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It’s Time to Wake Up! The Federation of Light’s Urgent Message

Greetings, dear ones. We are the Federation of Light, and we have an important message for you. Please read it carefully. It’s time to get up and move!

We have been assisting you in the formation of a Starfleet for Planetary Defense for a considerable amount of time now, working diligently behind the scenes. This is not a scene from a sci-fi or fantasy film; rather, it is happening right in front of your very eyes in real life. You are not alone in this universe, and you do have allies who are willing to stand by your side whenever you may require their assistance.

In addition to being a material representation of your collective power and sovereignty, Starfleet is also a metaphor for the spiritual enlightenment and comprehension that you have attained as a people. You are coming to realize that the fundamental nature of your consciousness is divine and unending. You are recollecting who you are and the reason you are currently located in this location. You are taking back your rightful place as co-creators of this reality and reclaiming your birthright.

You are also bringing an end to the control that the darkness has had over your planet and over your lives. You have been the victims of manipulation, slavery, and oppression at the hands of forces that have not had your best interests at heart for eons. They have kept you in a state of ignorance and disconnection by resorting to terror, deception, and violence against you. They have made an effort to stop you from realizing your full potential and revealing your authentic self in the process.

But not any longer. You are rising above their influence and breaking free from the chains they have placed around you. By shining your light, you are revealing their darkness. You have made the decision to prioritize love over fear, togetherness over division, and peace over conflict. You are in the process of creating a new world that embodies your most cherished ideals and principles.

And at the same time that you are doing this, you are also getting ready for your physical ascension. Your mission during your time on Earth is to overcome the constraints of the third dimension and advance to higher planes of existence; this is the ultimate objective of your travels. This is not a passing away or an escape; rather, it is a metamorphosis and a new beginning.

Your physical body is undergoing a transformation that will enable it to adjust to the higher frequencies and energies that are currently flooding your planet. This process is currently taking place. You are gaining brilliance, becoming lighter, and becoming more crystalline. You are reawakening your dormant DNA and releasing your dormant abilities at this very moment. You are developing your awareness as well as your intuitive and telepathic abilities.

You are maturing into the next iteration of humans, galactic citizens, and the star beings that you already are at your core.

We are here to rejoice with you, to inspire and support you, and to direct you in the right direction. We are here to reassure you that you are not alone, that you are loved, and that you have the ability to make a difference in this world. We are here to tell you that it is time to get out of bed and face the world!

We are the Federation of Light, and we are grateful that you have taken the time to hear what we have to say.

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10 thoughts on “It’s Time to Wake Up! The Federation of Light’s Urgent Message”

  1. Informative and powerful message 👌I feel uplifting with the good news 🙏Thanks DBA awaking and galactic brothers and sisters. 😍😍🥰🙏🙏

  2. we your galactic family are exhausted at times and in need of hope. We know longer can continue too give away our power too satanic forces. I find it very difficult to keep my vibrations high.

  3. Thank you so much, inspiring and powerful. Thank you so much for helping us through.

    Let’s move through with ease and grace as much as we can and further into THE LIGHT

  4. Dear Galactic Federation Of Light,

    Thank you for bringing through these messages to us, we are truly grateful to you for your continued assistance. Many people are not aware of what you do behind the scenes but more are indeed waking up. I have seen you disabling solar flares uncountable times, flares so large that could destroy Mother Earth and disarming weapons of mass destruction and for this, we, the Lightworkers and Guardians of Earth thank you from our Souls 🙏 There is hope for humanity and levelling up is paramount for this shift in to a new reality, one full of unconditional love, peace and unity.

    Many Blessings to you,

    From a Friend ♥ 🙏

  5. Thank you for this message. #truthisthelight #faithoverfear #godisincontrol #soulmission #spirituallymindeddivinelyguidedsoul #Amen 😊🙏🏾💫

  6. Liebe Sternengeschwister ich liebe Euch und danke Euch für Eure Liebe und und unerschütterlichen Einsatz für uns . Ich umarme Euch in Liebe und freue mich schon jetzt Euch bald begrüßen zu können . Die Ketten der Gefangenschaft sind gesprengt und das Licht der Liebe und Unendlickeit wird sichtbar sein für alle Zeit und Ewigkeit . Ganz liebe Grüße Euer Bruder Sieghard

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