Comments on: Prepare for the Blast: Earth’s Urgent Warning About Solar Flares! In Devotion of Light Thu, 09 Nov 2023 20:42:44 +0000 hourly 1 By: Lori Thu, 09 Nov 2023 20:42:44 +0000 the chaos & bull shyt, from the evil one, it is a constant to stay close to God & keep that critter far from me & my family…… discipline & respect…… God has created are temples to heal themselves……. breast cancer survivor because of God, hiv+ because of a1984 blood transfusion, we not supposed to mingle blood, I’m off all medication & soon very soon I’m finished taking 🐍🐍on a stick’s jurlaca, it’s foods that make us sick, their meds, their diseases they created them all, the Fauci ouchie he did the hiv & covid stuff and what gets me, people need to wake up, their all connected to the Jews, I get their Gods chosen people, but dang they did the twin towers…… Jesus coming soon and I got pics of synchronicities……. My life is getting so good…… thanking my creator, even tho my family thinks I’m crazy “I am for Yahweh”]]> In reply to diomedes.

IT’s politicians they keep people divided to fill their pockets, I do believe it’s all evil, we don’t need all these people making their foolish laws, cause in the Bible it says we should respect & pray for these people if they follow God, know one is doing that these days it’s money and greed, and I’ve been seeing supernatural for 5 yrs now, nothing scary, I feel so blessed, I can tell you satan has been at my heals, since birth…… I am an Overcomer because of my faith my heart, and my continual desire to be a better person, to fulfill my savior’s purpose……. strong & courageous, to do better everyday……. God is love, I only want love in my life, and forgiveness, I hate no one, I can only imagine how Jesus feels….. definitely 💔 the chaos & bull shyt, from the evil one, it is a constant to stay close to God & keep that critter far from me & my family…… discipline & respect…… God has created are temples to heal themselves……. breast cancer survivor because of God, hiv+ because of a1984 blood transfusion, we not supposed to mingle blood, I’m off all medication & soon very soon I’m finished taking 🐍🐍on a stick’s jurlaca, it’s foods that make us sick, their meds, their diseases they created them all, the Fauci ouchie he did the hiv & covid stuff and what gets me, people need to wake up, their all connected to the Jews, I get their Gods chosen people, but dang they did the twin towers…… Jesus coming soon and I got pics of synchronicities……. My life is getting so good…… thanking my creator, even tho my family thinks I’m crazy “I am for Yahweh”

By: diomedes Sun, 15 Oct 2023 00:30:55 +0000 we are learner from our 3D nature of origin that embedded the veil of Matrix program of control inside the 3D earth Matrix,humanity was totally manipulated by Lie, deceit & deception,they educational system & information destroyed our knowledge, our spirituality, economy,our physical health, can you help us as an awaken human to have a vocabulary that we may use to illuminate those word that are not help us in term of energy,specially to me I am in a process of learning English as a medium Language into internet,
