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Self-care For Energy Practitioners: 4 Spiritual Practices To Use!

Those who practice magic, energetic healing, reiki, massage, and aromatherapy have one thing in common: we all deal with the energy of others on a deep subconscious and vibratory level on a daily basis, whether we realize it or not.

What exactly does this mean?

We connect on a deeper level, exposing ourselves to a wide range of emotions, experiences, and expectations of the individuals for whom we do our job. It’s not always our clients; sometimes it’s simply the woman in front of us in the grocery line whose energy is so powerful that it mixes with ours, either in a positive or a negative manner.

Or members of our family whose energy drains us as a result of illness, conflict, or other issues. Or even our own personal belongings, such as baggage, that we transport to the plane of the spirit that we wish to leave behind.

So, what can we do to maintain our own personal space while continuing to give freely to others?

Spiritual self-care activities assist us in maintaining the integrity of our energy, not so that we can avoid others or protect ourselves, but so that we may retain the integrity of the energy we have to offer. Here are some of my favorite self-care suggestions for light workers who are engaged in heavy energy work. I’d like you to add some suggestions to the list in the comments section.

Energy practitioners can benefit from the following spiritual self-care practices:

1. Keep your feet firmly on the ground.

Pay close attention to your feet when performing energy work. It might be as simple as wiggling your toes to relieve stress or fatigue when you’re feeling overwhelmed or fatigued. Make sure you maintain a tangible connection to the ground underneath you.

2. Take a deep breath.

There have been several studies that have demonstrated that humans cease breathing as an instinctive response to stress when the energies around us are powerful. Inhale and exhale in a rhythmic manner, following the rhythm of your breathing. Exhale loudly enough so that you can hear it. Fill your diaphragm with air, and then exhale forcefully to complete the cycle.

3. Make use of the resources at your disposal.

Onyx, kyanite, and smokey quartz are examples of gemstones that provide protection to the wearer. They are able to change discordant or negative energy by removing it from the body. I select the scent of Sanctus oil since it is protective, as well as the energy that surrounds me, and I place a drop on each of my seven chakra points to achieve this.

Even if the energy source is far away, always cleanse with sage or palo santo in the form of smoke or hydrosol before and after dealing with it.

4. Project or discharge the energy that has been gathered.

It’s a little more complicated. When I am greatly challenged by the energy of another, I do one of two things: I channel the tension into an item (something that I can burn easily, such as a little dry leaf or a piece of paper), and then I burn it; or I channel the tension into a person (such as a small dry leaf or a piece of paper).

It is a straightforward and quite effective variant. Alternatively, I employ my “mirror method,” in which I place my hand in the direction of the other person, think that the palm of my hand is a mirror, and I reflect back to this person the energy that they have sent me in the first place.

Because the energy it sends out is positive, it will retransmit that same positivity back to you. This is my favorite piece of advice. However, if it does not, it will be subjected to bad energy, and I will be protected.

I hope that these suggestions may be of assistance to you as you put your abilities into the world to be shared with other people. Strong blessings of self-care and protection are sent your way from me.

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