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What is Collective Consciousness? – An Ascension Serie

By Suzanne Worthley

To summarize Ascension: “The Ascension process is about moving consciousness from one reality to another and the awareness of possible multiple realities existing simultaneously. Since a reality is a dimension, what we are undertaking is, in essence, a complete dimensional shift.”

This quote is from Lisa Renee who is an amazing channel and has offered much in the way of the information contained in this post. I often find we’re channeling the same information at the same time from different sides of the country, which makes me giggle while I’m writing to you about the concept of collective energies.

Understanding Collective Consciousness

Last time, we looked at the building blocks of the Ascension process in terms of consciousness and self-awareness. Apart from one’s individual consciousness container, we’re all part of what is known a collective conscious.

Collective consciousness or collective conscious is the set of shared beliefs, ideas and moral attitudes which operate as a unifying force. This unifying force may come from family, society, or it might come from a much bigger source like creation itself. The inner wisdom of consciousness is the idea of we are all ONE.

This notion of one sounds great but, seriously, it’s so incredibly difficult to comprehend. How am I one with “that criminal, my estranged abusive parent, that person of another race or creed I don’t agree with,” and so on. When we find ourselves clashing with another’s beliefs, we wonder how in the world we’re able to accept a theory that says I am ONE with them. But, energetically, you are.

Let’s use the Internet as an analogy of interconnectivity. Many of use the Internet on a daily basis, and while most of us cannot fathom HOW it works we somehow accept it just DOES. This web of connectivity, like collective consciousness, is similar to how information transmits within our human brain.

Brain waves are electrical pulses or connections that aren’t static. They change over time. The more signals sent, the stronger the connection grows and with each new experience and each remembered event or fact, the brain slightly rewires its physical structure.

The Internet also has its own sort of brain that’s constantly uploading and rewiring. It feels as if it has its own Artificial Intelligence. Sometimes it even sends you cookies (not the kind you eat), which are small files put onto your computer when you visit a certain webpage so the Internet can learn your browsing preferences and make more intelligent connections.

If I recently bought something online, now the web knows my taste so it can market to me further. (I don’t know about you, but it kind of creeps me out.) Additionally, social media connect us person to person, organization to organization, all through the common energy found within the information being sent out.

So again, using the Internet as an analogy, we’re energetically tied together into a single information processing system (a bigger kind of brain) that functions as part of the shared nervous system. It is COLLECTIVE. It isn’t centralized or localized in a place, so no one can actually control it…it’s energy that’s constantly transforming and changing based on what it is fed. It self-organizes. And so do we.

We Are Connected to Many Brains

Whether we know it or not, understand it or not, we’re all inescapably part of the same Cosmic Intelligence that includes many bodies:

  • Planetary Body (Mother Earth, animals, plants)
  • Humanity Body (society, human beings, culture)
  • Universal Body (solar system, planets, stars)
  • Cosmic Source Body (life force, creative energy)

Each body has its own brain or logos. So, what does that really mean?

In the last blog post, we introduced energy in terms of awareness and consciousness. Energetically we’re constantly working within the universal Law of Attraction. Any thought generated in a given field will affect all thoughts in all fields. Those thoughts then affect more adjacent energy fields, and so forth.

A crude analogy for how we influence these fields is skipping a stone across the water. Every time the stone hits the water, each hit creates waves and continually changes changes the entire body of water. The ripples connect and reconnect again and again.

The connection of continuous waves and ripples is the nature of the electromagnetic world in which we live, but we’re not necessarily aware of it. We’re all immersed in the self-creating body of water that is invisible energy, intent and awareness.

What this means is the energy of our thoughts can work like this:

“OMG, this world is so screwed up right now…we’re not safe….we’re out of control and there’s going to be more horrible and awful things happening and soon…..”

If an individual sends this energy transmission as a thought out into the world, and it becomes amplified with assistance from their physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies, it now looks like this:

1) PHYSICALLY: I hold this fear within my actual physical body, and when I’m out with my friends or family I share how dread-filled I feel and all we do is continue to talk about everything that is bad or negative. The stone is skipping further and faster—gaining momentum and spreading ripples outward.  

2) EMOTIONALLY: I can’t sleep at night. I am too stressed because I hold fear and every time I watch the nightly news my cells and nervous system react and store a deeper vibration of this fear. The stone is skipping further and faster—gaining momentum and spreading ripples outward.

3) MENTALLY: My mind never stops racing and I constantly think about all the potentially bad things that might happen. I now fear for my children and my grandchildren that I may or may not even have. The stone is skipping further and faster—gaining momentum and spreading ripples outward.   

4) SPIRITUALLY: I experience mystical depression and disconnect from Source. The ripples continue infinitely…and so it goes onward and outward.

In the last post, I explained that we each are creating within our own individual consciousness container. Whatever we put in our container acts as our own psychic stones, which send ripples across the pond of our collective consciousness. Every thought and emotion we create sends out waves of influence, which affect all other people and interpenetrate the circles from their own stones and, eventually, influence the universe at large.

So hopefully we’re starting to get the picture of how we are “All One” in energy or collective consciousness. But why is this important?

Because intent drives all energy.

Sometimes we aren’t INTENT-FULL human beings. We allow our minds and hearts to run on the programming driving our consciousness container. Because we are collectively connected, there are unending effects brought about by each individual within our planetary system.

Our own state of consciousness, ranging from love to fear, ripples outward to influence everything from our neighbors to other nations. The small changes we make in our individual consciousness containers can eventually result in enormous, cumulative transformations in society, our planet, and Universe itself.

The energy we put out has a compounding effect, again, much like the ripples from the stone. Soon others are thinking, feeling and, ultimately, acting in the same way, forming a group mind and sometimes a mob mentality. This mob mentality can be positive and love-filled or negative and fear-filled.

We saw this time and time again throughout our political year as people fought (and continue to fight) against each other’s truths. When enough people think, feel and act in a given way, this becomes locked in an energy signature or pattern, which becomes difficult to change. This is how thoughts, emotions and deeds become energetically locked into the brain, or logos, of the Humanity Body, good and bad.

Every moment of our day we’re programmed in our consciousness. Just stop and think about how much the news and entertainment media, social and Internet media, friends, family and society program us daily. The news tells us if we are safe or not, daily. This week I laughed at how gas prices subconsciously tell us we’re being taken care of by someone out there, and we believe it!

And it’s not just the 3-D human world that programs us, we also have the Planetary Body, the Universal Body and the Cosmic Body sending us energetic information whether we realize it or not.

Earth’s Planetary Brain

As humans living on this planet, we’re inseparable from every single event recorded in all histories and timelines experienced. Imagine what the Earth’s Brain holds in its record of all time, including its magnificence, beauty and magic as well as its brutal atrocities and horrific traumas.

There are recorded energies found within a sprawling forest teeming with color, budding with fragrance and the wonder of life, just as much as that destructive earthquake devastating acres of land and buildings while snuffing out human lives as it cracks and spews.

Each one of us exists within the Planet’s recorded experience. Whether we comprehend it or not, this planetary record, the file system of the Planet’s history, is energetically connected to our human nervous system physically, emotionally and mentally.

Before you discount this concept, go back and reread the last blog to see how we have ALLOWED ourselves to become disconnected from all our Planet’s information for many reasons, mostly due to the programming within our individual container. Most of us have little or no memory of receiving information from the Planet just like most of us don’t remember how our past lives affect our our current existence…but these things do influence our lives. We just don’t feel it because we’ve been trained NOT to FEEL.

But the good news is we can always retrain.

If we increase our sentience or our ability to feel the collective energy vibration, we can be more mindful of how every thought and action we choose directly connects to the whole and we begin to understand how we’re truly co-creators of our world.

When we open our minds and hearts to the concept of collective consciousness…we feel and become present.

As we begin to own and embody our own personal truths, we expand our consciousness and gain more influence to help shape the collective consciousness that connects us all.

When we observe the state of the world today, it might do us good to reflect on the spiritual reasons humanity itself has created the current state of the collective human race consciousness.

Have we really been paying attention to how we created this together?

How did the people on the earth create the conditions to become the global reflection that is shown in the collective consciousness today?

How are our World Leaders really chosen and how do they remain in power?  

When we ask these questions with a sincere heart, we’ll be confronted with many unpleasant truths about humanity’s true history as what we have created and allowed as a collective race. But only then can we really begin to move forward.

Sentience Redefined

Sentience encompasses the consciousness of all beings and forces—all living things—with and without form.

As humans, our bodies (physical, emotional, mental and spiritual) access many levels or layers sentience in different dimensions that make up our overall consciousness. Each layer of a person holds sentient information that is intrinsically connected to the collective consciousness, yet remains energetically unique to that individual.

When we recognize our multidimensional identities, we can go beyond our individual selves and see how all of these layers are energetically connected to larger bodies (Planetary, Humanity, Universe, Cosmic Source) that make up the forces of collective consciousness. When we open the door to multidimensional consciousness, we move past our individual consciousness or ego.

It is here, past our own ego, where we can use these other layers of consciousness to connect with the collective forces of nature, such as the animal collective, race collective, planetary collective, solar system collective, galactic collective and cosmic collective.

When we know these layers of collective consciousness co-exist alongside us, it opens the dimensional doorway to explore and learn from all kinds of sentient beings.

It’s amazing to realize we’re coexisting with many worlds teeming with life, beyond our wildest imagination. And what’s more amazing is we can actually learn how to speak and communicate telepathically with any part of this collective consciousness if we devote the time to train our minds and set intention in our hearts to do so.

As we discern the existence of the collective consciousness, we learn who we truly are as multidimensional, spiritual beings and how we co-create our reality.

I recently taught a meditation class on this very subject where I had attendees creatively visualize BEing the actual layers of creation:

Envision yourself BEing the actual force of the air, the water, the earth, the fire….

BE humanity as each individual walking the earth, and humanity as a whole.

BE the Universe in all its awe and wonder, each star, planet, asteroid, black hole.  

It’s truly amazing what can happen when we ALLOW our own BEings to BE one with these collective elements of creation.

As we progress into the next several posts, I’ll do my best to break down each layer of collective conscious we live within to demystify it and offer techniques and tactics to help you connect to these realms for healing and balance for your everyday life.

In the meantime, if you choose, take some quiet time today to actually ponder what it is you are transmitting out into the collective consciousness container we are all living in. Take personal responsibility for the ripples that are moving forth from the stones you’re skipping every moment you take in a breath of life itself.

Realize you’re part of where we are at as a human race BECAUSE of the thoughts, emotions and actions we have all transmitted. And with INTENT, send out what is your TRUTH because we are all in this together, past, present and future.

As always, please share your experiences by adding a comment below. Your words help encourage others and connect our consciousness is positive, healing ways.

Till Next, and sent with Cosmic Hugs,


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