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Transmission from the Galactic Federation: Starseed’s Role!

Their function is to integrate and anchor the energy of the source and to transfer it to individuals and groups of people through their own core-generated energy, which they refer to as their own divine sparks. When this energy is present, it aids in the development of one’s spirituality while also aiding the opening of the heart chakra.

Starseeds derive their souls from other planets, star systems, and galaxies, which is why they are called “starseeds.” They have arrived to Earth in order to aid in the Ascension Process on this planet.

It is possible that they served as a guide to teach you a lesson, aid in your healing, or just to get you through a difficult period. Others believe they have come to assist humanity in altering the direction of their growth by sending a message that acts as a reminder of what is possible if you approach things in a certain way.

Another possibility is that they were assigned to a mission as an ambassador to promote consciousness or as a representative of the Source energy, both of which are possible scenarios.

Being a Starseed attracts a large number of people who are interested in learning more about their own beginnings.

Starseed is a word that has been used to refer to nearly anyone who has had unique experiences that have led him or her to believe that he or she is the child of alien parents. Among these are the following:

Seeing a shooting star is a wonderful experience.
Observing an unidentified flying object
Being taken by extraterrestrials
Seeing a “star child” in action.
Seeing oneself as a lightworker is an excellent way to start.
Having memories of previous lifetimes Possessing telepathic abilities
Possessing a relationship with extraterrestrials or other heavenly creatures
Having psychic experiences or possessing psychic talents
Having foreboding thoughts about the future
Developing a strong sense of connection with nature
Spiritual awakenings are occurring.
You have the impression that you are “different.”
Having a sense of being connected to old wisdom
Having a sense of déjà vu
Having someone tell you that you are from another planet or dimension
Possessing dreams about other realms of existence, as well as a deep sense of inner knowingness or the realization that you are “part of the puzzle.”
Having recollections of a previous existence
Being visited by spirit guides, angels, or ancestors who have passed away
Being jolted out of a deep sleep by a bright light
Having the sensation of discovering something unexpectedly
Having tremendous sensations of love and peace
A state of pleasure or ecstasy is experienced.
Having a strong emotional attachment to animals
Having prophetic dreams or visions is a rare occurrence.
Having visions of different life forms or beings in your dreams
Communicating with animals is a valuable skill.
Possessing the capacity to cure others through the use of your intellect

Starseed origins are available in a variety of forms. Take a few steps back and see if we can find out where you’re originally from.


The Orion starseeds originate in the deep space of the Orion Constellation and are composed of fragments of stars and cosmic gases. They are found in the constellation of Orion. They hope to stimulate the energy fields of human beings in order to bring forth boundless love and light on this world. Each time you call upon them and carry them with you, they vibrate and bring forth higher and higher frequencies into your atomic body structure, until they reach their maximum potential. This allows you to feel beautiful and powerful as a result of your actions. They serve as a reminder of your wonderful soul essence because they are pure creative beings.


Celestial visitors known as Pleiadian starseeds are those who have traveled to Earth from the Pleiades, a star system located in the constellation of Taurus. Generally speaking, they will be recognizable by their sensitive and compassionate personality. When it comes to helping humanity open up to intergalactic entities and promoting better understanding between this world and space, the Pleiadian Starseed is a great resource.


In this lifetime, Sirians are residents of the planet Sirius who have taken up residence on Earth to assist humanity in its momentous transition into the New Energy. Sirian starseeds are humanitarians who are compassionate and have a history of serving humanity as teachers, healers, or activists for social justice problems. Scientists and social justice activists are achieving astonishing discoveries in science and social justice as humans awaken to their higher purpose on Earth.


Lyrans are believed to have originated on Vega, the second planet of our solar system, which is located 26 light-years away in the constellation of Lyra. There is a natural affection and affinity for all living forms in Lyrans, but there is an especially strong connection to human beings in Lyrans. Despite the fact that many people believe the Lyrans originate from Sirius, this is not the case. They are passionate about nature and everything it has to offer. They are devoted to their families and instill a love of the outdoors in their children from an early age.


Human beings were visited by the Arcturian, who came from the Arcturus Star System and arrived on Earth during the Atlantean era to assist in raising the consciousness levels of human beings so that they could begin to remember their 5th-dimensional origins and reconnection with their multidimensional selves. Arcturians are extremely sensitive beings, and many of them have reported experiencing severe discomfort on Earth as a result of the low vibratory energy patterns there. To avoid being seen by others and to assist individuals, many of these entities prefer to spend the most of their lives in fifth-dimensional states, only coming into the third dimension when it is necessary for them to do so.


Andromedans are a humanoid race that originated on the planet Andromedia (the third planet from the star Vela in the constellation of Andromeda). The term “Andromedan” refers to those from this race who have been assigned a mission to travel to other worlds in order to assist them with a type of spiritual alchemy. This alchemy aids in raising consciousness and assisting others in their journey towards becoming a free civilization, living in harmony and cooperation with nature, not destroying their home world or others, but getting along by creating sustainable lifestyles that adhere to universal laws instead of destroying their own.

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4 thoughts on “Transmission from the Galactic Federation: Starseed’s Role!”

  1. How can I find out if I am a light worker or a started, I know I’m one or the other.

  2. Hello, firstly thank you for the amazing information. I am 68 and for many years I have understood that I am from Venus, which you don’t mention here. I’m curious to understand more. As a child I had a recurring experience in the space of falling asleep and then just before awakening. I remember it quite vividly still. For years and years I wondered about it as it was an experience of going (falling asleep) and returning (awakening) the remarkable parts were the feeling of being embraced in an immense love, and a color such as terracotta or the red rocks of Colorado or Sedona Az, on one occasion I had the feeling of great disappointment at the awakening stage. Several years ago I was looking through some NASA photos of Venus over several years and in an older photo of Venus, I recognized the color and had an immediate inner knowing that this is where I had “gone”…Although I don’t really “need “ to know , I am still curious. I follow the mission and purpose of Starseeds but don’t know if I am one or if it matters (which I believe it does not). Thank you 🙏🏼 May happiness and the causes of happiness reign for all people and the earth!

  3. I know my piece to the puzzle. With the help of a computer graphic artist we can recreate the 5th dimension parallel worlds. They are connected by vibrating lines of every color to make up the river of eternal life .for nearly 4 months earlier in 2021 my vibrating higher allowed me to experience multiple ascensions to witness multiple dimensions. Its beautiful and positive. One was the ascension from 3rd to 5th dimension, another day was the 9th dimension also called the christ experience or quantum light .I havemany answers for scientists and spiritualist. Please contact me ,thank you Fred.

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