2022 January Energies: An Energetic Transition Is Underway!

We are currently in the middle of an energetic shift, which is being accelerated this year by the systematic recovery of the Albion planetary grid by the Paliadorian Solar Dragon Kings, or Cosmic Christos Consciousness of the Paliadorian Solar Dragon Kings. For those of us who have experienced this profound spiritual initiation, it pulls forth the painful or miasmatic imprints that build in our pain bodies and shadow selves, rapidly bursting into our conscious awareness.

All of us find ourselves in a dark night of the soul during this time because we have to let go of old habits or face unpleasant truths. This is for the goal of identifying the patterns of dysfunction in our lives so that the new sets of ascension coding frequency sets can be communicated in ways that incorporate these dysfunctional frequency patterns and transform them. This year marks the culmination of the planetary ascension initiation, which is forcing everyone of us to undergo a personal spiritual initiation in the wake of a massive shift in consciousness and a corresponding transformation. Individuals can continue to co-create these harmful karmic imprints that make them physically unwell or psychologically imbalanced if their minds and emotions aren’t ready to integrate the polarity forces or neutralize these karmic imprints through belief or lifestyle adjustments.

Global shadows and energetic imbalances are manifesting themselves macrocosmically as the current pandemic and its various fear-based deceptions. These flaws are being made public so that a global awakening might take place, resulting in drastic changes in the current culture. Our society is anti-human because of the promotion of the death culture, which is controlled by off-planet forces engaged in an active struggle with mankind for absolute control over all of the planet’s resources. First, we need to understand how our civilisation became anti-human. As the planetary body ascends, there are many souls who are departing this reality in order to move into a more spiritually healing environment. For many starseeds, helping others transition quietly is a holy honor and a duty that they were born to fulfill. Keep your attention and heart focused on strengthening your personal relationship with Christ and God by putting on your spiritual armor.

Similarly to the shadow selves, the karmic imprints and miasmatic records that are beginning to develop in the current station of identity have a significant impact on external energies and interrelationships. As a result, people’s lives might spiral out of control if they don’t make the effort to stop their bad habits. You have to learn to let go of outdated or unhealthy ways of being in this radical moment of transition and transformation. As these karmic patterns emerge into uncontrollable emotions, the least prepared people will experience overwhelming feelings of helplessness as their lives spiral out of control and their physical and mental health deteriorate. As a result, it is critical that each of us acquire the skills necessary to effectively manage our own mental energies and thought patterns. This is a skill that can be learned by everyone, and it’s one that can be used in the moment-to-moment practice of self-love and self-acceptance, releasing negative and chaotic energy from our shadow selves.

We all have the ability to transform, shift, and release our karmic patterns in the present instant of present awareness, which shifts our consciousness to a higher timeline and makes room for more light to be embodied. In order to transform karmic imprints or shadow energies, we can experience the Christ consciousness as a sun picture, and merge the combined shadow energies with the sun light to bring them into synchrony with the highest potential harmony and outcome.

The combination of thoughts, emotions, and actions generates a cycle of energy that must eventually return to its causal source, completing its circuit. Nothing can escape the law because, at the end of the cycle, everything is taken into consideration. Ultimately, we are all responsible for making good use of the energy that has been given to us, and it is our responsibility as individuals to learn about and apply this law in our daily lives. There is no such thing as chance, luck, or chance in the sense that everything has a cause, and every cause has an effect. It’s liberating to align with this concept because it forces you to choose to rise above the collective’s negative or restrictive thoughtforms and instead to become your own cause in reality, rather than just the result of others and the circumstances you find yourself in. It is possible to transcend the classic roles of victim and victimizer or master and slave by making this crucial distinction and taking responsibility for one’s own ownership.

It is essential for us to understand the distinction between positive and negative forces in order to know how these forces will affect us when they show up in our lives. It is very difficult to be happy if we don’t know why things happen in our lives and if we can’t tell positive from bad forces when they are acting in our lives.

As long as we have free will, we can experience either contentment or chaos, enlightenment or delusion, depending on the alignment of our thoughts and decisions. If you take this remark at face value, you’ll find that humanity is undergoing its greatest psychological warfare ever with farfetched lies being used to stoke dread. The masses will be forced to wake up when the truth reveals painful realizations of recurring betrayals from those whom we had trusted and given away our authority as a result of ongoing demands from corrupted experts and authorities with dark, hidden intentions.In order to make better and more loving decisions in the future, we must reflect on the decisions we’ve made in the past and use what we’ve learned. Appropriate thinking and right alignment can only be developed through making mistakes. Therefore, when we feel a lot of pain, we know that we need to change our habits. If our choices are causing us more pain and disease, this is a clear warning sign that we need to alter course and stop making the same mistakes. Otherwise, we will pay dearly for our mistakes.

The Law of Cycles dictates that our thoughts, feelings, and actions are amplified a thousand times over in our own lives, so we must be very deliberate about where we concentrate our attention, time, and effort.

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2 thoughts on “2022 January Energies: An Energetic Transition Is Underway!”

  1. Synchronisity! I have just this full moon experienced the most powerful facing and clearing of an huge energy, so powerful that a light being stood by to help me. In the following day I underwent my ascension process. I have also just listened to a Mahakatha chant to release depression and illness which seems to have worked wonders. Well at my age, (seventies) it is just in time!!

  2. Thank you so much for the library of information you have created to assist so many. I share with many that are trying to navigate through this time. Much appreciated 💜

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