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Next Mercury Retrograde Coming Up On March 5th – No Need To Make A Fuss

By Conscious Reminder

On the 5th of March, 2019, the planet Mercury is going retrograde. The retrograde of the planet Mercury will really only describe the moment when Mercury passes the planet Earth while it rotates around our Sun.

There will be other planets going retrograde as well, but this particular one will be the most noticeable. When we look at the retrograde from our own perspective, it seems as Mercury moves backward. Although this is just an illusion, the effects of the retrograde of Mercury are anything else but that.

This phenomenon occurs three or maybe four times in one year, and usually, it is known to have an impact on everything from communication, to technology, to travel.

So, during this period, we should expect communication problems, computer glitches, canceled flights, paperwork snafus, broken contracts, or anything else which could leave us – and others around us – little cranky.

This year is expected to be quite a dynamic one, and retrogrades are not going to be different; on the 5th of March, the retrograde of the planet Mercury in the sign of Pisces is going to make itself well-known.

With a lot of energies that compete for dominance at the time of retrogrades, it will be more important to trust in ourselves than ever before. Also, when we hold on something but it does not serve us anymore, these retrogrades can be the real opportunity for us to turn our world head over heels.

At the time of the retrograde of Mercury, which is going to last until the 28th of March, we can follow AstroTwins’ advice, who recommends utilizing the prefix ‘re-’ in order to make this retrograde the best. Review, reunite, reconnect, and research:


Astrologers are saying this regularly, but making some time for reviews of our lives will be fundamental in living a cosmically and internationally juicy life. We should not skip this first step at the time of the retrograde. And, we should not be concerned when our plans for life change. Some adjustments may be needed too.


Another important thing would be to escape hive-minds, particularly this retrograde during which communication will be fraught with problems. However, we should not feel afraid to lean into the community and reach out. Reuniting with our old friends or missed connections may help us in our review and also in our quest to connect with our true self once again.


With ourselves, with our life, with our most desired halter top which make us look like the younger version of Jennifer Aniston. So, what is the thing that we miss most at the moment? What would we like to work on? Or, what do we have to accept or stop trying in order to change something?


Every one of us knows that growth and learning are required so that we can bloom. However, it can be hard sometimes. And we get that too. After we were working all day long, or we went to school and generally observed some other obligations we had, the only thing that we feel that we can do is anything that is hard.

However, researching how we can accomplish our purposes and enrich our own lives will be good stuff. It will be the stuff which is going to make us observe our life once again with pride. We should ask ourselves: How do we feed our soul and brain?

We also have to remember that the retrograde of the planet Mercury will not be the end of this world. It will only be negative just as we observe it actually to be. We should play to our strengths, and surrender to our truth. Frequently, two steps ahead and one back will be more than sufficient.

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