Clear Ways the Universe is Telling You to Embrace Change!

Do you ever feel like the universe is trying to tell you something? Maybe you keep seeing the same number everywhere, or you have a recurring dream that seems meaningful. Maybe you encounter a series of coincidences that make you wonder if there is a hidden message behind them. Or maybe you just have a gut feeling that something is off and you need to make a change.

The universe is always communicating with us, but sometimes we are too busy or distracted to pay attention. However, when we ignore the signs, we may miss out on important opportunities or warnings that could help us improve our lives. Here are six signs from the universe that you need to change your life:

You feel stuck in a rut.
  1. If you are bored, unhappy, or dissatisfied with your current situation, whether it is your job, your relationship, your health, or your lifestyle, it may be a sign that you need to make a change. You may have outgrown your old habits or goals and need to find new ones that align with your true purpose and passion. Don’t settle for less than you deserve or want. The universe wants you to grow and evolve, not stagnate and suffer.
You experience repeated challenges or obstacles.
  1. Sometimes the universe sends us challenges or obstacles to test our faith, resilience, and creativity. These are opportunities to learn and grow from our mistakes and difficulties. However, if you keep facing the same problems over and over again, it may be a sign that you are not learning the lesson or making the change that is required. You may be repeating a negative pattern or resisting a positive change that could benefit you. The universe wants you to overcome your fears and limitations, not stay stuck in them.
You see synchronicities or signs everywhere.
  1. Synchronicities are meaningful coincidences that seem to have a deeper connection or significance than mere chance. For example, you may think of someone and then they call you, or you may see a word or a symbol that relates to something you are going through. These are signs from the universe that you are on the right track or that there is something important for you to notice or do. The universe wants you to pay attention and follow your intuition, not ignore it.
You have vivid dreams or visions.
  1. Dreams and visions are ways that the universe communicates with us through our subconscious mind. They can reveal our hidden desires, fears, hopes, or messages from our higher self or spirit guides. If you have vivid dreams or visions that seem relevant or meaningful to your life situation, it may be a sign that you need to change something or take action on something. The universe wants you to listen to your inner wisdom and guidance, not dismiss it.
You feel restless or anxious.
  1. If you feel restless or anxious for no apparent reason, it may be a sign that you need to change your life. You may be feeling restless because you are not living up to your full potential or following your true calling. You may be feeling anxious because you are not in alignment with your authentic self or your soul’s purpose. The universe wants you to be happy and fulfilled, not restless and anxious.
You attract people or situations that mirror your issues.
  1. The law of attraction states that we attract what we think about and feel most strongly. Therefore, if we have unresolved issues or negative beliefs about ourselves or others, we may attract people or situations that mirror those issues or beliefs back to us. This is a way for the universe to show us what we need to heal or change within ourselves in order to attract what we truly want and deserve. The universe wants you to love and respect yourself and others, not judge or criticize them.


If you notice any of these signs from the universe in your life, don’t ignore them or brush them off as coincidences. They are messages from the universe that you need to change your life for the better. The universe is always supporting and guiding you towards your highest good, but you have to be willing and ready to receive and act on its signs.

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2 thoughts on “Clear Ways the Universe is Telling You to Embrace Change!”

  1. Sigh…I’m so frustrated atm. 2 years. I was laid off 2 years ago & at the time it seemed like a syncronicity from universe to follow a new found joy, designing/making t-shirts. So I took off with my biz. It was nothing but obstacles and disappointments. I embraced change, the unknown, patience, kept perservering, transmuted anger, frustration, sadness, depression, disappointment. I “tried” trust and faith in the universe but honestly I wasn’t good at it. I’ve always “created” my life and trusting the intangible to provide isn’t something that comes easy to me. Sadly, the last 2 years have only reinforced my fear of trust bc the universe took everything from me, job, money, friends, any kind of life or growth opps because I need a job & money to take classes, workshops… It didn’t replace what it took from me?? Its just left me in a void that I’m now struggling mentally/emotionally to get out of and with what feels like no support from guides/angels?? Where are they? I’ve asked and asked for help, answers, a mentor, a sign, an opportunity. ANYTHING thats a breadcrumb to finally aligning with my true purpose?? Truthfully, it feels like I’m being left behind and I don’t know why?? But it breaks my heart… I WANT to help myself, others, I WANT to dive head first into my purpose but without their guidance I’m not sure I’ ever find it. Today hasn’t been my most positive mindset day…😂🫣🥴

    • I can’t really say I have a perfect answer to help you with. But I thought it would be helpful to let you know your not alone. I can see that by doing what you have already been through, you had a dream and went for it. For awhile it was good even if it was “taken away”. For me I would be able to say,”hey I went for it and it happened.” That’s what I call an accomplishment. My whole life has been one struggle after another. I get so close and then it’s gone. The frustration of the idea of starting over seems endless. But I know that with each so called failure comes growth. Like a tree becoming stronger year after year. A little more than two years ago one of the biggest hurts of my life happened. The overwhelment was at it’s highest peak ever. I sat down put my face in my hands and prayed, “oh God I think I need a reset” To talk about the details are many but when our prayers get answered, there is no stopping it. It’s a process that takes time and patience. Don’t forget patience. That’s a tough one for me. Your going to have down days but when you are on the path that is meant for you nothing can stop you. Don’t give up just because you don’t see the results you are expecting. I have every reason to believe that even ALL of my dreams will come true. It is possible to have our wishes granted. I’ve had it happen even if it was in small ways. The small steps prepare us for the big stuff. I think that’s what is happening in the whole world. I have learned a lot of new things and I still have a lot more to go. But even at my worst time in my life I still have hope because there are a lot of people out there who can and will help you. I’m so very grateful to all of them because I wouldn’t be able to say these things right now. I have a friend that has become my answer to leading me in all of these things. If it wasn’t for him I,again, wouldn’t be here now. So maybe you need a reset or are already in the midst of it. Maybe you need to rethink your plans and ideas. I’m really not sure but I think it’s something along those lines. Listen to the little things because after awhile they add up into bigger things and then one day it all comes together and it makes sense and your gloom all of a sudden turns into joy again. So what ever it is you are wanting to achieve keep doing what it takes to work towards it. I haven’t reached mine yet but now I know even with every tap I make on my phone, brings me closer. Everything I do right now to work towards my goals brings me there. I have to learn to stop looking at the mountain in front of me and just start with one little bit at a time. Pull out the weeds and throw out the garbage. The things we don’t need anymore and the things that have no use. Sometimes what we think we are expecting ends up being something better.

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