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Message From The 9d Arcturian Council, February 8, 2022!

Everyone wants to avoid a new conflict, and it is heartening to see how quickly that desire for peace is spreading in response to recent events in Ukraine. There is hope for the Russians because they are not losing face because of their efforts since they are bringing some sense of tranquility to the situation. Global cooperation to broker peace accords is on the horizon, as evidenced by the increasing presence of peace on Earth. In any event, the people have spoken, and the powers-that-be will have no choice but to respond or risk losing their credibility. The Alliance of Planets is eagerly anticipating this development so that they can safely reveal themselves to the people of Earth. A brighter future awaits, one that is full of positive shifts that will hasten the use of new technologies.

If possible, you should avoid worrying about the future since your destiny is to live in a world where there is peace. Multiple viruses have infected you, and the symptoms you’ve been dealing with are now subsiding. Life may be lived as normally as possible while coping with and regulating the long-term impacts of HIV infection. It has been likened to the flu, which tends to be more prevalent in the winter months. Individuals can only accept freedom restrictions to a certain extent, and that seems to be where we are now. Some nations have certainly been able to loosen their regulations, allowing for a modicum of normalcy to return. It’ll make them feel better and give them hope that the worst is behind them.

No doubt, the entire drama has given humanity the opportunity to reflect on how it has been living and to pinpoint specific parts that have revealed your shortcomings. Humanity It’s like the “home cleaning” you do at the end of the winter to get your house ready for the better times ahead. When it comes to planning, the weather is certainly a factor, and it can be rather turbulent at times. In time, it will become more acceptable, “gentle,” and more pleasing to all parties involved. Even the natural world is having to adjust to the new conditions. A similar occurrence has occurred earlier owing to a variety of factors, but not to the same degree as now. As your vibrations rise and Mother Earth influences your seasons, so too does this.

It is a laudable goal to aid in the establishment of world peace, but this goal can only be realized via cooperation among nations. As a matter of fact, the goal must be achieved as quickly as possible, and the lower frequencies must be left behind. Those who are unable or unwilling to raise their vibrations will be guided to a suitable planet where they may begin a new trip back home, and they will not be left alone. This is the most equitable approach to take since it allows all parties involved to continue to the next level of their development. When you’re ready, you’ll automatically go to a new level. There’s no need to wait till you’re ready.

For the most part, old spirits on this planet have a better sense of what is going on around them. They are best equipped to assist people who lack the necessary skills or expertise. Using this technique has assisted countless spirits who may otherwise have been stuck in the lower echelons to progress to the next level. As soon as the soul has demonstrated that it is making progress, it is accompanied by the advice it needs to succeed. Keep in mind that you are never alone and that aid is always at hand if you call for it. As you progress through the ranks, this strategy will become more and more frequent. When you let Spirit know you’re ready to learn more, it’s not uncommon for new individuals to enter your life.

Who will benefit from this, and where do you see yourself in the future? At this moment, you have every potential to study more and ascend to Ascension since there is nothing to stop you. For the first time in a long, long time, the conditions have presented a wide range of possibilities for advancement. There’s no reason why you can’t succeed if you put your mind to the work at hand. Distractions abound, and the Evil Ones will use every trick and trickery at their disposal to keep you from reaching your destination. Make sure you’re aware of any ploys to deceive and adhere to your game plan when possibilities present themselves. You’re safe, but you should always be on the lookout for anything that could come your way.

Be patient, since we’ve built an image for you that, as you go forward, promises to become a reality. You and others like you have earned the potential to develop even further because of your devotion to learning from your experiences. How far away it is depends a lot on you and those like you. However, once the dark ones’ strength has been reduced, things should move along much more quickly. In the end, you’ll be able to look back and say, “Wow, what an adventure!”

Because you’re destined to join the ranks of the ascended, you have a bright future ahead of you. To secure your success, rely on those spirits who accompany you, guide you, and defend you. They understand what you’re going through since they’ve previously gone through it themselves. You could sense them while you’re alone, and they can easily speak with you when you’re alone. Your inner voice is often there to help you, but it will not change your decisions because you are ultimately in charge of them.

The higher your frequency, the more likely you are to attract like-minded others, and this is how new organizations are established. There is little doubt that people with similar hobbies tend to form close friendships. A companion who is on your level and willing to share their experiences may already exist, but the exact opposite situation might also present an opportunity for growth. It’s true that opposites attract, but keep in mind that this was part of your life purpose before you came to Earth.

I bid you farewell with love and blessings, and I pray that the light guides you on your journey.

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1 thought on “Message From The 9d Arcturian Council, February 8, 2022!”

  1. 다강ㄹ 5차원 세상이 정말로 우리곁에왔음을 감사합니다🙏전세계고통받고 지친사람들과 평화와안식을 행복과번영을 함께할수있게 해주신 창조주하나님과 천사분들 우주인들께 기도합니다^^
    오랜기다림에도 용기를잃치않은 이유입니다 아멘🙏🙏

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