Comments on: November Ascension Energy Update: A Powerful Shift Just Happened! In Devotion of Light Thu, 03 Aug 2023 03:02:07 +0000 hourly 1 By: John Bayden Thu, 17 Nov 2022 22:14:28 +0000 DNA Awakening has been a tremendousl informative guide the past few years while navigating this massive and transformative change we’ve all embached upon. Something in our souls and consciousness linked and cried out for change. The unsustainable madness had and has to cease. DNA Awakening answered the call to inform us that we are not mad or wrong, in fact, those of us that awakened early were required to be awake. That still didn’t comfort the journey much. It was necessary to traverse the dimensions steadily as the majority were still in hypersleep. Along came covid 19 just as my marriage separation was in full effect and we had sold our family home. We moved to a rental to sort out our belongings before going our own ways. The lockdowns prevented me from leaving and I stayed on all of 2020 and until early February 2021. The journey since that time of crazy politics demonstrating sheer madness awoke so many more souls. The demonstrations waned as political pressure on an invisible enemy eased.. What now we wonders!! More war instead to keep us in fear. The flavor of your messages have matured with us and I continue to tap in on your information to assist this intense and massive journey.
What comes next is not so important as living now in my heart. The compassion that is developing with me is way beyond some time ago. My conscious processes are so much more peaceful and I’m embracing insecurity, anxiety and suffering for the first tme. It is freeing. I look forward to more expansion of loving and living more effectively in the new world that is emerging. I thank you for your support as we enter this new age

By: Clarity Wed, 16 Nov 2022 20:47:32 +0000 Yes
