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The Ascension Process – What is Ascension?

By Suzanne Worthley

What is Ascension?

Webster says Ascension is “the act or process of moving or rising up, especially to a higher or more powerful position.”

But in terms of what we’re experiencing here in our 3-D world, I believe this is a more inclusive description (compliments of Lisa Renee and Energetic Synthesis):

“The Ascension process is about moving consciousness from one reality to another and the awareness of possible multiple realities existing simultaneously. Since a reality is a dimension, what we are undertaking is, in essence, a complete dimensional shift.”

Now I fully realize this is a lot to chew on, and most of us have a hard enough time living in this one reality much less trying to comprehend what it means to exist in multiple realities simultaneously. So, I’m going to do my best in the next several blog posts to break down this concept in terms we can all comprehend and learn from.

There’s actually incredible irony in the moment I’m writing this because The Matrix is playing in the background on our family television. It’s funny to me that sci-fi movies such as The Matrix series are so intriguing to many of us and, ultimately, become cult classics. It’s almost like roadkill in that there are parts we do not want to look at or see for some innate reason and yet we cannot take our eyes off it.

I believe this is because our higher self or inner self knows there are elements of truth within these movies and they ignite our inner knowledge or remembrance. We watch them as a fun way to get out of our heads and be entertained, yet from a higher perspective we are really downloading some truths from a higher plane of existence.

The goal of this initial series on Ascension is to inform you of the properties of Ascension in understandable terms and ultimately prepare you for what you may possibly encounter physically and emotionally. I’m making a commitment to keep you informed and to help you become empowered and responsible for self. Take only what resonates as truth for your individual journey and either allow the rest to percolate in your subconscious or simply toss out the information totally.

How does Ascension affect us?

As an energy practitioner, I’ve been traversing these Ascension energy shifts now for several years, within my own body as well as working with clients. It’s now time to share not only the knowledge I have gained with others, but also offer tangible strategies to navigate the process.

This is a critical time because certain symptoms are becoming more apparent in almost all my clients, and many are feeling and experiencing similar challenges. Much of the physical and emotional struggles our body and minds encounter during this process can be avoided, or at the very least understood, by a developing an awareness along with learning tactics to keep your auric bodies in alignment with your higher-truth.

Ascension affects our physical bodies

At this point, I’m only going to give a brief summary of potential Ascension symptoms so you can see if you personally resonate with this information.

Some typical Ascension symptoms may include, but are definitely not limited to:

  • Cranial pressure and headaches
  • Extreme fatigue
  • Hot flashing of the physical body, sometimes counteracted with the chills
  • Body aches, joint and muscle pain
  • Cramps in the legs, calves, shoulders and almost every joint in the human body
  • Flu-like symptoms
  • Skin rashes or itching
  • Sleeplessness and erratic dream states, including lucid dreams
  • Feeling of disconnect or not being in body
  • Changes of memory and visual states
  • Anxiety
  • Feelings of vertigo or imbalance of body

Again, this is just a small sampling of potential symptoms. The reality of this process is that our bodies are changing dramatically along with our entire planet and cosmos. If you’re feeling any of these symptoms, I encourage you to read future blogs where I’ll break down body-specific symptoms and offer the How To’s and the What to Do’s. But today, I’d like to further explain the overall concept of Ascension.

Ascension shifts our consciousness

As I continue to write this, The Matrix movie just asked its most famous question – “How do you define real?”

Most of us define reality in our third-dimensional existence by validating truths using basic senses like sight, touch, and sound. But The Matrix sometimes terrifies us because it questions this reality. Are we in a dream world here on planet Earth? How much are we truly programmed to believe certain things, ideas, realities?

Humanity is undergoing a consciousness shift, which requires a “remembering of what we know.” Now it is time to REMEMBER we are a light body, not just a physical one. We are so much more than a third-dimensional meat-body and it’s time we REMEMBER that and more because these meat-bodies are changing—they are ascending.

Understanding literal ascension: In basic terms, ascension is a shift of our bodies and soul from this physical plane of existence (third dimension) to another plane of reality. This new level of existence is not necessarily physical in the same manner that we now understand physical life. It’s an upgrade in consciousness. The actual vibrational planes of our existence are changing…and, therefore, so is our human meat-and-bone one.

As for a global ascension, many people believed the “Shift of 12-21-12” was going to be a literal pivotal event that either ended our world or changed it profoundly. What the “Shift of 2012” did was allow us to enter the Age of Aquarius: One of possible global peace and enlightenment as a planet, as a humanity and as a cosmos. We will get into this concept further as this series progresses.

Raising our vibration: Everything in creation is constructed of energy. Not just our physical world, but our thoughts, our emotions and words all have an energy to them, and all energy has a vibration to it. Higher vibrational energies are said to be more uplifting and consciousness expanding, while lower vibrational energies are grounding and focused. We are made up of, and need, both.

By changing your energy, you can attract certain beneficial forces into your life (Law of Attraction). In the modern day, this is known as co-creation, manifestation, creative visualization or positive thinking. However, most people create their lives unconsciously, believing in a pre-ordained fate or feeling they are victim of circumstances and not seeing the direct link between their energy and their reality.

Connecting to our higher selves: We exist in many dimensions, and the process of Ascension is to become more aware of all our “selves” on these levels. These selves have a great spiritual awareness of the cosmos and our purpose in it and, by making contact with these higher selves, we can co-create a life that fulfills our true will.

What can we do?

Again, most of the time we are living and experiencing “life” in our meat-body, but we are indeed so much more!

Energetically, we are comprised of four bodies which include:

  • Physical Body
  • Emotional Body
  • Mental Body
  • Spiritual Body

Part of Ascension work is learning about and working with these energy bodies. Mystics learn to control the energy of the subtle bodies through a variety of disciplines, from meditation to ritual.

By shifting the thoughts or emotions that are the root of illness or fear, you can completely transform illness or reality on the physical level.

By making adjustments on the physical body, you can create profound shifts on mental and emotional levels.

By aligning the energy of the subtle bodies, you allow an uninterrupted flow of energy from the higher self, or spirit body, to move through the mind and emotion bodies and manifest in the physical body. Finding and incorporating this balance is critical for Ascension.

Next, I’ll post a more complete list of Ascension signs and symptoms. It’s my goal to help you recognize these symptoms and learn how to work with them to find balance and harmony in your life.

If this post resonates with you, please leave a comment below and join the conversation! It’s important to share this information so we don’t feel alone in this journey and so we can remove the fear attached to the possible unusual experiences resulting from this integration of our higher-light bodies in this process.

Till Next, and with Cosmic Hugs,


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