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Full Moon/Super Moon in Virgo, March 9th, 2020 ~ Inner Victory !

Here we are in the midst of Mercury Retrograde and we are soon entering the experience of the powerful FULL MOON/Super Moon in Virgo, on Monday March 9th, 2020 at 2:47 pm ADT. That moment although experienced in different so called time zones, IS THE SAME moment everywhere!

That is right daylight savings time starts in CANADA and the United States and the clocks SPRING forward.  Now we know that time doesn’t change, but clocks do and therefore schedules etc. It is always NOW everywhere. This Sunday March 8th at 2 am the CLOCKS move AHEAD and will loose a so called one hours sleep. BUT it will be lighter till later and that is a bonus!

Inner victory over fear is on the table and the releasing of the old patterns that keep you in the mind and in the small self, LEADING to living through your heart. That is the ascension process.

This Full MOON is Opposite Neptune and most often will increase sensitivity yet if emotionally without awareness, then this may lead to the surfacing of confusion. That occurs when the heart and the head are in battle for who is in charge. PAYING ATTENTION TO the emotional body is PART of mastering form. As well as paying attention to the thoughts that flow through you. TOGETHER they work powerfully creating the reality you experience as your world.

The Full Moon is trine Jupiter, which BOOSTS your ability to pay attention and stay focused on the real YOU, that is; the non limited you.

With Jupiter sextile Neptune we have the potential of adhering to the propensity of BEING as the the flow of the DIVINE through us. Bolstering even greater SHIFTS of consciousness as the REALIZED STATE OF BEING, becomes the enlightened and transformed DIVINE GOD SELF.

All Full Moons bring up more of that which is hidden in the subconscious, bringing it to the light of awareness to BE LOVED.

Anything other than self love towards yourself is a grappling through UNAWARE of the tossing back and forth, to which grabs your attention.

FOCUSED attention is the name of the game of victory.

HERE we are again, this new Decade, transversing the waves of NOW into Being the changeless, ever changing eternal DIVINE SELF.

In this we bless you eternally and NOW. LIGHTING the way for the HEART always, to be the UNITY of love, that fulfills YOU. No distance no time. All NOW my forever, BELOVED.

source : thenewdivinehumanity

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