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Lion’s Gate Portal on August 8: All you need to know!

The Lion’s Gate Portal is a cosmic event that occurs every year between July 28 and August 12 and peaks on August 8 (8/8). when the sun is in the zodiac sign of Leo and aligns with Sirius, the brightest star in the night sky. This alignment creates a powerful influx of solar and stellar energy that can activate our intuition, creativity, and manifestation abilities. The Lion’s Gate Portal is also associated with the number 8, which represents infinity, abundance, and karmic balance. But what is it exactly, and how can you make the most of its energies? Here is all you need to know about this special day:

Lions Gate 8:8 Portal and Initiation

The Lion’s Gate Portal is a term used to describe the alignment of the sun in Leo, the Earth, Orion’s Belt, and the star Sirius. This alignment is activated by the rising of Sirius, which is the brightest star in the night sky and also known as the Spiritual Sun. Sirius is associated with abundance, wisdom, and spiritual awakening.

The reason why this portal is called the Lion’s Gate is because it happens during Leo season, when the sun is in the sign of Leo. Sun-ruled Leo is a symbol of originality, bravery, passion, and self-expression. Leo also symbolizes the lion, which is a powerful animal that embodies leadership, confidence, and sovereignty.

The date 8/8 also has a numerological significance, as 8 is the number of infinity, abundance, and manifestation. When turned sideways, 8 represents the symbol for eternity and infinite possibilities. The repetition of 8 amplifies its energy and creates a portal or gateway for higher frequencies to enter our reality.

The peak of the Lion’s Gate Portal is on August 8, or 8/8, which is considered a master number in numerology. This date amplifies the energy of the portal and invites us to align with our highest potential and purpose. Some people believe that the Lion’s Gate Portal is an initiation into a higher level of consciousness and spiritual awakening. To access this initiation, we need to be open to receiving the guidance and messages that come through the portal.

What are the benefits of the Lion’s Gate Portal?

The sun is the natural ruler of Leo, the sign of the lion, courage, creativity, and self-expression. When the sun enters Leo, it boosts our confidence, vitality, and joy. The sun also represents our soul and identity, so this is a time to shine our light and share our gifts with the world. The sun in Leo also increases the infusions of solar fire energy that come through the Lion’s Gate Portal. This fire energy can help us burn away any fears, doubts, or blocks that prevent us from living our true selves.

The Lion’s Gate Portal is considered to be a time of great opportunity and potential for manifestation. It is a time when we can align ourselves with our highest purpose and vision and attract more abundance, joy, and fulfillment into our lives. It is also a time when we can access higher levels of consciousness and intuition and receive guidance and inspiration from our spiritual guides and higher selves.

The Lion’s Gate Portal is a great opportunity to change our personal energy flows and align them with our highest good. This means clearing any negative or stagnant energy from our physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies. We can do this by meditating, journaling, doing yoga, spending time in nature, or using crystals, sound, or aromatherapy. We can also ask for assistance from our guides, angels, or ancestors to help us cleanse and heal our energy fields.

One of the benefits of the Lion’s Gate Portal is that it helps us shift into a 5D, heart-centered mindset. This means living from a place of love, compassion, gratitude, and unity. A 5D mindset transcends the limitations of 3D reality, such as fear, separation, scarcity, and duality. Instead, it embraces the infinite possibilities of 5D reality, such as abundance, joy, harmony, and co-creation. To access this mindset, we need to activate our heart chakra and connect with our inner wisdom and divine guidance.

How can you use the Lion’s Gate Portal for manifestation?

The Lion’s Gate Portal is a perfect time to practice manifestation, which is the art of creating your reality with your thoughts, feelings, beliefs, and actions. Manifestation works best when you are clear about what you want, why you want it, and how you will feel when you have it. It also requires that you trust in the process, let go of attachment to the outcome, and take inspired action towards your goals.

Here are some steps you can follow to use the Lion’s Gate Portal for manifestation:

  1. Set your intention. Write down what you want to manifest in your life in present tense, as if you already have it. Be specific, positive, and realistic. For example: “I am living in my dream home with my loving partner” or “I am running a successful online business that helps people”.
  2. Visualize your desired outcome. Close your eyes and imagine yourself living your intention as vividly as possible. Use all your senses to make it feel real. See yourself happy, fulfilled, and grateful. Feel the emotions that come with having what you want.
  3. Affirm your intention. Repeat your intention out loud or in your mind several times with conviction and enthusiasm. You can also use affirmations that support your intention, such as “I am worthy of receiving abundance” or “I am attracting my soulmate”.
  4. Express gratitude. Thank the universe, God, or your higher power for granting your intention. Feel appreciation for what you have now and what you are about to receive. You can also write down a list of things you are grateful for in your life.
  5. Take action. Follow any guidance or inspiration that comes to you regarding your intention. Take steps that move you closer to your goal. Be open to opportunities and possibilities that show up along the way. Trust that everything is working out for your highest good.
  6. Surrender and detach. Release any doubts, fears, or worries that may arise about your intention. Let go of any expectations or attachments to how or when it will manifest. Trust that the universe has your back and will deliver what you want at the right time and in the right way.

The Lion’s Gate Portal is a powerful time to tap into our inner lion and unleash our creative potential. It is also a time to align with our soul purpose and manifest our dreams into reality. By opening ourselves to the solar and stellar energy that comes through the portal, we can experience a transformation in our consciousness and energy flows. We can also shift into a 5D, heart-centered mindset that allows us to live from a place of love and joy.

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4 thoughts on “Lion’s Gate Portal on August 8: All you need to know!”

  1. I am so grateful for this reminder! This keeps me abreast of what is going on in the cosmos which we all need to be aware. Therefore, we can take the opportunity to get the most out the situation at hand 🌹

  2. Thank you, for this important information. I plan on putting it, to good, use, come the 8th. Here’s to great outcomes. Be assured, of love, and higher consciousness, as all, of us move forward.

  3. “A 5D mindset transcends the limitations of 3D reality, such as fear, separation, scarcity, and duality. Instead, it embraces the infinite possibilities of 5D reality, such as abundance, joy, harmony, and co-creation. To access this mindset, we need to activate our heart chakra and connect with our inner wisdom and divine guidance.” (imo, “become like a little child”…)

  4. I am watching a video something big is up. People are hearing loud rambling noise like low machinery. And also people are feeling weird and disturbing, sucking their energy out and different symptoms.

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