Ascension Serie – The Fifth Plane of Existence !

by Suzanne Worthley

The FIFTH Plane of existence, or Dimension is the first of the “Spiritual” planes in our chakra system, found in the throat area of the human body. It’s the center of sound, vibration, and self-expression. It’s the realm of consciousness that controls, creates, transmits, and receives communication both WITHIN ourselves and BETWEEN each other, verbal and nonverbal.

The FIFTH Plane of existence, or Dimension is the first of the “Spiritual” planes in our chakra system, found in the throat area of the human body. It’s the center of sound, vibration, and self-expression. It’s the realm of consciousness that controls, creates, transmits, and receives communication both WITHIN ourselves and BETWEEN each other, verbal and nonverbal.

  • The Fifth dimension is the dimension of unity.
  • The individuality of consciousness merges with the collective consciousness.
  • Individuals more easily flow into a collective “we”, yet we still hold our individual identities.

In the Fifth Dimension, we move beyond the polarity of the Second Dimension of the Sacral Chakra or duality. There now is NO this OR that, there only IS.

This is the plane where we can ALLOW another to fully have and own their truth and we do not have to change it, condition it, or do anything about it. This plane fully owns that we each have our own version of the truth vibration but, collectively, it is all the same. At this dimension, it does not matter because truths do not have to match to be valid.

This is a difficult concept for most humans because we consistently FIGHT for truths with one another each and every moment of our day just to prove that we are RIGHT. The Fifth Plane says we are ALL right in our OWN individual right so it is all fine. No fight or CONDITION is needed. This is where the energies change from the flow of ME (the YOU and the I) and fully embrace the WE of unity.

Influences and Imbalances of Fifth Dimensional Energies

We experience any influence or imbalance of fifth dimensional energies in our physical body and Throat Chakra. Dis-ease in communication and truth causes dis-comfort and ultimately DISEASE. Disease is not always only physical, it can be emotional, mental, or spiritual.


  • Communication
  • Independence
  • Self-expression
  • Sense of security
  • Loyalty
  • Organization and planning


  • Throat pain
  • Tonsillitis
  • Mouth ulcers, gum, or tooth problems
  • Laryngitis
  • Voice problems and speech defects
  • Swollen glands
  • Thyroid imbalances
  • Fevers and flu
  • Neck or shoulder pain
  • Scoliosis
  • Addiction
  • Criticism
  • Faith
  • Decision making

The 5-D Keepers of the Fifth Plane

The keepers of the fifth dimension are the “Ascended Masters”.

Ascended Masters are enlightened beings who lived multiple incarnations as ordinary humans. During these lives, they worked through a series of spiritual transformations to move beyond an ordinary human state.

Once becomes an Ascended Master when the chakras are perfected, meaning all karma has been paid from the 7 major chakras. When all karma has gone, the chakras become 100% light and radiate that light from the chakras.

When these ascended masters come to work with us 3-D humans, they often appear to us through in visions, meditations, and dreams. A few examples of these Ascended Masters include Jesus, Gautama Buddha, Confucius, Mary (mother of Jesus), Lady Master Nada, Enoch, Kwan Yin, and Saint Germain.

How to Connect with the 5th Dimension

Ascended Masters tend to work with us humans through our meditation and dreams. Therefore, it’s typically best to try and connect with ascended masters in these states. It’s also important to study the concept of Ascended Masters and learn about their individual gifts so your connection can be more informed.

Ask for Assistance

There are many books, oracle cards, and guided meditations available to begin to connect with the Ascended Masters. When working with them, it’s important to Ask for Assistance, as no benevolent being can just budge in and do the work…..we need to connect, we need to intent, we need to ask and then receive.

Align with Individual Gifts

When doing the asking, do your best to use a specific master that best aligns with what you’re needing help with.

For example, Lady Nada is a representative of Divine Love. She’s teaches the unfolding of the rose of the heart, which helps us develop the sensitivity. She also works with legions of angels to watch over the world’s children. If you’re working on opening your heart to a situation or if you’re asking for protection and health for a child, you may want to work with Lady Nada and her teachings.

There is no right or wrong, however. If you prefer to work with Jesus for everything, that is just terrific and that works. All that matters is you do what resonates with you!

Till Next, and sent with Cosmic Hugs!

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