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Special Energy Update For Feb 9,2022!

In any case, until April 29th, when Pluto’s usual 5-month-long retrograde period begins, this retrograde-free period will be available to take advantage of.

As a result, the next three months will be the most favorable period for obtaining the benefits of the universe.
A Gigawatt-Hours of Earth Energy

However, double-check your route before hitting the road at full speed on February 8th. Mars, who is currently in Capricorn, will be in synchronization with Uranus, who will be in Taurus at the time.

This will cause some whiplash amongst us all. This also implies that, even though the momentum is quite favorable at the present, there is no reason to go off at breakneck speed at this time.

Instead, take advantage of this alignment to develop workflow tools and procedures before you begin investing your money. Alternatively, maybe simply upgrading the current ones would enough, given that Mars’ character is pioneering and Capricorn’s preference is for early acceptance.

Investigate life-enhancing applications and make every effort to get at your destination in time to enjoy a family supper, a workout in the evening, and/or some much-needed conventional relaxation.
It’s Time to Face the Music

Mercury and Pluto will come together for the final time in Capricorn on Friday, February 11th. This will be the final conjunction of the two planets in this sign. We may anticipate it bringing transforming insights and intuitive strikes as it challenges us to examine our own shadows.

If you come across anything that makes you uncomfortable, investigate whether it is the result of your unconscious tendencies rather than something external.

Perhaps there was some coordination because there was a fear of losing out or being outcast on the other side? It’s possible that it provided you with a false sense of security.

We must acknowledge that it is a difficult pill to take. Everything will be disclosed on Friday, when Mercury passes Pluto for the final time in the solar system, though. Deep truths will be revealed, and they will be brought up in conversation as a result.

In a select instances, “extreme” remedies may be required, such as the dissolution of partnerships or the issue of ultimatums with strong conviction behind them. In other circumstances, simply admitting that you are suffering might be sufficient.

The importance of timing cannot be overstated. Make an effort to plan your day around intervals of calm and quiet (weekends may be one). Assure yourself that you will not be rushed for time while you are conducting the talk.

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