Have you ever had the feeling that you shouldn’t be among the humans like this? Does home feel like home to you? Are you continually trying to figure out what your life should be about? If you answered “yes” to any of the questions presented above, there is a good chance that you are a starseed; in that case, you do not belong on this planet in any way, shape, or form!
There is a mineral that is regarded to be essential to the beginning of life that may be discovered in meteorites that come from Mars. Because of this, some scientists believe that life first began on Mars.
Furthermore, all of this is connected to the concept of star seeds, star children, and even indigos. It’s possible that the only people who won’t recognize these indicators are new souls who are just beginning their journey here on Earth.
Read on for more information, and take note of the following 20 indicators that prove you are a starchild:
1. When you were younger, you were not your typical child. You have always stood out in a crowd of people. It’s possible that you picked up some skills earlier than other people your age.
2. Even when you are seated in your own home, you like the feeling that you are away from it all the time. You have a very different idea of what the word “home” means, which doesn’t make sense in this situation.
3. It’s possible that you’ve experienced a wide range of paranormal phenomena, such as lucid dreams and visions, extraterrestrial beings, flying saucers, and prophetic illusions. On the other hand, for a star, these actions are very routine.
4. You are highly sensitive.
5. You have an inexplicable knack for connecting with other people. Perhaps you are able to read their thoughts and feelings.
6. Because you are able to read the minds of other people, you are aware of what the other person is going to say before they say it, which makes the discussion exceptionally dull for you. It might be moving at such a snail’s pace that it’s nearly excruciating.
7. You don’t just sense a connection with other people; you also feel a connection with the natural world. You can find wonder in a wide variety of things, including animals, plants, trees, and more.
8. You have the sensation of being timeless. You are able to see other worlds and galaxies, as well as images of your former life and experiences.
9. You are searching for the meaning of your existence. Something is continuously bothering you. You feel like you should accomplish something larger.
10. A good number of your visions and dreams must be really vivid, giving the impression that they may almost be real.
11. Babies are able to recognize that you are unique and are captivated by you as a result.
12. As a result of the fact that you are exceptional, many people may consider you an odd or peculiar person. They are even capable of isolating you.
13. It is conceivable that, as a result of this, you do not have a large number of friends. You will, however, experience a profound connection with the select few people in your life with whom you share a close relationship.
14. You may find that even members of your own family view you with suspicion. It’s possible that you don’t feel as close to them as you normally do with other members of your family.
15. The atmosphere around you has a significant impact on your state of mind. You are more sensitive than most people are to the positive and bad energy that is present around you. You have a propensity to behave more introvertedly at times since you truly do not want to be in a setting where there is a lot of bad energy. You could learn how to protect your aura and strengthen yourself so that you don’t feel emotionally drained.
16. In crowded areas, the energy all around you may become too much for you to handle. You make use of this energy rather frequently in order to conduct communication with other people and to maintain your composure while you are with other people.
17. If you channel your energy properly, you may even use it to cure wounds and injuries. You were given this as a present by nature.
18. You have the impression that you have a profound understanding of the unknowable, the divine, and the cosmos. This understanding originates from deep inside you.
19. You are aware, even if only on a subconscious level, that you are not a human. You might even be able to remember the planet or galaxy in which you lived in a previous life.
20. You are aware that you have been brought to this place for a more significant reason. You came to this world to help other people, and you also want your soul to understand the truth. Even though you haven’t been sure what to do, you’ve been going with your gut and taking steps to make the world a better place and complete your mission.
Do you recognize yourself in more than one of these descriptions? Then you might understand the more profound truth about our history and our development…
Signs You Are A Sacred Starchild On A Mission!

I wanna say thankyou universe for the sign mention above. I really experiencing most off the signs above, and I do really feel in my heart that I have a mission to do to help humanity, but I don’t know where to get help and start off, please I really need help ,thankyou.
Dag Eliana Yako, het voelde voor mij juist om jou een steun berichtje te sturen. Weet dat je niet alleen bent. Het feit dat ik jouw vraag gehoord heb en beantwoord kan misschien een lichtpuntje in een donkere tunnel zijn. Enkel al de intentie neer zetten om anderen te helpen zal je hart verlichten. Bescherm jezelf tegen negatieve gedachten door dagelijks aan jezelf te werken, tracht je eigen frequentie hoog te houden. Je zal merken dat het steeds makkelijker lukt en vergeef jezelf als het minder goed gaat. Warme hartegroet van een gelijkgestemde, liefs Erika