Numerology of Number Patterns and 11:11

By Tanaaz

Have you been seeing repeated number patterns like 11:11 or 3:33? 

Seeing repeated number patterns has long been associated with the Divine and numerologists and intuitives alike have come to understand their significance.

Usually seeing these number sequences repeatedly is a message that you are in sync with the Universe and are receiving some type of intuitive guidance or support from your spirit guides.

Numbers carry their own specific and unique vibration and from this, numerologists have been able to determine what message the Universe may be trying to communicate to you based on what number sequences you are seeing.

When you see three numbers in a row such as 222, this is a potent sign that you are aligned with the Universe and co-creating in both mind, body and spirit. In Numerology, the number 3 is associated with the vibration of creation and is a powerful place of manifestation and abundance.

11:11 is probably one of the most famous number sequences and many believe it is a message of awakening. When you see 11:11, especially repeatedly, it is a sign from the Universe that you are having a spiritual awakening and opening up to the divine potential that lives within you.

Seeing 11:11 is a beautiful reminder that you are aligned with your purpose and destiny and are being supported and guided.

Here is a numerological guide on what each 3 digit-number code means:

111: carries the vibration of new beginnings and new starts. When you see this number pattern, know that you are being supported by the Universe to take action and make a change. Follow your intuition and make the appropriate steps to start a new cycle in your life. It is also a positive sign if you are looking to start a family or launch a new business.

222: carries the vibration of love and acceptance. When you see this number pattern, know that you are being called to honor your heart and to express your deepest emotions. It can also be a gentle reminder from the Universe to open yourself up in your relationships and to practice forgiveness. Just don’t forget to also spend quality time loving and honoring yourself.

333: carries the vibration of creation and emotion. When you see this number pattern, know that you are being supported in all areas of your mind, body and soul to co-create and manifest with the Divine. It is time to express and open yourself to the world around you so you can tap into your potential and explore new parts of your self.

444: carries the vibration of hopes and dreams. When you see this number pattern, know that you can achieve anything and are on the right path. Begin laying the ground work for all your greatest visions and trust and believe in yourself in order to follow through. Seeing this sequence can also indicate that financial abundance is on the way.

555: carries the vibration of change and letting go. When you see this number pattern, know that you are being supported by the Universe to let go of all that does not serve you to make way for the new and positive changes in your life. Be open and accept the new opportunities that present themselves to you at this time.

666: carries the vibration of ego and fear. When you see this number pattern, know that you have taken your focus away from the beautiful abundant Universe and into a place of fear and lack. Seeing this number sequence often has a negative connotation, but it is not to be feared. Actually, seeing this sequence is a reminder to step out of fear and into the light. Trust that all your needs will be met and try to focus on the beauty and abundance that is all around you.

777: carries the vibration of intuition and  feelings. When you see this number pattern, know that you are on the right track and can trust and follow through with your hunches or feelings, even if you don’t have logical evidence to back it up. This can also be a reminder to trust yourself and not allow the feelings or thoughts of others to sway your decision. Take the time now to mediate or work with your guides to clearer about how you really feel.

888: carries the vibration of growth and transformation. When you see this number pattern, know that you have just moved through a cycle of change and are now coming out the other side with a new-found lease on life! Your strength may of been tested recently, but seeing this number sequence is a beautiful reminder that you have done the work and now you are about to receive the reward.

999: carries the vibration of clarity and emptiness. When you see this number pattern, you are being asked to empty your thoughts and mind in order to get clear about how you want to proceed. Emptiness can sometimes feel scary, but really it is about clearing out the old and repetitive thoughts and making way for space. This is powerful because space holds new potential and the opportunity to start fresh and re-work the things that are no longer serving you. Seeing this number sequence also indicates that a teacher is on the way, or there is some spiritual lesson that you need to acquire.

Learning to decipher these number codes can not only help your expand and grow in awareness but it can also offer validation to your intuition.

The next time you see a repeated number code, see if the numerological energy matches up with what you are feeling.

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