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Spiritual Awakening Symptoms Update: Emotions on the Rise

From the number of posts on the Signs and Symptoms of Spiritual Awakening and Expanded Consciousness thread, it’s obvious there are many folks out there still really struggling so I thought I would update the energy situation and point out some new symptoms and challenges I’m seeing in my client base and within myself.

The great news is people are beginning to wake up—consciousness-wise and through spiritual expansion. The bad news is this is not an easy thing to navigate, especially when you feel like you are all alone. That’s why I developed my online community, so that people can share their fears, concerns, experiences with like-minded people from all over the globe. I know my clients look forward to current energy information each month, plus the forums and webcasts help keep them connected. It’s great validation that you’re not going crazy and that you’re not alone!

I personally thought I was crazy at the beginning of my journey as well as believing I was dying, to say the least, until I had information. Even today my Ascension cycle symptoms continually change and shift according to what is happening in the cosmos, the planet, and humanity itself.

We currently continue to be challenged by many of the symptoms listed on the original post, however I have noticed in my client base, as well as in myself, things have become different over the last 9-12 months with regard to Ascension and Spiritual Awakening of Consciousness.

Last August, we were privileged to participate in the strongest solar eclipse we have had in our life-time on planet. This brought in a huge influx of new “Mother-God” energies that offered our body, mind, and spirit a higher vibration of love, compassion, and forgiveness packaged in frequencies that basically kicked our butts if we held any fear-based beliefs. Now I can safely guess most of us walking around still carry fear, so this means most all of us are highly affected by this new vibration.

These new vibrations opened up a whole new “can of worms” as they say for this Ascension situation. When we increase “Female-God” frequencies, it automatically shifts “Male-God” energies (the Yin for the Yang), and we have seen this play out in many ways this past year via disclosure of many injustices and offensive behaviors between the sexes, within our political structure, in our relationships, and so on. While this disclosure is a good thing overall, it also kicks up fear-based beliefs still running in our DNA and in our stuffed/trapped emotional and mental fields, which brought in a whole new slew of Ascension signs and symptoms to work through.

The physical symptoms of aches, pains, joints, pressure and swelling are still running strong in many human bodies. But those who are doing the spiritual work to delete old programs about where they find their safe and self-worth are seeing these symptoms somewhat decrease or disappear. That said, what is really ramping up is the emotional and mental symptoms. Anger and judgment are at the top of this list as we are finding our human race increasingly angry at just about everything.

These are the symptoms that are now on the rise:


  • Heightened sense of intolerance towards everything from people to attitudes, to the world in general
  • Anger at social structures, governments, politics, people in positions of power
  • Anger at the new media and social media outlets
  • Verbal vomit spewing from self or others when the situation does not merit it
  • Out of the norm or knee-jerk reactions leading to physical anger, aggression, or violence
  • Not wanting or choosing to forgive self or others
  • Holding resentments
  • Awareness of increase of victim roles


  • Feeling like you are being judged
  • Finding yourself easily judging others
  • Sensing no one respects you, your work, your feelings
  • Viewing yourself as different
  • Enjoying others suffering


  • Feeling out of control, nervous, or unsettled
  • Constant mind chatter and internal noise
  • Overthinking or over analyzing irrelevant or simple situations
  • A general sense things are “not okay”


  • Feeling hurt by another’s words, actions, non-actions
  • Finding yourself re-telling the story of being hurt
  • Wanting to be justified or validated that you were hurt, abused, victimized

Wanting to Be Alone or Disappear

  • Feeling like no one resonates with you or your beliefs, feelings
  • Loss of motivation
  • Desire to not be in groups or crowds and instead hunker down with Netflix/alone etc.
  • Feeling drained of energy, easier to be alone verses around others

Fighting for Truths

  • Feeling lonely like no one knows the real you anymore
  • Finding you are not understood even though you feel you have articulated clearly
  • People jumping down your throat when you speak to them
  • People not hearing your side or your version of the situation


  • Tears, abandonment feelings, disconnect without apparent reason
  • Deep sense of inner sadness or loss that feels like it’s not really your own
  • Unexplainable panic or Armageddon thoughts

Feeling Different from Others

  • Feels like you are speaking another language because no one understand you anymore
  • You don’t react the same to drama as you used to or as others do, you are more of the observer
  • Because you are the observer, you sense you may have lost the ability to feel or have empathy
  • Remembering other like-times, timelines, or places off planet
  • Slipping from this dimension to others, feeling like you’re lost time, place, and space

Relationships and Communication

  • Feeling like you are losing all your friends and family
  • Finding your communication with others is sensed as more abrupt or blunt, often causing problem with others
  • Fully knowing or owning you no longer “have to” spend time with, nor be friends with, people or even family

Time and Spacial Confusion

  • Feeling like you are in two or more dimensions/timelines at the same time
  • Body or eyes losing balance or focus
  • Experiencing tiny waves of nausea or dizziness
  • Time seems to be speeding way up or slowing way down compared to “normal”
  • Experiencing pre-cognitive messages that are then coming into reality
  • Increased déjà vu scenarios
  • Feeling dream-state experiences in wake-time situations

Vision and Psychic Seeing

  • Paranormal or psychic experiences like shadows, shapeshifters, shadow figures, lights, orbs, energy signatures
  • Feelings of being pressed to your bed or not able to move or breathe while waking or entering sleep cycle
  • Catching sparkles, flashes, or light or color in your peripheral vision
  • Experiencing physical disorientation, dizziness, and imbalance
  • Eyes jumping and twitching, ears ringing and popping
  • Heightened awareness of your senses

It’s critical to remember we are a part of the all, meaning our micro-individual situations are affected by (and also affect) the macro-collective energies each and every moment. That is why it is so difficult to feel like we’re making progress with clearing and grounding these meat-and-bone bodies during this unique time here on Earth.

These symptoms are very real, and it is important to feel the anger, sadness, and unsettledness that comes with these shifting energies/beliefs/etc. in order to identify the source of why these symptoms are manifesting for you and how best to do the work for yourself.

Ascension training is much like any other modality of healing. It’s like tearing off the onion-skin-layers, as symptoms come and go, again and again. Just when you think you have defeated one, it sneaks back around and comes along again in a deeper or different package, so the goal is to be in the know and stay educated!

Feel free to revisit my Ascension and Spiritual Awakening Resources as they give great tips and suggestions on how to better navigate each level of consciousness.

Also, remember if you do want continual up-to-date information, with meditations, videos and more – consider joining the Vibe Tribe Online Community and get connected with like-minded folks!

As always, I invite you to share your experiences in the comments below, if you choose. Your thoughts are important because they validate others who might not have a space to talk openly about their own experience.

Till Next, and sent with Cosmic Hugs,

By Suzanne /

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