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ONLY 30% of Humanity Will Be Able to ENTER The 5th Dimension

The end of this planetary cycle is exciting for those who have passed the 5D transition exam and achieved optimal consciousness. Successful souls will inherit the new 5D Earth.

About a third of humanity will be ready to move to 5D, a significant number of souls. Many have worked hard to achieve optimal consciousness and prepare for this momentous event, as shown by this ascension increase.

All value-seekers will enjoy abundance in this new era. Prosperity will finally reach cooperatively conscious people when world rulers are removed. This abundance package includes professional and personal happiness in the new age. Those who embrace the new 5D Earth will enjoy perfect health and finances, among other benefits.

Real abundance goes beyond money and possessions. It encompasses lifelong happiness. This includes being happy in relationships, healthy, and making a difference.

As we see the new earth and its blessings, we are filled with hope and promise. It’s time to be optimistic about the future and work toward optimal consciousness individually and collectively.

Not everyone is ready for 5D reality. It requires higher consciousness than most third-dimensional people can comprehend. It’s frustrating to explain the new reality to those stuck in old ways of thinking, but everyone is on their own path and at their own pace.

Instead of trying to persuade change-resistant people, we must evolve ourselves. Change will continue until it arrives. As we raise our vibration and approach the New Earth, we will attract like-minded people.

Show the new reality’s power and beauty by example. As more people wake up, 5D will become more real. We must welcome this time of change and growth.

Mass awakenings are unmatched. It frees us from money slavery and oppression. Only a mass awakening can defeat the criminal Deep State cabal and secure our future.

We can’t miss this chance. We must unite to awaken the masses and get enough people on board to make a difference. One awakened person can wake up another, and if we work together, we can reach critical mass to make real change.

To ensure a successful transition, at least 70% of the population must awaken and participate. With this level of participation, we can change the world without the chaos and complications of massive social shifts.

Earth is at a turning point. The global elite’s selfishness has wrecked our planet and society for too long. They’ve polluted our environment, rigged elections, and exploited people. As their true nature is revealed and the people rebel, their days are numbered.

The oppressors who caused so much suffering will be overthrown. Cheaters and enslavers will lose their power. Mother Earth will give her children everything they need to succeed.

When greed and fear are replaced by compassion and love, abundance and prosperity will reign. Our world will change when scarcity ends and true prosperity begins.

It’s a time of upheaval and hope. Though the road ahead is difficult, the light at the end is worth fighting for. Let’s embrace change and build a better world.

Civilization is at stake. We have a brief window to escape the Deep State mafia and their destructive plans for humanity. The cabal must fall or the people must awaken to win the war. Time will reveal the path.

The world must realize the truth now or never. The New World Order is a ruse to destroy humanity by global powers. Corporate media lies endanger us all. The mainstream media supports the political agenda that will destroy civilization and humanity, not journalism.

See the truth. We must act now to save our civilization and our descendants.

Currency revaluation will change the financial system. For the first time, sovereign currencies will be gold- or asset-backed, providing much-needed security and value. Fixed exchange rates will end speculative trading and restore global market trust.

The Galactic Alliance defeated the Deep State’s Central Banking System. The QFS (Quantum Financial System) will end financial corruption and manipulation.

Many don’t realize that the QFS was created as a backup system to prepare for the Central Bank’s debt money system takeover. This would end fraudulent financial practices that enslave and control the population.

The Galactic Alliance’s QFS activation is a major step toward ending the Deep State’s control over the global economy. The QFS will create a debt-free, secure financial system. Financial manipulations will end.

Some cannot comprehend this new reality. Third-dimensionalists cannot comprehend the new 5D reality. They’re oblivious to the change around them.

The new reality is clear to those who have raised their consciousness and tuned into the higher frequency that leads to the New Earth. The world is changing, people are waking up, and love and compassion are replacing fear and hate.

Arguing with traditionalists is pointless. They cannot accept the truth. Instead, focus on those who are conscious and work together to create the new world.

As change continues, more people will accept the new reality. They will see the world differently and realize that the wheel will keep turning until it reaches its destination. That destination is a world of peace, love, and harmony where everyone can live fully.

Dear friends, we must rise up and act. We can no longer watch the world crumble under injustice and inequality. We must join forces to improve the future.

I’m burning with the desire to change the world. I know I’m not alone. Everyone can change the world and make it more fair and just.

It’ll be hard. The forces that seek to maintain the status quo are strong and will fight tooth and nail to prevent us from achieving our goals. They will use every tactic to divide us and make us think our struggles are different.

We’re wiser. We understand that racial, economic, environmental, and social justice are interconnected. To build a world where everyone succeeds, we must collaborate.

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1 thought on “ONLY 30% of Humanity Will Be Able to ENTER The 5th Dimension”

  1. This is very uplifting I love what you’re saying, such inencouragement words that leaves me uplifted. Thank you for all that you do. Peace be with you

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