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Ascension Energy Update From The Galactic Federation Of Light !

We are bringing this message tonight to all of our Gaian family members. Things have been changing significantly on your planet for many years now, and you have all felt the effects of these changes. The action has picked up speed. World events are taking place that you are completely unaware of. Through solar flares and other celestial occurrences, a tremendous amount of energy has been sent to Gaia. Personal circumstances have altered dramatically in the previous year and a half, and the break has compelled many Gaians to reassess their lives. All of this mayhem is not a coincidental occurrence, dear Gaians. Every aspect of your life is interconnected, and the ultimate goal of all of this is your ascension.

It is time for humanity on Gaia to ascend to the next level of consciousness. Congratulations on receiving this wonderful, historic news, which should fill your hearts with joy! There was a lot of joy! It is not something to be dreaded; rather, it is something to be genuinely excited about! For millennia—millennia, to be exact—this process, your spiritual development, has been in the works.Over the years, several races of the Galactic Federation have kept an eye on Gaia and your advancement (you in the sense of the hu-mans on Gaia, of course).

In addition, because ascension events occur so seldom and because no beings normally survive long enough in between these occurrences, there are no records to which you can turn if you are conducting a study on the Ascension. There is no information available on what occurred the previous time. Moreover, it should be noted that the ascension you will be seeing has a structure that is far different from any other that has occurred on Gaia in the past. For the first time, Gaians have decided to ascend while still in their physical bodies, rather than “crossing over,” as you put it, with their spirits being lifted to the next level without a physical body. When we said “Gaians have chosen,” we were referring to the fact that “you” as a collective selected how your Ascension would occur.

Many of you may have felt what some people call “Ascension symptoms” because of the physical changes that have taken place in your bodies over the last 20 to 30 years.You have, of course, been improving your vibrations and climbing up through this whole time.Your physical bodies, as well as the substance that makes up your physical bodies, have changed over time.You’ve lost some weight. You truly have the ability to store far more light in your body than you did 20 or 30 years ago; significantly more light! Have you noticed that your eating habits have changed? Do you have a different way of sleeping? A large number of individuals are aware of these concepts, but many more have never heard of them and may be taken aback when certain events begin to occur. This is one of the reasons we wanted to come speak with you this evening.

It’s possible that the first thing you’ll notice when the Ascension Event begins to unfold (assuming you’re on the side of the earth where people are awake and going about their daily lives) is that the atmosphere will suddenly become silent. It is their Higher Self who is instructing them to stop driving. Therefore, they will pull over if they are in a car. If they are running, for example, jogging for exercise, they will come to a complete halt. As a result, whatever people are doing will come to a complete halt and become silent. Things like flying airplanes and people traveling at high speeds in vehicles, trains, and ships are taken into consideration. We keep a close eye on them and safeguard them.

People will want to take a nap wherever they happen to be. If you are working in an office, you will most likely rest your head on your work surface. Another option is to work outside on a building site or simply outside in general, and people will stop and lie down where they were standing. During the hours leading up to this event, participants will be sent to a location where they can lay down and rest. It is possible that they will be directed to pull over and locate a parking spot while traveling, allowing them to lie down in their vehicles. The Ascension Event is one in which individuals will need to be unconscious in order to participate. It is something that will require individuals to lie down and relax since they will be in a state of great weariness and will only want to sleep when it occurs. It is a very normal procedure.

This will be experienced by those who live on the dark side of the globe when they are sleeping. You will have a dream about the event if you do it this way. Everyone will have vivid dreams about the encounter. It’s going to be a wonderful dream! To be honest, people will think about taking a certain mode of transportation, and they will get off that mode of transportation at the right place for them.Individuals will rise to many various levels, which should make sense to everyone because individuals are at many different levels spiritually, therefore it is unlikely that everyone would arrive at the same place. Do you comprehend what I’m saying?

People will go toward the region that makes them feel most comfortable, whether it is 3D, 4D, 5D, 6D, or higher. Then they will slumber for a while longer since they are physically traveling there in their physical bodies when they arrive. They will have a dream about the encounter, but they will awaken in their bodies. It is unlikely that you will be terrified; nonetheless, you may get a little disoriented, but your Angel guides, your Spirit guides, and/or your Higher Self will be there to lead you through the process.

These samples of what the Ascension Event could look like in your world are provided with the hope that this knowledge would be of comfort to many people throughout the world. We understand that you are concerned about the possibility of being separated from your family and friends, who may wind up in a different location than you. Because it will happen to many different people, you will not grieve them as if they were dead when this occurs. You will realize that you went to the location where you were supposed to go, and they did the same thing. You will have a strong connection to them, and you will remember them fondly. You will be saddened by their passing, but not as if they had died. You’ll be at ease after reading this. As previously said, your Angels and Spirit Guides, as well as your Higher Self, will always be at your side to give guidance and insight.

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