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Special Message/Sanat Kumara ~ Don’t Let Fear Control you !

I am Sanat Kumara,

I am glad to be here today.

I want to give you my message to humanity. The Dark Forces had enslaved Humanity for thousand of years and kept them in fear by taking their power away from them. Their time is coming to the end, I am here today to remind you that. Their losing the battle with the Light, and all of you need to remember, who are and don’t let fear interrupt your path to Ascension.

The Negative Forces always tried all of their tricks to scare and keep everyone in fear. You need to let it go, it’s just an emotion, the emotion that doesn’t mean anything. You are much stronger than that and your winning the battle with our assistance from the Galactics, Ascended Masters and everyone else.

You are almost there, you just need to remember that they can’t defeat you, and they can’t keep everyone in slavery anymore like they did for so many years.

Their time is almost ending, you need to not react to all of the things that are happening in world, it’s all their tricks that they had in their sleeves, which they are now putting out. They always did and they will do that to their last moment.

Fear can freeze you and make you uncertain by making you forget that you are a spiritual and a powerful being. You just need to remember that and not to be afraid of anything. All of these energies that have been sent to Earth are helping you in your process to Ascension, and the new thing that appeared on the horizon the Coronavirus is the last trick of the Dark Forces. Please don’t listen to the news, don’t pay attention to what the media and the rest of the world is telling you, because most of it is not true. They want you to be afraid, so you would not succeed in your mission of ascending. I am here to tell you and encourage you to be strong and not react to the lies, which have been told to you for thousand of years.

You are who you are and you will soon remember, who you really are. You came here to this planet to have an experience and you end up being stuck here, but this will not continue anymore. You will be able to ascend to 5th dimension and you will live long and happy lives on new Mother Earth.

Everything that we have been telling you, I and the rest of Ascended Masters it’s only the truth. We would never say anything to you to discourage you or to tell you something that’s not true. I am here to let know you that your part of us, you are a spiritual being that forgot who he or she is. Very soon the whole humanity is going to get awake, and they will remember who they are, and then the New Golden Age will start with a new life for everyone. There will be no more suffering, no more hunger and no more poverty, everyone will be equal and everyone will live magical, happy and amazing lives.

I am Sanat Kumara and I am here to encourage you not give up and trust us, trust the Galactics that your not alone, and we are here to help and assist you and bring you to the New Beginning.

I am Sanat Kumara and I was happy to be here today.

Thank You.

source : Erena Velazquez

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