Essential Self ‘Work’ In Preparation For The Shift !!

by Michelle Walling, CHLC 

If you currently feel like you are without direction or perhaps you are struggling to ride the waves, there may still be a bit of self “work” that is left to clear your energy field. Those who have completed the self work are finally feeling unplugged from the matrix and are sharing how they achieved this. In this article I will share what has worked best for me in achieving a state of neutrality and has created frequent bouts of happiness, synchronicity, and positive manifestation.

Self work allows for the negative frequency overlay or veil to be lifted so that our original DNA codes can create a shift in our reality. This kind of work is the most important work of all, even over service to others at this time because of how close we are to a bifurcation of realities. Often times it requires that we spend time by ourselves and it could be some of the hardest work albeit the simplest. It is hard to take a good look at yourself and your life to painfully see who you have been projecting vs. who you really are.

We are all Source, which is unconditional love consciousness. Most of us have been experiencing what it is like to be as far away from Source in an illusion of ego (personality) and fear. Uncovering and transmuting the fear and asking the personality to take a back seat to the higher self is what we are consciously trying to achieve. This allows the higher frequency version of us to embody into this dense physical in order to override the fear matrix code that is overshadowing the collective humanity. We are all connected, and the higher frequency in the matrix and the collective always trumps.

Everyone is different and everyone processes the energies differently, but my hopes are that you can find something within this list that may be the last key for you. In no way is this an all inclusive list or a MUST DO TO ASCEND list. You may not have to do everything on this list and you may have done things that are not on this list. These are not listed in a particular order, either, except for the first priority should be Connecting with your Higher self/Oversoul/Source.

Many people do not realize that they are already doing the self “work” by consciously changing the way that they react to everyday situations and skits that unfold in their lives. Over the last nine years since my conscious awakening around 2010, I have address every one of these topics in my own reality with conscious intention. People who are just now waking up will be able to cover this self work much quicker than the ones who came before them.

The Work

I have inserted a few links within each topic for reference and explanation. I will be creating a series of videos in my upcoming video book, How To Exit The Matrix where I will expand on each topic. There is already an immense amount of information on the web these days to assist as the forerunners have already stumbled through these without an instruction manual. Many of these topics are already in my articles and videos on my Matrix website, and is a great database of information.  If you find yourself stuck with one of these topics, I do personal sessions and you can also find trusted quantum healing practitioners on Candace Craw Goldman’s directory Quantum Healing Practitioners.


Before my awakening, I lived with a boyfriend who worked in the oil and gas industry. He made a really good living going on assignment in Russia where he was gone for 6 weeks and returned for 6 weeks in rotation. The first time he went, I asked him to bring me back something from Russia, something unique to the tradition there, and to surprise me. Would he find some exquisite expensive jewelry, a lacquered handmade box, or an intricate tea set? When he handed me a set of Russian dolls, the disappointment on my face was hard to hide. At the time, I selfishly thought WTF?? I had been without him for a whole six weeks, taking care of his household and my son alone, and this is all that he could find to buy me (my self perception of this is all I was worth to him)?

NOW I GET IT. We are nesting all of ourselves perfectly within the here and now of the physical body. By the way, this boyfriend ended up drinking vodka at a local bar and falling in love with a Russian waitress whose new job quickly became his “interpreter and guide” for the rest of his subsequent trips. I suppose that because he started paying her and she gave her money to her family, he didn’t have enough to buy me something expensive with each return trip.  Her new income made all the difference to a household of generations living in poverty in her parent’s home. I found out about their love affair and moved out while he was on one of his trips. She ended up coming to the U.S., they got married, and lived happily ever after. <3

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