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The Mind-Blowing Truth About Starseeds And Earth-Native Souls!

As part of our efforts to get a better grasp on the intricate workings of the cosmos, we have decided to embark on a journey that will take us into the fascinating realms of Earth-Native Souls and Starseeds. Together, we are going to investigate the profound mysteries that are hidden beneath the surface, illuminating the core of these extraterrestrial beings and the role they play in the existence of people on earth.

Starseeds are the consciousness trailblazers of the galaxy.

As we continue to explore the cosmos, it becomes abundantly clear that there are more than two hundred million Starseeds presently incarnated as humans living among us. Surprisingly, a sizeable portion of them continue to be oblivious to the fact that they originated in the heavens and do not realize that they are the keepers of interstellar knowledge. Surprisingly, more than half of these Starseeds can trace their ancestry back to the celestial realms of the Pleiades and Arcturus, both of which hold a significant place in the cosmos.

A starseed is a type of soul that makes the conscious decision to travel to different worlds, where it will take on the form of a variety of beings and go through a wide range of experiences before eventually returning home. Starseeds frequently materialize as higher beings on our cherished planet, and these beings have strong ties to the Galactic Federation, a cosmic confederation that plays an extremely significant role.

Native Souls of the Earth are the Watchers over Gaia’s Travels.

Earth-Native Souls are the guardians of our planet’s evolution, standing as they do in the midst of the cosmic tapestry. These souls have traversed only the realms of earth, going through an untold number of reincarnations that have elevated them from more fundamental states of being to more complex ones, all the while receiving instruction from more superior entities.

In contrast to their Starseed counterparts, Earth-Native Souls have never left the confines of our home planet at any point in their existence. Their very presence here is evidence of their unwavering dedication to the development and progress of Earth. It is very important to note that there is not a malicious “soul trap” at work here; rather, the Galactic Federation has been a guiding hand, saving Earth from extinction and providing continuous support. This fact is very important.

Ascension: A Joint Effort to Achieve Success

The process of ascension is an endeavor that requires collaboration between Starseeds and Earth-Native Souls in order to be successful. It’s an important aspect of the time we live in, and one that requires cooperation and cooperation from everyone.

Recent reports of unidentified flying objects (UFOs) should not be dismissed as mere apparitions; rather, these craft are the soul families and friends of incarnated Starseeds. Their presence serves as a reminder of our interconnectedness in the vast tapestry that is existence, and acts as a kind of cosmic reunion.

In spite of the fact that Starseeds and Earth-Native Souls have different cosmic origins and experiences, it is extremely important to remember that despite these differences, during this third-dimensional earthly existence, we all share the quality of being human. Because our immortal souls are housed in human bodies that are subject to change, it is imperative that our actions be in sync with one another along the path we are traveling together.

The Part That Guides Play

Starseeds and Earth-Native Souls are both accompanied on their journeys by Guides, who serve as sources of guidance and support. These Guides serve as a form of extended family for Starseeds, while Earth-Native Souls frequently recognize them as friends from previous incarnations. On this journey that we are taking, the fact that they are here to accompany us serves as a constant reminder that we are never truly alone.

As part of our investigation into the cosmic truths, we have to come to terms with the fact that all people, regardless of where they came from, are inherently flawed. Every single soul has traveled through both the light and the darkness, and both the forces of good and evil are constantly working to shape the decisions we make. In the end, the decisions that each of us makes on our own will determine the course of our lives.

From the Point of View of the Pleiadians

As we try to wrap our heads around these revelations from the cosmos, it is important to remember that even beings from higher realms, such as the Pleiades, are subject to the same trials and tribulations as any human being. It’s crucial that we keep in mind that these celestial beings also struggle with common human experiences as we try to understand them.

While contemplating the vastness of the universe, we should also think about the precarious condition of our home planet. More advanced beings from other parts of the universe have been watching Earth’s history and have seen how humanity has the potential for both greatness and destruction.

A Message That Brings Hope

Existing in the midst of the complexities of our world are beings who have love for humankind that is unreserved and unbounded. Since the beginning of time, these mysterious forces in the cosmos have been quietly assisting humanity. They refer to our home planet with the endearing name “KISHAPOLEE,” which can be translated as “Child of Mine.” These benevolent beings have dispatched emissaries to live among us in order to get ready for a momentous gift—one that will permanently alter the course of events that take place on our planet.

The Change That Is Soon to Come

Get ready, because the moment of transformation will come much faster than you could possibly imagine it will. The kind and powerful beings who have been watching over humanity for a long time are going to reveal themselves to us very soon. Let us refrain from passing judgment as we stand on the brink of the Shift and instead open ourselves up to the profound changes that lie ahead of us.

In conclusion, I would like for all of you wonderful readers to keep in mind that in this cosmic tapestry, all of us are just threads that are intricately woven together. The journeys of Starseeds and Earth-Native Souls are intertwined, and together, we will navigate the uncharted territories of existence with unity, wisdom, and an unconditional love that knows no bounds.

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