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” NEW Earth Is NOW Experiencing A Massive Ascension Energies! – CAN YOU FEEL IT?

Greetings heavenly ones, and welcome to DNA AWAKENING.

Planet earth is currently undergoing an ascension wave, and as the white flame, the divine mother flame, and the fire of purity have been totally rooted in and even emancipated, we must perceive that the old planet is falling at an alarmingly quick pace.

These are exciting times, and so much is coming up that needs to be shared at present.
Contradicting energies will be developing at the same moment. Being mindful of how you feel and respond to them is crucial as you have the holy God power and are totally capable of adjusting the vibrations to a higher octave. It’s part of your code, your goal and journey as you are given and this is your gift.

New discoveries for many of the Light Bearers, as your heart soul will be blossoming with a new depth of beauty, magic and sensitivity. The freedom Soul codes will be stimulating profound discharge of emotions and sluggish energy. Old difficulties may emerge that you thought you previously had dealt with. This cleaning and releasing will make room for the new energies and the Love power to manifest in you. The heart strings of love and yearning to have ties to family, friends and soul star family will also be engaged and felt.

Caution should be taken since these full moon eclipses are supercharged full moons and have impacts over a longer length of time—weeks, months and even years. These energies will be offering you glimpses of the future. Everything will be magnified by intense latent emotions; highs and lows in relationship insights may arise and improve sensitivity, wonderful healings and new friendships. Ascension symptoms are a blend of numerous energies, including heavenly solar, interdimensional, galactic, soul awakening, Earth energies and vibrations.

As a result, extraordinarily deep soul memory banks, whether from this 3d incarnation or previous lifetimes, are now accessible. that needs to be forgiven and released in order for you to be free and for others to be free as well.
We now have a window of opportunity to entirely detach ourselves from the 3D matrix and release ourselves from its chains. That is precisely what I did, and there were even wires that were eliminated as a consequence.

This matrix was connected to your cranial area, and because the alta major chakra has now been totally awakened again, it has the power to request that the prior matrix programming and control boxes from Atlantis be permanently removed from your body. They have the look of microchips and are round. Tenticles have a propensity to travel down the spine, clogging it up and extending into the neck area. As a consequence, it cleanses the chakra in the throat as well.

It is recovering the power of free speech and, more crucially, the ability to stand entirely in your own soul power and, more importantly, to declare and live your deepest truth in the name of love and compassion.
When this is gone, you will be able to grow much more quickly towards oneness awareness, harmony, and wholeness, as the separative programming of Atlantis, as well as whatever was formed after Atlantis, will be fully wiped from your subconscious.

You have the capacity to choose and exercise your free will.
Once we begin to integrate it into our energy fields, we are carrying the flames of purity within us, as well as the fires of unconditional love and other types of pure love.
It is extremely crucial at this time to be conscious of whatever it is that is holding you back, in whatever form it may take, and to pay special attention to your base, sacral, navel, solar plexus, and heart chakras.

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2 thoughts on “” NEW Earth Is NOW Experiencing A Massive Ascension Energies! – CAN YOU FEEL IT?”

  1. I’ve known this was coming since 1971. I was afraid of letting anyone know about it because they’d think I was crazy. Much was explained to me in my NDE. I had no words to explain what I had learned telepathically. Then I found that many already knew about it.
    Thank you for your enlightening site.

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