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Ascension Energies, Signs, and Symptoms in 2019

Before we can move ahead into the 2019 year, it is important to look back and learn from the energies we experienced in 2018. I thought it best to summarize some of my personal 2018 observations and experiences before forecasting my perspective on where 2019 might be heading in terms of Ascension energies.

I share from the standpoint of a human meat body trying to navigate new frequencies, just like each one of you….

What lessons did we learn from 2018 Ascension signs and symptoms?

On a personal note, 2018 was probably the most difficult 12 months I have experienced since doing energy work over the past 15 years. Conflict, fear, and breakdowns reared their ugly heads in almost every arena of my life, from my body, to my intimate relationships with family and friends, stretching outward to extended circles of work-related peers.

Challenges manifested in every field of consciousness including physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual in so many unexpected ways. When I write, I share not to whine or complain, nor tell another what to do or not do, but to shed light on the fact that we are all in this stuff together. No matter what phase of Ascension you are working in, there is always a deeper layer to that damn onion of spiritual work to release fear and maintain your ground.

Please, as always, take only what may resonate for you and toss the rest.
When I find myself navigating choppy waters on a consistent basis, the first thing I do is look for the common denominator that is fueling any/all situations.

For me, 2018 offered a pretty clear message that I was co-creating scenarios to challenge every body of my experience to anchor the incoming 5th dimensional frequencies. The challenges were both fear-based as well as love-based.

So what did I learn?

No Conditions Attached

The consciousness of the 5th dimensional frequencies are all about truth, communications, and creativity, but overall it is about the transcendence of duality and finding oneness. In the physical body we hold this in our throat chakra.

Through lots of sticky human-encounters and experiences, I found a repeat pattern of scenarios that continually challenged my personal beliefs and boundaries of holding my truth, WITH NO CONDITIONS ATTACHED. It seemed as if the lessons were relentless, exhausting, and downright discouraging. And as the year dragged on, I often felt judged and alone in this fight. That’s when the patterns of judgment and fight revealed themselves as key.

I realized I needed to stop fighting everyone and myself. I felt I had already honed the skill of “not caring” the prior year, but I sharpened this skill even deeper throughout 2018 and I mean this as a good thing.

When we truly learn to “ENERGETICALLY not care,” this is using a true sense of compassion and empathy for self and others. What I mean by this is that I align to the truth within myself that knows I have no right to another’s field to change them, their situation, or their opinion etc., nor do I have the right to take their truth on, nor modify it, obsess about it, hold conditions on it, and so on. I only can support their version of their truth from the observer standpoint.

Now be clear, this does not mean we write off others. It means we honor and allow their individualized unique lens presenting their own creation and reality, with no attachment to it. However, when we approach others in this mindset, it is often judged as not caring and that only deepens the issue.

Let Go of Judgement

Dealing with the judgment was even more difficult, as there were so many emotional hurts throughout 2018, in so many packages, in so many arenas that caught me off guard. One by one, I found myself pushing to go deeper INTO my own personal programs of hurts, INTO each onion-layer of the true feeling verses letting my ego-mind just tell me everything was OK.

It was extremely demanding and challenging work to actually feel the feel verses think it or even ignore it. I shed more tears than I care to admit, but also cherished the release process as each time clarity came through my mind and body, so did a higher frequency and vibration.

This Ascension cycle has our meat-and-bone vehicles consistently changing lanes within dimensional planes of reality. We continually jump from the 3rd to the 5th and this is not going to change any time soon.

Traveling through life, driving only in the 3D lane of old paradigm programmed beliefs, fighting to be “right”, and not opening to the concept of all sides of truth no longer works. This road only offers our vehicle the chance to run on fear-fuel, ultimately exhausting our body, mind and spirit.

This year going down the road of judgement and doubling down to “stay angry” no longer felt right in my body. Physically it felt dense, bloated, sticky and just yuck. Emotionally it felt nauseous like an upset rollercoaster, and mentally it just chattered continually, often ending in verbal vomit.

Now I strive to stay present, to find and then shift into that spiritual, zero-point of observer (4-D) whenever I can. As I review my past year, I can own it is getting easier as I continue to go deeper as I move through this work. Granted it is not fun work, but important (in my opinion).

Connect to Oneness

There was a silver lining to this year’s deep work because any effort to transcend via 5th dimensional frequencies also gives you an opportunity to connect to oneness, something that I found fascinating!

This too came in so many odd and random packages this year, as I found myself breaking into tears (again, but this time joy-filled ones!) while just driving down the street on a beautiful sunny day just because my entire being connected to the sun…fully embracing a knowing I WAS the sun.

Ok, so now you are possibly thinking wow she really did lose it this year…but seriously when one finds oneness, it feels as if we merge every particle of our being with a bigger essence of Source; that is grounded with an inner knowing. For me it mostly revealed itself in nature, as throughout this year I also experienced merging with trees, water, wind, and even an eagle (which was probably the coolest!)

I can also recognize this work in different ways of “self-love-based” not caring, again I mean this in a positive light, in examples of not worrying that I will (or will not) make my flight connection while traveling or not feeling terror as we drive on hair-pin cliffs in Peru when in the past I would fear death…now not so much. Just a feeling of….’whatever’ surrounded each scenario and amazingly everything always worked out just fine, while my body, mind and spirit just observed.

I am so grateful to own this work, and I have personally vowed to myself to continue to purge as much and as many belief systems as it takes to anchor this energy, accepting fully that this work will be ongoing.

If you have found yourself feeling stuck or in a constant repeat pattern of the same old cycles, I encourage you to take time to reflect on your 2018 year and uncover the energetic lessons to be learned for yourself so you can keep a “head’s-up” for them as you move ahead into 2019, which will come with it’s own challenges as well as opportunities.

Forecasting 2019 Signs and Symptoms of Spiritual Awakening

We are only in the infant stage of this current Ascension process, yet at the same time change is moving at such a rapid pace it is sometimes scary to admit just how fast it’s all happening.

Many channelers have reported that this coming year will be much easier, while just as many have reported it will be more difficult. So what should we expect? I personally believe BOTH are true because, again, we are transcending duality!

Both scenarios of easy and challenging energies have to hold truth because they both have the right to be here. Which means, you get to choose! At a deeper level this means you must take personal responsibility to choose your dimensional playing field carefully this year and make sure to know which lane your personal meat-vehicle is using to drive through life, 3D or 5D….

As we move into 2019, take personal inventory of your mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual selves. What 3D energies are keeping you stuck? Where are you already thriving? Where do you have opportunity to bring in more 5D energies in the coming year?

3D energies in 2019 will be experienced as…

Mental Symptoms

  • Limited thinking
  • Inability to see possibilities
  • Repeat of anxious mental patterns or feeling “too busy”
  • Difficulty sleeping
  • Lack of creativity (boredom)

Emotional Symptoms

  • Anger
  • Feeling judged and needing to be right
  • Relationship issues (often repeating or bringing up previously resolved issues)
  • Conflict, both internal with self and external with others
  • Excess fear or worry (often about not having enough or feeling a sense of losing or lacking something)

Physical Symptoms

  • Feeling tired
  • Aches and pains that come and go without cause
  • Ringing in ears or headaches
  • Lack of balance
  • Nausea or feeling bloated
  • Loss of appetite or overeating

Spiritual Symptoms

  • Feeling isolated or cut off from spirit
  • Disconnected from humanity and nature
  • Ongoing sense of fear or dread

5D energies in 2019 will be experienced as…

Mental Signs

  • New ideas
  • Creative expression
  • Understanding of new information
  • Improved problem solving and clarity
  • Ability to see opportunities
  • Goal setting and achievement
  • Ability to rest or “do nothing”

Emotional Signs

  • Happiness for no apparent reason
  • Abundance or sense of having enough
  • Navigating challenges or unmet expectations more easily
  • Self-moderation of moods and feeling balanced
  • More gratitude
  • Fulfilling relationships

Physical Signs

  • Balanced or healthy changes diet
  • Increase in exercise and energy
  • More time in nature or noticing nature in the everyday
  • Increased flexibility or range of motion
  • Clear head
  • Vibrant skin and a state of “glow”

Spiritual Signs

  • Connected to others or the “all”
  • Seeing signs and symbols in daily life
  • Overall sense of alignment and feeling in flow
  • Sense of personal awakening or knowing

As you do the work to make your own changes in 2019, remember that the Ascension process is a personal, free-will based choice and there are many that are not choosing to believe in the changes and that’s OK….so let go. And respect others’ choices to move through life as they choose.

Let go of the fight to change another’s truth.
Let go of receiving or sending out judgment.
Let go of programming.

Just let go, and the more personal work you do, the easier it becomes.

For many in 2019 this letting go will release many of the the symptoms of the Ascension process in all fields (physically, emotionally and mentally).

At the very same time it might re-ignite past issues or resolved symptoms from time to time. For me, in 2017, my physical body was filled with joint stiffness and pain….early 2018 it was almost completely gone but as my challenging year progressed, the stiffness returned. Moving into 2019, my pain is leaving again with no rhyme or reason except doing the ongoing work to release the stuck energy, fear, and my attachment to it. Change is inevitable as is the duality of it!

So, as you can see, embracing duality is key. Each thing that is offered to us has two sides of the coin so to speak. One fueled by love, one by fear. It is ongoing because duality is ongoing.

Once we surrender to this dualistic pattern, we can work towards transcending it which offers softer peaks and valleys much like a merge-lane between 3rd and 5th. We get to “go with the flow” by simply riding the incoming waves of new frequencies—those of Divine Guidance and Divine Timing.

Plus, always remember in addition to personal responsibility, you are and will always be part of the collective energies. And yes, one person DOES indeed change the world because we are all one in frequency.

In the global and cosmic arenas, I feel like there will be big changes revealing themselves very soon, as we continue to see things dismantle and command further disclosure. Remember to see this “fall” as a great thing verses a fear-based one. Every male fear-fueled box we have co-created in our past now has to new opportunity to break apart to allow the female love-fueled creative energies to restructure it, using compassion, unity and cooperation.

The goal is to move forward in male/female balance, in the DIVINE frequencies verses programmed ones, but until each individual does their part to restructure their personal consciousness container, we have no excuse but to accept the collective one we together have all created as our current and future reality.

Happy and healthy 2019!

As always, I maintain a safe space to share your personal experiences. You are not alone in this energetic journey. Please share in the comments below because your story helps others navigate their own experiences.


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