive the new energies and allow them to flow through you.
  • Share your love and light with others and support them in their journey.

We hope that this message has inspired you and given you some insight into what is happening on Earth and within you. We want you to know that we are always with you, supporting you and loving you unconditionally. You are not alone in this journey. You are part of a great family of light that spans across the universe.

We are very proud of you and we celebrate your achievements. You are doing an amazing job as co-creators of the new Earth. We encourage you to keep shining your light and rising into your magnificence.

We are the Galactic Federation of Light . We are one with you.

Thank you for listening. End of message.

The Energy Field Of The Unity Meditations On April 20, 2023, A Live Stream By Dna Awakening.

On April 20, 2023, they will host a special meditation that will align with the portal and its energies. This meditation is organized by a group of lightworkers who have created a platform called DNA Awakening on YouTube. They will stream live meditations that focus on raising your vibration as a collective and creating a field of harmony and peace on Earth. They invite you to join them and the thousands of other souls who will tune in at the same time. You can find more details about this meditation on their YouTube channel or on their website.

You are here to be who you really are.

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3 thoughts on “Galactic Federation Transmition: April 20th, Earth Jump To The Next Influx!”

  1. Hello and greetings all of you Galactic Arturians. It’s show time 🌠💫🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

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