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The 6 Biggest Hurdles To Enlightenment – And How To Handle Them!

Each of us experiences enlightenment at a unique moment in our lives. The world welcomes some individuals to their exact place of destiny, while others spend their entire lives striving for something they were never meant to have.

Now, for the benefit of the uninitiated, enlightenment may be defined as a state of having one’s knowledge suddenly awakened. There are many ways to put it, but they all boil down to this: a yearning for spiritual freedom. Those who have achieved enlightenment have conquered their own thoughts and found inner calm as a result.

If you want to achieve enlightenment, you have to go your own way. You will arrive at your final destination, whether it is in this life or the next. And thus, before you can reach enlightenment, you must confront the following: Truths like these, which far too many people choose to ignore, must be accepted in order to go ahead. Knowing these things will help you get closer to the place the universe intends for you to be.

To achieve enlightenment, you must first grasp the following six concepts:

1. Nothing is perfect, and nothing ever will be.
You can never find perfection. There is no such thing as perfection, and you cannot achieve it. Even if you can’t notice someone else’s problems, you probably have your own. Those who appear to have everything can often be the most broken.

2. It is not possible to derive fulfillment through interactions with other people.
Finding fulfillment in another person is impossible. True joy originates from the inside. Make it happen for yourself.

3. If you desire lasting success, you must first experience failure.
Don’t feel like you’ve failed the world if you have a setback. If you don’t succeed the first time, try again.The more you try, the closer you will get to success.To learn to soar, you must sometimes learn to fall.

4. On some level, our energy fields are intertwined.
The web of life encompasses every single one of us. In a sense, we are this planet. In the course of your travels, you will become increasingly aware of the truth that we are all connected.

5. Not a single person benefits from worrying.
Worrying just results in more stress, and tension is the purest form of negative energy there is. Every anxious thought increases your level of distress. Though it’s vital to acknowledge how you feel, you shouldn’t waste time worrying about something you can’t change.

6. One can never really stop time.
No one knows what will happen in the future because yesterday is already history. There is no guarantee of anything beyond the present moment. Maintaining maximum awareness is essential here on Earth. The quality of your life on Earth will improve dramatically if you learn to live in the present.

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