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By Lucid Pheonix

Welcome to the underworld. This no mere myth. I have come to bring you truth and nothing but the truth. Even though it sounds like a line from a movie, there is no statement more relevant than “the truth will set you free.”

I am not the first deliverer of this truth, and probably won’t be the last. But the mere fact that it has to be told again means something is still getting lost and forgotten. The truth will set you free because you are in bondage to deception.

The ego is nothing more than an act of Black Magic that keeps you in illusion from knowing your true nature. If God/Source/Universe is that of Unconditional Love, than it cannot be anything else.

What is unconditional love? What is it to know this? It is Love without conditions, without expectations, judgement, worry, fear, control, manipulation, lies, lack, but all that is rooted in worthlessness. There is such a place as Eden/Paradise/Nirvana/Heaven etc. It is a place where we once talked with “God.” There is this great story around how we fell from grace, cast out of Eden, ate of forbidden fruit etc. “Who told you that you were naked?”… The truth? “Who told you that you were lacking?”

We fell into the underworld, “dis-graced” by not knowing our worth. We had gotten condemned and possessed by a strong spell. One that cloaked us from truth. The truth of what we truly are. Our absolute worthiness. Our Divinity. This act of desiring something despite us having everything is precisely the moment we fell into worthlessness and into the “underworld.”

It’s an underworld because everything is flipped upside-down. If you are actually Worthy, Divine, Complete, Immortal- then here you are lustful, greedy, wrathful, envious, and gluttonous. But you’re also afraid, stricken with illness and disease, powerless, and deceived. If the kingdoms of heavens and upper dimensions are one of harmony and magic, this one is in reverse.

We don’t have kingdoms or sovereignty. We have “Governments and Politicians.” We don’t have immortality, we have death. We don’t have love we have fear. We don’t have harmony, we have separation. We don’t have unconditional love between lovers, we have bondage in a dark ceremonial act of curses and spellings over each other- promising nothing but expectation, selling our freedoms all as a pathetic attempt to mock true love and union. We don’t have healing we have “healthcare” that makes us sick. We don’t have freedom, we mindlessly allow figures of power to make choices on our behalf. And all of this underworld is manufactured and upheld by “Black Magic.” I hate to say it this way, really, but Black magic is literally nothing other than LYING.

If you are not giving someone the absolute truth, then you are withholding truth. You are withholding truth because you are trying to control a situation. You are trying to control a situation because you are afraid. You are afraid because you feel powerless. You feel powerless because you don’t know your worth. If you are trying to get someone to see something your way, its because you need validation. You need validation because you don’t know your worth. If you do something you don’t want to do, it is because you don’t want to offend. You don’t want to offend because you don’t want to hurt feelings. You don’t want to hurt feelings because you “people please.” You “people please” because you want someone to like you. You need them to like you so to validate you. You need validation because you don’t like yourself. You don’t like yourself because you don’t feel worthy. If you expect something from someone it’s because you’re attaching your happiness to that person. You’re attaching happiness to them because you need a desired outcome. You need to control that outcome because it needs to validate you. You need validation because you don’t feel worthy. If you guilt trip someone into needing to do something for you it’s because you want them to feel bad. You want them to feel bad because you are offended. You are offended because you are hurt. You are hurt because you don’t feel loveable. You don’t feel loveable because you feel worthless. I could go on all day. All of this is manipulation. All of this is deception. All of this is fear. All of this is worthlessness. All of this is abuse. All of this is Black Magic, and all of it is an ILLUSION.

The truth will set you free. Tell the truth even if it hurts. Stop manipulating others, and deceiving them from knowing the truth. Every time you cast a lie, consciously or unconsciously, you are casting a spell over them that holds them in a position that serves you but not them. It holds them back from making a choice out of truth. Free people from the spell by operating from integrity. Tell the truth and allow them to make a choice with the freedom you have granted them. This is love. Love without expectation. Love without conditions. This is truth. And only the truth can set us free.

Being pure of heart and mind, knowing our worth, returning to our divine power, freeing ourselves and others from control, is operating from the highest orders of love. Only then can one return home. This is the same as raising frequency to get to New Earth or 5th dimension. This is the same as purging karma. This is the same as Ascension. But to get there one has to remove all the blinders, be able to see outside the box, become aware of their thoughts and ideas about their identities. This is the same as uncovering beliefs systems playing in the subconscious mind. Ego is literally worthlessness, powerlessness, and it’s all an illusion. It’s all false. A spell cast over you, that has kept you out of a heaven, simply because you felt lack then, and still feel it now.

Once we remember that we choose to act in worth, and we are not afraid to walk away or speak up to manipulation because we understand that it’s an act of Black Magic. We are not afraid of anything because we validate ourselves. We are not afraid because we lose nothing, we gain everything. We are not afraid because we lack for nothing. We are not afraid because we remember our power over all things. We hold a hand up to tricksters, black magicians, narcissists of all kinds, and we say “No.” What can they control when you have no fear ? What power of illusion do they have when you fear nothing? Death ? Lol its not even real. You are immortal. Rejection? You are complete. Prison? Ok, I’ll sit in solitude, in Communion with Source Consciousness. If you have no attachments, addictions or expectations- no fears- then you are truly free from control.

All these tactics of control only work on those themselves that operate on behalf of Black Magicians. The truth will set you free. Learn to understand your fears, then be honest with yourself. Be honest that you have played the role of manipulator, narcissist, liar, guilt tripper, Co dependant, control freak all in an attempt to conceal the truth that you feel powerless, afraid, and unworthy.

Free others from your lack. Free others from your expectations. Free others from your shame and guilt. Let them go. Learn to empower yourself once more. Remember you never had any lack. You had everything. You always did, and it is merely the illusion that you don’t that keeps you condemned in this underworld now.

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