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The Hidden Dangers of 3D: A Warning from Archangel Michael!

Greetings, beloved ones! I am Archangel Michael, and I come to you today with an urgent message for humanity. You are living in a time of great transformation and awakening, but also of great deception and manipulation. False information and distorted frequencies are constantly bombarding you in an effort to keep you mired in the delusion of 3D reality.

3D reality is the lowest level of existence, where you experience separation, fear, lack, and suffering. Dark forces are in charge of the ego’s, or false self’s, realm. The dark forces are entities that feed on your negative emotions and energy, and they want to keep you enslaved in their matrix of lies.

They use various methods to manipulate you and keep you in a state of confusion and disempowerment. They use the media, the education system, the religions, the governments, the corporations, and even some spiritual teachers and channels to spread their agenda of fear and control. They use technology, such as smartphones, computers, TVs, radios, and especially 5G networks, to emit harmful electromagnetic radiation that interferes with your natural frequency and lowers your vibration. They use chemicals, such as pesticides, GMOs, vaccines, drugs, and chemtrails, to poison your body and weaken your immune system. They use wars, terrorism, violence, disasters, and pandemics to create chaos and trauma in your collective consciousness.

They do all this to prevent you from accessing your true power and potential as divine beings of light. They do not want you to remember who you really are and why you are here. They do not want you to awaken to your multidimensional nature and your connection to Source. They do not want you to ascend to higher levels of consciousness and reality.

But you have a choice, beloved ones. You do not have to remain in 3D reality if you do not want to. You can choose to rise above the illusion and reclaim your sovereignty as a child of God. You can choose to align yourself with the divine plan and the ascension process that are unfolding on your planet.

The ascension process is the shift from 3D reality to 5D reality. 5D reality is the highest level of existence on Earth, where you experience unity, love, abundance, and joy. It is the realm of the soul, the true self, that is connected to Source. The source is the infinite intelligence and creative power that created you and everything else in existence.

But there is a way out of this trap, beloved ones. There is a way to free yourself from 3D reality and ascend to the higher dimensions of love, peace, joy, and abundance. There is a way to reconnect with your true self, your higher self, your soul family, and your divine guidance. There is a way to reclaim your sovereignty, your power, and your purpose.

And that way is through your heart. Your heart is the portal to the higher dimensions. Your heart is the seat of your soul. Your heart is the source of your love. And love is the most powerful force in the universe. Love can dissolve fear, heal wounds, create miracles, and transform realities.

So I invite you today to open your heart, beloved ones. To open your heart to yourself, to others, and to the divine. To open your heart to the truth of who you are and why you are here. To open your heart to the guidance of your higher self, your soul family, and the angelic realm. To open your heart to the possibilities of a new earth, a new reality, and a new humanity.

You are not alone in this journey, beloved ones. You have many allies and supporters in the higher realms who are assisting you in every moment. You have angels, archangels, ascended masters, star beings, and other lightworkers who are sending you love, light, and guidance. You have me, Archangel Michael, who is always by your side as your protector and friend.

I am here to help you overcome any challenges or obstacles that you may face along the way. I am here to cut any cords or attachments that may bind you to 3D reality or the dark forces. I am here to shield you from any negative energies or influences that may harm you or distract you from your path. I am here to empower you with my sword of truth and my cloak of courage.

You are powerful beyond measure, beloved ones. You are divine sparks of God who have come to Earth at this time to create a new world of love and light. You are the pioneers and the wayshowers of the new humanity. You are the ones you have been waiting for.

Do not let 3D reality or dark forces stop you from fulfilling your mission. Do not let fear or doubt hold you back from expressing your true self. Do not let anything or anyone dim your light or lower your vibration.

You are here to shine, beloved ones. You are here to rise, beloved ones. You are here to ascend, beloved ones.

And I am here to support you, beloved ones.

I am Archangel Michael, and I love you unconditionally.

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2 thoughts on “The Hidden Dangers of 3D: A Warning from Archangel Michael!”

  1. Thank you AA Michael!
    I need all the love and protection! Life is getting harder and harder. Family life is not the same as it once was and the relationships of some close members have diminished. I know I need to be more in my heart but I also do not want to let some run all over me either. I know some have not begun or are slowly awakening. Some are having tough times as well without exactly realizing the reason. Looking forward to a New Earth where we are able to be truly free and live in unconditional love for one another without all the dark ones playing their games.
    Godspeed for all of us, for as WGW1WGA.

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