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The 7 Stages of a Twin Flame Relationship!

A connection between twin flames (soul mates) goes through a number of stages. Here are some examples:

1. Recognition and a brief period of spiritual awakening

The twin flames are instantly recognized on a soul level, and they have the distinct feeling of having met before. They are surrounded by synchronized occurrences, the chakras of the heart open, and the two souls combine quickly into a single third united energy. Twin flames enjoy a rapid increase in their spiritual knowledge and insight.

The stage of recognition and the momentary spiritual awakening serve the following purposes:

All of us are working together to help each twin flame remember their life goal and to raise their level of awareness to a higher level of consciousness.

2. Test

The transient spiritual enlightenment that occurs first fades. The ego (the “small me”) begins to make an appearance. When one or both of the twin flames are in love, they may try to bring back the “old model” of love, couple life, and partnership in the relationship.

They consider what they have been taught to believe about what their loved ones should be like and how partnerships are designed to benefit both parties involved in the connection. The force of the union has both inspired and overridden the soul mates’ feelings for one another. Doubts start to grow, and one or both of the twin flames start to see their partner with suspicion or start to doubt him all together.

The following is the purpose of the testing phase:

You can train your mind to recognize and get rid of old mental beliefs about relationships by bringing them to the surface and getting rid of them.

3. Crisis

Soulmates recognize that they must either abandon their selfish notions about loving relationships or reject their beloved if they want to stay with each other forever. Stubbornness and anxiety might result from the need to let go of one’s ego or identity based on ideas and aspirations in order to accept a more expansive expression of love. Fear is very common, and it can set off a lot of bad habits in people’s emotions.

Despite their worries, twin flames naturally congregate in cycles for bonding, confession, forgiveness, and love, among other things. Higher levels of consciousness are cemented in the energy fields of soul mates as a result of these ceremonies.

The objective of the crisis phase is as follows:

Through this program, healing and maturation opportunities for the mental and emotional bodies are made available.

4. a quick runner

The human ego instinctively fears annihilation in the face of the united divine awareness inscribed inside the union of the twin flames, and this fear is understandable. With increased physical discomfort, the old ego’s survival strategy and emotional and mental habits such as scorn, resistance, manipulation, rage, retribution, and judgment are reactivated as a result. One or both twin flames become emotionally and psychologically drained by a profound agony that mirrors the soul’s degree of rejection and abandonment, and this can happen to any or both of them.

Because of the tremendous anguish of the soul, one or both soul-mates may physically retreat and prevent contact out of dread and hopelessness, resulting in the separation of the couple. They may make several unsuccessful attempts to replicate the unity of the original harmony.

The dynamic runner’s ultimate objective is to:

Bringing two people to God for healing and growth of the spiritual body is the purpose of this prayer.

5. abandonment.

Because the union is under divine protection, the direction and outcome of the partnership are turned over to God in confidence and complete trust. In general, it is agreed that what is excellent and meant for the final physical harmonization will become apparent in due order. For the twin flames to be able to work together in the physical world, they must first be enlightened.

Individuals who are soulmates have the freedom to progress at their own speed and in their own way. When you reach this stage, the frequency of compassion returns and continues to be sustained. They are on the correct path to becoming enlightened human beings because they have made a place in their hearts for their beloved while also experiencing the entirety of life.

Some people may think that now is a good time to show unconditional love through creative projects like painting, music, writing, and teaching.

The abandoning stage serves the following purposes:

Assisting each soul in releasing their ego, having frequent connection with God, and expressing their faith in God’s ability to accomplish what is best for them are all priorities.

6. Self-realization, illumination, and radiation are all possible.

The ego and the energy of the divine power take control, and the world is transformed. This results in a total spiritual awakening and the manifestation of a fully enlightened deity. It is the stage of heavenly brightness, rather than romantic love, that is being played out. It is at this point that the twin flames’ emotional, mental, and spiritual bodies have reached their complete development. New creative and healing abilities are being developed, and they are being put to use to benefit others.

The radiation stage serves the following functions:

Create an outward flow of divine love through the body that vibrates at a level that lifts mankind by establishing an inner flow of divine love.

7. Harmonization

The twin flames begin to awaken at this moment. They come together in physics to integrate their newly developed energies, which then flow into a new dynamic of their united potential, resulting in a new unified potential. They totally integrate into the third energy of unconditional love in such a way that it encourages others to open their hearts as a result of their integration.

The following is the aim of the harmonization stage:

Bringing the twin flame union’s planned objective to a successful conclusion. Soulmates come into your life to assist you in realizing that you are a vibration of unconditional love in your own right.

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