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This Update Will Get You Ready For The Final Months Of 2022.

We strongly support humankind’s right to pursue its own course. We don’t believe that we can see the future of humanity any more clearly than you can. Although there are many predictions about what must occur before you may change your awareness, this shift has never been dependent on outside circumstances. It has never been about what the sun or planets in your solar system or elsewhere are doing. Each of you is free to decide what happens next on your personal journeys and what you want to experience as a member of the human collective, since it has always been an inside game, an inside job.

There are more than you can imagine, and you get to support the one that most closely matches your preferences. You don’t have to wait in tense expectation for what some higher-dimensional person or collective claims is going to happen in order to determine when it’s essential to prepare a refuge beneath the surface of the earth or stockpile supplies. You are the ones who decide your own fate as individuals and whether or not you will join a certain version of the human collective on its path to ascension on purpose or by accident.

People in modern times are far too preoccupied with who owns what technology and how they use it. They spend much too much time worrying about what the general population isn’t being taught and what technological advancements are being withheld from the average person. You must be aware at this point that no human or extraterrestrial hands could possibly develop something as strong as your inner technology. You must already be aware of the ability you possess as awakened souls to access your inner technology, raise your vibration, and connect with the Earth and the people you feel are the most compatible with you and what you truly are.

As a result, we constantly tell you to stop looking outside of yourself and to remember that everything you need is within you.Your vibration is mostly located inside of you. It is the aspect of you that informs you of your alignment. Do you wish to join forces with a very third-dimensional universe where there is conflict between the forces of good and evil? If that’s what you desire, you can do that. Would you like to support an Earth and a human collective that are coming together, merging, forgiving one another, letting go of hate, and ascending to a higher state of awareness as one cohesive whole? If you wish, you can have that experience, which to us seems a lot more like a change in awareness.

So, in essence, what we’re saying is that it’s not critical for you to have that perception of reality as a part of your awareness if anything you’re reading, seeing, or listening to isn’t about increasing your vibration, loving, forgiving, releasing judgment, or healing. You simply need to concentrate on the reality you want to experience and have come to know through experience to be the best fit for you. So that’s our advice, and we provide it because we want to assist. We see so many people adopting a more 3D perspective, an us-versus-them paradigm, and fear-mongering posing as spiritual insight.

In order for you to decide where you’re going next as a person and where the collective you are aligning with is going as well, we want to assist in guiding you back to yourself, back to what is significant to you, and back to what is within of you. No matter where you go or what you decide, we’ll be there with you. We’ll keep loving you, guiding you, and sending you energy downloads. But we also want you to know that you do have the power to chose.

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2 thoughts on “This Update Will Get You Ready For The Final Months Of 2022.”

  1. This is me! It’s what I’ve been experiencing these last 6 years or so. Thank you for confirming what I know to be a complete change in my awareness and growth in my spiritual life.

  2. I feel in my core that I am in alignment with a higher frequency that creates an environment where young and innocence is a protected state and right, where we teach each other positive and allow the individuals to understand their own negative lessons, not heap on generational pain and suffering, where the is NO NORM only GREATNESS, as energy based beings in a physical body, we nurture the philosophy of balance and instruct of the physical vessel and its requirements. Dis-ease becomes a point in humanity’s history, past. I dream and meditate on this, I have for a long, long time. I pray you love yourself, I pray you see yourself.

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