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Mercury Retrograde, February 16th to March 9th, 2020 ~ Awaken NOW

The entire cycle of Mercury Retrograde begins February 2nd 2020 and ends March 29th, 2020 ~  the cycle includes Mercury going Direct then Retrograde then direct again over the same degrees of the Retrograde. This includes 12 degrees Pisces to 28 degrees Aquarius.

On February 16th to March 9th, we experience the Retrograde aspect which is in Pisces and involves some challenging aspects to the Moon. This period of experience it becomes more and more paramount to be present in the moment, through the heart. Slowing everything down helps ONE to be more present and to consciously be aware of communication.

First and foremost communication with oneself and Eternal Being and then with others. Being gentle with yourself and slowing down is PART of SELF LOVE.

Through the entire process the shadow periods and the Retrograde periods, directly impact consciousness and every persons awareness uniquely. This is based on the Blueprint, life plan and current level of awareness.

The higher the level of awareness the higher STATES of being present through the heart the greater also the DIVINE PRESENCE becomes fully the embodiment of the eternal Self.

This eternal self is the PURE Original Light and Divine Love that flows and holds all moments as ONE. This is the state of the Divine Master of Form.

Entering fully into Mercury Retrograde we have the grand opportunity to see for ourselves where we are at. That is, if we are present in our heart of focusing on the world of time, of getting more for the future. Or living fully NOW through our Divine Presence.

This is always a great opportunity for advancement of awareness into MORE AND MORE NOW.

Always through your heart which is the only ETERNAL DIVINE PORTAL.

Through your Heart we activate all of this NOW.

Eternity is HERE NOW.

The Divine Presence is the HEAVEN ON Earth and through this the LOVE we activate you NOW!

source : L’Aura Pleiadian

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