There is a movement now, a flow, and it’s gathering speed. But just as the realigning movement of consciousness itself is strengthening, so is the noise and drama of the Old Paradigm. When you’re inquiring, you can palpably feel the anxiety, fear and conditioning of the many who’re still clinging to the vestiges of the worn out 3D/4D reality. You’ll likely feel it emotionally, mentally, physically and karmically when you make creative choices. We have to be careful we don’t get stuck in deadend loops. It’s time to focus on the flow itself, and the consciousness landscape it’s directing us toward. It’s essential then, that we’re very mindful where we put our attention…
What’s the first thing you do when you wake up in the morning?
What is your consciousness attuning to in all the daily choices you make?
How do you prepare yourself for evening sleep?
Not accepting anything goes
To someone whose become very surrendered, it would be understandable if the answer were… “I just go with the flow”. That’s great if you’ve arrived at that point. But I put it to you that there’s also a risk of accepting anything goes, and that if this seeps into your consciousness, then that’s not going to serve the journey of your soul, because it could keep pulling you back into the density of the Old Paradigm.
As I talked about in the PARADIGM SHIFT film, we’re living in two worlds right now, not one. In the Old Paradigm, all around you, you’ll witness the efforting and struggling to maintain an apparently secure and safe way of living which conforms to the system. It’s very dense, seeps into your emotions and thoughts, which then creates cicular feedback loops in one’s psyche based on sense of lack: I need to have this to be happy; I need to consume that to feel content; I need to do this to be loved; I need to control my environment to be secure. And especially now as abrupt climate change denudes essential resources to feed the system, this sense of lack and the need to control is escalating.
If you allow repetitive and unconscious control mechanisms simply to run and govern key aspects of your life, then the risk is to build fixed neural pathways in the brain, that then release neuropetides, which condition those feelings of lack into our bodily cells. The bodymind then craves the fulfillment of these loops, causing actual physical/emotional/mental pain if the cravings aren’t fullfilled.

When you break it down, this is how, to varying degrees, so many people live. And even when you’ve awakened, there’s still plenty of this consciousness programming around that can easily pull you in. If you’re not careful, you end up sleep-walking through key moments and choices of your life that maintain the energetic ties – the limitations – to the old world consciousness, which you then keep reprogramming – rebuilding.
Transcendence is the Key to the Higher Paradigm
Those who can feel the yearning in their soul for a more aligned way of living, more free and liberated, more intune with the core of their being, more at-one with the natural flow of life, need to be attentive, aware and conscious of what you put your attention on.
The key to this Higher Paradigm is transcendence: what I witness in myself, and in working with people around the world, is that when you confront the internal patterning that’s conditioned by the sense of lack, which ties you to the limitations of the old, if you go right into the very heart of these contractions and challenge their hold on you, then you unleash the soul through these experiences. With the sense of acceptance comes a feeling of lightness, a vibration. If you then open an internal space and give room for this vibration to grow as a sense of rightness in the moment, then the soul expresses ever more strongly. And when you attune to this, by committing to its expression, in every moment, you find yourself actually flowing through the new landscape of the Higher Paradigm in your daily life.

It’s essential to add, this is not some disconnected, ungrounded, new-agey lala-land that’s somewhere else! Take a look around you. I put it to you that the energy of the reality construct is now collapsing, it’s unwinding, and the movement of energy itself is releasing into a new frequency of being, a new way of creating and living. Progressively, that’s what the world is coming to, as the 3D/4D karmic construct breaks down. The point is:
You can live this higher frequency – this higher vibe – right now, and it can be highly successful. You can create effectively from the feeling of openness, acceptance, joy, love and the sense of rightness that is the alignment of your soul.
The quantum field around earth is more fluid now, and it will create around the synchronicities of interconnectivity. But there also has to be the will, courage, commitment and tenacity of the soul active in you too. You actually have to step into these behaviourisms by deciding it’s that way of living and being which fulfills – trusting that if I step into the flow of the quantum field, that it will deliver what is necessary.
The question is, how do I best do this?
4 Essential Keys to Going with the Higher Flow
Here are 4 essential keys to focus on…
1) Firstly, you have to realise what the quantum field is actually doing. I put it to you (and encourage you to explore), that the higher flow is working to reveal you as a being. So when you focus, in any moment, on the actualisation of the highest expressions of yourself, even and especially in all the smallest of things, then the flow itself will connect with these expressions and fulfill them – it will animate and give energy to them; it will create around them.
Here’s a video on How to Create in 5D Consciousness
2) Secondly, it helps enormously to have a sense of the landscape that you’re flowing into, so as not to get constantly diverted into the lower consciousness. Because the soul has qualities of empathy, if you inadvertently over energise these, then you’ll likely get pulled into other people’s control dramas – those of the Old Paradigm. However, if the ways of the new are becoming more important to you, because you’re giving them chance to breathe, you’ll attune the more defined and focussed aspects of the soul, which will help you commit to staying more in the higher vibe, no matter what is going on.
Here’s how an empath can learn from a catalyst and vice versa
3) Be prepared to confront where the Old Paradigm hooks you in. It’s definitely not about overriding these contractions and tightness, because that just creates the identity of avoidance and a false reality. What’s essential is to be so attentive internally that you recognise when these are activating, then to turn right into them. Explore deeply – what is attaching you? What do you think you need in this moment? What can you not accept? By not giving in to the conditioning, but inquiring into the contractive pain, then you normalise in the pain itself. It ceases to hold you. Now you can expand through as the presence of the one, and then unleash soul by paying attention to the emergent energies.
Discover more with this Openhand Breakthrough Approach
4) When you unleash the soul in these contractive moments, and set it free, pay attention to the new consciousness landscape it wants to create around you. This is where signs, synchronicity and metaphor become so important: you look into the 3D world, but you’re working to attune to the higher flow, the patterning of consciousness that is reflected. It builds a story, a narrative, of a new way of existence, which you progressively become a part of. It’s a reality based on magic and miracles – which create because of the interconnectivity of the higher flow, which is now animating through you. This ‘narrative’ has to be fluid though, so as not to fix in illusions. Let it adapt, change and recreate, so you’re constantly refining your authentic reality. This becomes a part of the new 5D reality construct that we’re ascending to. You progressively witness you’re focussing in on it, becoming a part of something much greater, that’s already taking shape. Most importantly, this will also create new more aligned situations in the 3D – changing circumstances in relationships, careers and general living circumstances here and now.
Here’s a short video diary on living 5D Consciousness now
The Tree of Souls
I had an exceptionally powerful meditation experience recently – one of life’s peak experiences – as I was preparing myself for the upcoming PARADIGM SHIFT World Tour. I could feel very clearly all of those in the ether working towards the foundation of the New Paradigm here on Earth. It was visually metaphored as a scene from Avatar, where a group of starbeings were gathered in meditation together, all around us and the earth, working toward the unleashing of the realigning flow. It is a consciousness which is cohesive and respectful of all life, where each has their own individual story, and yet they interconnect so as to create a living ‘tribal’ harmony. It’s a vibration that’s inviting more and more people to awaken into; to be themselves, and at the same time, experience being a living breathing part of the new existence. In the midst of it all, I could feel the renewed Gaia, as the tree of life, binding it all together. I could feel the consciousness of the old humanity, the old Homo Sapiens, giving way to an emergence of the new – what I’m given to call “DIVINICUS”.
I found a representation of the vision from the Avatar film and felt to conclude by sharing it with you. Remember, it’s a metaphor – a vision – of a deeper truth that’s now unfolding all around us…
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