It is true that the calendar year begins on January 1, but the solar year begins in March with the Spring Equinox, so if you aren’t feeling the excitement of the new year, don’t worry. We have a lot of energy to process from 2021 this month, as well as some old cycles coming to an end and new cycles beginning. Prepare yourself for a busy month and a busy start to the new year.
We begin the new year with a 6 vibration, which is considerably more relaxed and serene than the uneasy 5 vibration of the previous year. However, this is not your typical 6 since it is derived from the 2+2+2 combination, which occurs only once per millennium, and it emphasizes one of the major themes of this year, which is energy congruence and divine harmony. Resonance, sameness, and balance are all represented by the number 2, which represents a pair or a couple of things that go together. The fact that this month is a one-month month gives us the vibration of the number seven, which represents spirituality, reflection, and the creation of internal harmony.
The 7 vibrations provide us with the insight and strength to sift out distractions, causes of confusion, and things that do not help us go ahead. And, as the first month of the new year approaches, it’s a good time to start thinking about who and what you want to accompany you in the new year, as well as how you want your year to present itself in various ways.
The shifting sign of the lunar node on January 19 is one of the most significant energy shifts in January. Now, this is significant because it occurs every two years and in cycles of 19 years or more. We must look at the dates of April 2003, when the previous lunar node in the Taurus cycle began, and August 2012, when the lunar node moved into Scorpio, in order to make this determination. Everyone was expecting the world to come to an end on December 12, 2012. However, it appears that everyone was wrong and that the great 12–12–12 date turned out to be nothing more than a coincidence.
Was it, however, the case? No, I don’t believe so.
It marked the beginning, rather than the conclusion, of a massive transformation cycle that would culminate in 2021, nine years later. And we are currently in the middle of that cycle, which coincides with the lunar nodes and the extremely significant Pluto returns in the United States and across the world in February. In the 2022 Predictions Report, there is further information about this.
The month of January begins with a continuing Venus retrograde that began in December and will make three connections with Pluto throughout the course of the retrograde, which will continue until March. We also have a Mercury retrograde from January 14 to February 3, which will also be conjunct Pluto, and Mars will be in Capricorn later this month, joining up with the other personal planets, Mercury and Venus, to form a conjunction with Pluto later in the month.
As you may recall, in my October and November 2021 energy reports, I compared Mars and Mercury to Batman and Robin, and Venus to Wonder Woman, as they all stood up to Pluto in 2021, and I compared Pluto to Superman. The same energies are present in January and February, and they all occur at the same time. Like David and Goliath, this is a time of “people’s power,” and we all know who came out on top (hint: if you don’t know who it was, it was David).
Jupiter in Pisces provides another significant energy boost this month, and it is in this sign that Jupiter feels most at ease, as Jupiter has been the traditional ruler of Pisces since before Neptune was discovered in 1846, which occurred just before the previous Jupiter/Neptune conjunction. Jupiter in Pisces cycles are extremely spiritually significant because they provide us with increased awareness and the ability to see new possibilities. Moreover, they are a source of blessing, although keep in mind that this is a somewhat subjective concept. A Jupiter blessing might be the result of a life-altering incident that occurred in order for something else to become accessible to you. It is important not to assume that blessings are solely associated with “positive” things, because blessings might be associated with situations and occurrences that you only understand as blessings after the dust has fallen and the commotion has subsided.
There is a great deal of spiritual support available to us right now, and we could use all of the assistance we can receive. Certainly, things are horrible, and there is a great deal of pressure on us, but we have the light on our side, and we have the numbers on our side as well.
In addition, we will see another iteration of the Saturn/Uranus square in early January, and Uranus will go direct around January 15th, after which it will proceed ahead until late August. Saturn and Uranus are both in their retrograde phases right now. It is likely that we will have a few more Saturn/Uranus squares this year, which means that the energy that was a major theme of 2021 will continue to be present, which is a good thing because it is one of the reasons that we are aware of the tyranny occurring around the world and why it is occurring in such a public forum.
Twenty-first century energy sovereignty brought us a harsh awakening when we found that it was not going to be an easy trip or a “done for you” procedure as we had expected. Our energetic sovereignty was attacked at every step of the road, and the more we connected with it, both personally and collectively, the more we were faced with tyranny and abuses of power, as we discovered. But we have the upper hand and the numbers on our side, so don’t give up just because things aren’t going our way right now.
The subject for January is discernment, and January is an appropriate month to focus on it. Why is this month called after the Roman deity Janus, who was literally two-faced, able to see both the past and the future? When I was younger, calling someone two-faced was considered an insult; it implied that they were kind to your face but then spoke negatively about you behind your back.
Separate, differentiate, distinguish, and discriminate are all definitions of the term discern. When we apply discernment, we examine individuals, circumstances, and events first and foremost in terms of how they fit or align with ourselves, our path, and our energy before moving on. We examine the intentions, objectives, purposes, and meanings of those involved. If we are considering embarking on new healing paths, taking on new responsibilities, or committing to new obligations, we weigh the cost of doing so against the benefits of doing so. We consider whether this is something we want to do and whether it is an asset to our overall intention and energy potential, or whether it is a liability that will sap our joy, peace of mind, and peace of heart.
It’s a suitable start to a year in which self-idetion is a prominent topic and in which we must put ourselves first and carefully examine every circumstance we encounter before jumping in and handing over our power, energy, and light to others. This doesn’t mean we can’t be helpful and supportive; it just means we can’t do so at the expense of our own happiness.
In this time and place, the Martyred Healer is no longer needed, and we must instead embody Christed Awareness, our own 5D paradigm of heaven on earth, where there is no room for things that drain us of our light and energy and give us suffering. Please accept my greetings and bid adieu to the days of suffering and assuming responsibility for others’ troubles. A savior or saving the planet is not required; instead, inspiration, encouragement, and daring objectives with strong energy limits are required for the world to survive.
On the second of January, we will have a new moon in Capricorn, which will have many links to the personal planets and will bring the Saturn/Uranus square energy into sharper focus. The full moon on January 17 shines directly on Pluto, shedding extra light on the planet’s upcoming visit to the United States in February. In addition, the full moon on February 16 is at 28 Leo, the same degree as the huge eclipse in August 2017, known as the Great American Eclipse, which will occur just in time for the precise US Pluto return on March 20. There will be lots more fun and excitement in the future! Keep your wits about you and remember to set forceful, bold, and strong intentions while maintaining a high level of energy.
It is likely that you will notice significant energy shifts this month, which are preparing us for the critically crucial exact US Pluto return next month, which is also a worldwide event. From 1762 to 1778, Pluto was in Capricorn, heralding a period of social transformation that featured the notion of individual sovereignty—the unwillingness to be subservient to the monarchy.
With Mercury in retrograde, double-check all communications, allow additional time for travel, prepare for delays, pay attention to where you place things, and double-check before signing anything. You should also anticipate having to redo a few things during this time period. Venus is also retrograde at the moment, so this applies twice as much, and you may receive some surprises from old friends or lovers, invitations to re-do relationships, or the knowledge you require to recognize that it is really time to leave a relationship. Venus is retrograde at the moment.
Although I believe that making new year’s resolutions and taking a large, bold stride forward at the start of the year is a good idea, I do not believe that this is always the best plan. While January is often seen as a month of new beginnings, we must also consider what must come to an end in order for new beginnings to be possible. If you’re feeling uninspired and unmotivated right now, consider that it’s possible that it’s not the beginnings that require your attention, but the ends that do.
We have gone through some difficult years that have caused us to make many adjustments. We have lost touch with and connection with family and friends, and every area of our lives has been tested in unimaginable ways.
Take advantage of the opportunity if you want some time to regroup right now, since beginnings entail ends, and if you want a fresh, new beginning, you must let the endings occur so that you begin with a new vibe, a clear route, and no regrets over the past.
It’s a huge start to a big year, and if you’re not feeling it right now, keep in mind that it’s the beginning of the calendar year. The solar year officially begins on March 20 with the Spring Equinox, when the Sun enters the sign of Aries for the first time. To commemorate the end of 2021 and the beginning of a new year, be open to great possibilities, maintain strong energy boundaries, and set your intentions for all that is light-filled, cheerful, and satisfying. Have a wonderful month.