Coming Online With Higher Vibratory Fields !

by Morag,

Truth cuts through the matrix like a knife. Transparency glitches algorithms hard wired to secrecy and deception. Trailblazing light into darkness is speaking truth. Stealth mode maintains our safety. Choosing our battles carefully conserves our energy. Retreating from energy vampires and toxic people is self preservation. Truth can be spoken in silence. Tumbleweed truth. We are no longer programmed to people please, this is enslavement dressed up as duty. The fourth realm has changed the game. We can march to the beat of our own drum. Heart led living is knowing when to say no and having the courage to do so. We are no longer sabotaging our self esteem to conform to unreasonable expectations. Say no. Say it loud, say it quiet, say it proud, say it silent. Boundaries protect our sovereignty. Let the silence draw out, resist filling it, hold your space. To change our world we change our relationships, our lifestyle, our perspective and priorities.

Coming online with higher vibratory fields is consciously developing empathy, gratitude and self awareness. The process has a momentum, a flow, one after another the layers of lies fall away. Others will either reject or embrace our transformation based on their own cellular vibrations. We are not responsible for other people’s expansion of consciousness. We can speak up, we can change, we can create calm spaces for our loved ones. Breaking the chains of our locked down society is not easy. We each start in our own lives. Saying no to hostile people and environments is an ongoing process for most of us. It’s all about self esteem and karma. The playing field of service to self people is clawing fear, matrix induced paranoia and deformed morality. We cannot reason with people whose contextual reference point is solely themselves. We can only model heart led behavior. We cannot force a person to acknowledge cruelty to others when they have only one narrative in their head, their own. Pride overrides their compassion. Envy trumps collectivity. Kindness is weakness in the world of the matrix. Self centered people are just that, centered on themselves. Avoid wasting unnecessary time and energy with them. Conserve your energy for the coming months.

Accepting limits in others is key to establishing boundaries of self care. The empath wants to say ‘why can’t you love me, celebrate me, be kind to me?’ The narcissist does not comprehend this as is it is intended. Neither do the sleepers or parasites, they only know their needs and how others fit into meeting those needs. They hear victim, they see pawn, they assess how best they can use us to fit their narrative. Lack of imagination, creativity and emotional spectrum are the hall marks of lower vibratory people and spaces. AI cannot think laterally, just as service to self people cannot recognize other people’s viewpoints. Saying no to people who believe we are simply pawns on their chess set is not a walk in the park. Emotional blackmail is their currency, entitlement their language, manipulation their game. Simplifying our language to minimize drama helps, narcissists exploit emotive language. LightCraft for healing and protection can make a big difference to our headspace, energy levels and sovereignty. Thoughts hold resonance, bitchy comments sting like poisoned blow darts. Bitterness can feel like pushing through mud when it’s directed at us. Evil thoughts, curses, hexes can be released now we are in the fourth. Follow gut instincts and realign in a sacred sphere of light. Use an invisibility cloak if working in the astral, it’s a twitchy, tetchy, twisted place these days.

None of this is easy friends. We are breaking the matrix, that means we are breaking relationships, changing our lives to accommodate our highest path. Toxic, low vibration people need to be pushed to the back burner as we gear up for further dimensional shifts in 2019. What we are doing now is determining how our year will pan out. Cut cords, put shields up, barriers of light to protect us from those who direct negativity towards us. Avoid compromising our own conscience, stay true to truth. Tread slowly and carefully friends. When draw bridges can’t be pulled up, create hyper clear boundaries of engagement with those individuals who view us as extensions of their lives. Lock down liberation through truth, transparency and being heart led. Have the courage to say no. Protect your space, light and energy. The coming weeks have a lot of cosmic evolution in store. Upgrades, downloads, recalibration, shifts of frequencies, it’s all going on. Do the work now friends to clear the way for light and love to flow through 2019.

Peace cosmic surfers .

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