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Twin Soul Ascension Report ~ Divine feminine Empowerment is crucial going Forward through The 11.1 Portal!

Dearest beloveds,

Greetings of the most high. We come forward now in this moment of your time with a very important message regarding the fast approaching 11:1 portal. The 11:1 is the portal date which holds the potential to set the energetic precedence for the coming year, which as we have repeatedly stated is the year of en masse bona fide twin soul recognition and reunion.

The purpose of the 11:1  transmission is to gather Gaias light tribe to come together in order to activate huge predestined shifts into the electromagnetic grid of Gaia. The work we did in the solstice transmission was extremely instrumental in activating the rainbow dragons at Stonehenge, however we are now being called to further activate and awaken the entire dragon community that reside in the core of the Earth known as inner earth. The sleeping dragons have acted in many ways as guardians of the genuine twin soul connections ensuring that these unions do not manifest until the consciousness of Gaia is ready for such a profound injection of divine love.

We have shown our channel Matahariji the twin soul reunion timelines that will rapidly open up for many many of you who come forth to be part of this highly auspicious ceremony.

To do this profound clearing in an awakened ascension group is powerful beyond measure, as the energy of each person in the sacred circle is deeply empowering and magnifying for your own personal intentions.

Dearest ones at this point it is imperative that you reach out for as much support as possible to stabilise in 5th dimensional consciousness. The enormous act of reprogramming the egoic consciousness must be approached in the spirit of understanding that repetition is crucial.

It took X amount of years for all those false construct neural pathways to develop, and therefore it will take a vigilant and committed approach from you to insure the brand new true 5d programming can settle fully in your system.

We spoke in our last sacred offering about how 2019 is the year that will witness many of the Divine feminines fully awakening to the realisation that they are royal Holy and sovereign beings, and that their crown has been in their field awaiting the moment to be fully claimed by them, and we spoke about that in this realisation the Divine feminine will step up to lead the divine masculine, and it is this which we wish to speak about right now.

Dear ones, you have all been given an almighty responsibility to activate entirely the demise of the old Paradigm relating between the divine masculine and feminine. In the old Paradigm, the divine masculine was given the duty to be the leader and the initiator in the divine union, and for the most part the old paradigms of sexual relating between the masculine and feminine was largely initiated and activated from an unconscious male led stance.

However in the new Paradigm, it is essential that in the Divine feminine’s remembrance of her true identity, that she step forward now to consciously lead, through sacred invitation, the divine masculine into her sacred temple. And when the divine masculine arrives in her Temple it is wholly appropriate that she be the initiator of the Tantric energies, if they are activated in the couple.

The reason for this is that the Divine feminine must stand tall as the embodiment of one who truly remembers her divine self, and in her remembrance of her power and sovereignty, these remembrance codes can be transferred onto the divine masculine in order to support him to align vibrationally with his own sovereign king self.

The divine feminine has been programmed to swiftly and proficiently walk the divine masculine home to his eternal self, and this process can only be successful in an environment where by the Divine feminine (polarity twin) has assumed her role as spiritual guide and leader in this union.

It is important that as many souls as possible come forward to share their energy on the 11:1 transmission, where we will be dealing specifically with the issue of clearing this dark energy that has been opposing genuine twin reunions. We cannot stress how important this is beloveds, and this will assist many many of you to come into physical Union with your twin Souls in this year of 2019.

In the 11:1 transmission we are also being guided to activate the faith codes that are stored in our DNA. 2019 is the year of “Faith” and it is extremely important that all Star seeds are calibrated and aligned perfectly with the vibration of stabilized Faith. Therefore in the 11.1 transmission we are being guided to work with your own personal higher self to activate these Faith codes in your own DNA.

Going forward it is essential that we starseeds are unwavering in our trust and Faith in god’s plan and god’s timing. The more that we individually and collectively can remain vigilantly aligned with these faith codes the Swifter all of our prayers will be materialized on the earthly realm.

This is an extremely auspicious blessing to receive and all those who take part in this ceremony will be the receivers of this blessing.

We are also being guided to work with the Pleidian nervous system correction team who are currently working on individuals to assist their bodies to be able to adjust to the higher frequency bombardment that is currently occurring. We are being called together by our pleidian star family so that they (if we are willing) can work on us as a collective group.

Again this is an extraordinarily profound blessing to receive and will assist all of us in the assimilation of the integration of theses light frequencies into our physical vessels.

Please see below for full details on how to book onto the 11:1 transmission which will take place in “The event is happening” Facebook group. We would you like to extend an invitation to those of you who are reading theses sacred words to please come and join the amazing Facebook group “the event is happening” which is playing an extremely important role with regards to this current planetary ascension.

please see the link below to join the group and meet your star tribe

In love and eternal light

Jen and the white wolf tribe

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